Policy Studies Journal

(The TQCC of Policy Studies Journal is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
A Research Agenda for the Study of Policy Entrepreneurs79
Policy Innovation Adoption Across the Diffusion Life Course30
Adapting to Sea‐Level Rise: Centralization or Decentralization in Polycentric Governance Systems?23
The Pathways of Policy Feedback: How Health Reform Influences Political Efficacy and Participation22
Boundary Spanning Through Engagement of Policy Actors in Multiple Issues21
Diverse Lobbying Coalitions and Influence in Notice‐and‐Comment Rulemaking18
Policy Diffusion Through Multiple Streams: The (Non‐)Adoption of Energy Conservation Building Code in India18
The Advocacy Coalition Index: A new approach for identifying advocacy coalitions17
Policy Learning and Information Processing16
Drivers of (in)equity in collaborative environmental governance16
Policy Change Through Negotiated Agreements: The Case of Greening Swiss Agricultural Policy16
Fines, Fees, Forfeitures, and Disparities: A Link Between Municipal Reliance on Fines and Racial Disparities in Policing15
The Roles of Experts and Expert‐Based Information in the Advocacy Coalition Framework: Conceptual and Empirical Considerations Based on the Acid Mine Drainage Case Study in Gauteng, South Africa15
Advocacy coalitions, beliefs, and learning: An analysis of stability, change, and reinforcement15
Private citizens, stakeholder groups, or governments? Perceived legitimacy and participation in water collaborative governance15
Narrative strategies in a nondemocratic setting: Moscow’s urban policy debates14
The multiple streams framework in a nondemocracy: The infeasibility of a national ban on live poultry sales in China13
How to Explain Major Policy Change Towards Sustainability? Bringing Together the Multiple Streams Framework and the Multilevel Perspective on Socio‐Technical Transitions to Explore the German “Energie13
Does Data Drive Policymaking? A Multiple Streams Perspective on the Relationship Between Indicators and Agenda Setting13
Policy dimension: A new concept to distinguish substance from process in the Narrative Policy Framework12
What Explains Collaboration in High and Low Conflict Contexts? Comparing Climate Change Policy Networks in Four Countries12
Narrative policy images: Intersecting narrative & attention in presidential stories about the environment12
Policy attributes shape climate policy support11
Assessing sustainability through the Institutional Grammar of urban water systems11
Disputed Policy Change: The Role of Events, Policy Learning, and Negotiated Agreements11
Building blocks of polycentric governance11
“Protect the women!” Trans‐exclusionary feminist issue framing and support for transgender rights10
Birds of a Feather Fight Together: Forum Involvement in a Weakly Institutionalized Ecology of Policy Games10
When do decision makers listen (less) to experts? The Swiss government's implementation of scientific advice during the COVID‐19 crisis10
Rules and the Ruled: Understanding Joint Patterns of Institutional Design and Behavior in Complex Governing Arrangements10
Intergovernmental Implementation in a Time of Uncooperative Federalism: Immigration Enforcement and Federal Secure Communities Program, 2011–1410
Measuring design diversity: A new application of Ostrom's rule types10
External drivers of participation in regional collaborative water planning9
What Was the Problem in Parkland? Using Social Media to Measure the Effectiveness of Issue Frames9
Taking perspective of the stories we tell about transgender rights: The narrative policy framework9
Coevolution of Networks and Beliefs in U.S. Environmental Risk Policy9
More than just experts for hire: A conceptualization of the roles of consultants in public policy formulation8
Policy Regime Decay8
Race, representation, and policy attitudes in U.S. public schools7
Linking policy design, change, and outputs: Policy responsiveness in American state electricity policy7
What's the grand story? A macro‐narrative analytical model and the case of Swiss child and adult protection policy7
Feeling Politics: Carceral Contact, Well‐Being, and Participation7
A Political Economy Approach to the Grammar of Institutions: Theory and Methods7
How police agency diversity, policies, and outcomes shape citizen trust and willingness to engage7
Mitigating conflict with collaboration: Reaching negotiated agreement amidst belief divergence in environmental governance7