International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Systems Science-Operations & Logistics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
A robust fuzzy optimisation for a multi-objective pharmaceutical supply chain network design problem considering reliability and delivery time25
An integrated reliable five-level closed-loop supply chain with multi-stage products under quality control and green policies: generalised outer approximation with exact penalty22
Assessing the benefits of horizontal collaboration using an integrated planning model for two-echelon energy efficiency-oriented logistics networks design22
Optimal lot-sizing of an integrated EPQ model with partial backorders and re-workable products: an outer approximation21
An integrated reliable four-level supply chain with multi-stage products under shortage and stochastic constraints17
An integrated lot-sizing policy for the inventory management of constrained multi-level supply chains: null-space method17
Vendor-managed inventory for joint replenishment planning in the integrated qualitative supply chains: generalised benders decomposition under separability approach14
Multi-objective multi-echelon distribution planning for perishable goods supply chain: a case study13
Assessing the preparedness of hospitals facing disasters using the rough set theory: guidelines for more preparedness to cope with the COVID-1913
Hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for optimising a sustainable agricultural supply chain network considering CO 2 emissions and water consumption12
Integrating lean, resilient, and sustainable practices in supply chain network: mathematical modelling and the AUGMECON2 approach12
Greening efforts and deteriorating inventory policies for price-sensitive stock-dependent demand11
Multi-objective robust-stochastic optimisation of relief goods distribution under uncertainty: a real-life case study11
Pricing and service strategies in a dual-channel supply chain under return–refund policy11
G-resilient multi-tier supplier selection and order allocation in food industry: a hybrid methodology10
Robust cooperative planning of relief logistics operations under demand uncertainty: a case study on a possible earthquake in Tehran10
Estimation of fuel consumption and selection of the most carbon-efficient route for cold-chain logistics10
Joint pricing and lot-sizing for a production model under controllable deterioration and carbon emissions9
The return and remanufacturing rates in a multi-stage green supply chain system with rework, variable shipping cost and ordering cost reduction8
Pollution-sensitive integrated production-inventory management for deteriorating items with quality loss and quantity loss with expiration date8
Hybrid bi-objective economic lot scheduling problem with feasible production plan equipped with an efficient adjunct search technique7
Three-echelon supply chain model in an imperfect production system with inspection error, learning effect, and return policy under fuzzy environment7
Corporate social responsibility in a closed-loop supply chain with dual-channel waste recycling7
Nations performance evaluation during SARS-CoV-2 outbreak handling via data envelopment analysis and machine learning methods7
Tax-subsidy or reward-penalty? Determining optimal strategy in sustainable closed-loop supply chain under quality-dependent return6
Joint optimisation of the maintenance and buffer stock policies considering back orders6
Hybrid fleet capacitated vehicle routing problem with flexible Monte–Carlo Tree search5
Profit based unit commitment problem solution using metaheuristic optimisation approach5
Development of public cloud manufacturing markets: a mechanism design approach5
Designing a fully automated and integrated inventory and replenishment system for hospitals5
An integrated approach to joint production planning and reliability-based multi-level preventive maintenance scheduling optimisation for a deteriorating system considering due-date satisfaction5
Solving a heterogeneous fleet multi-compartment vehicle routing problem:a case study5
Analysis of a dual-channel green supply chain game-theoretical model under carbon policy5
A DEA-based simulation-optimisation approach to design a resilience plasma supply chain network: a case study of the COVID-19 outbreak5
Modelling and solving the split-delivery vehicle routing problem, considering loading constraints and spoilage of commodities5
Measuring inventory turnover efficiency using stochastic frontier analysis: building materials and hardware retail chains in Norway5
Assembly flow shop scheduling problem considering machine eligibility restrictions and auxiliary resource constraints4
Heterogeneous fleet vehicle scheduling problems for dynamic pickup and delivery problem with time windows in shared logistics platform: formulation, instances and algorithms4
Optimizing production-inventory replenishment and lead time decisions under a fill rate constraint in a two-echelon sustainable supply chain with quality issues4
Integration of sustainable closed-loop supply chain with reliability and possibility of new product development: a robust fuzzy optimisation model4
Mechanism of the green supply chain profit of building materials considering the duopoly competition model and consumer green preference4
Discounting strategies' effects on a closed-loop dual-channel environmentally friendly supply chain of complementary products under sales effort4
Designing an efficient vaccine supply chain network using a two-phase optimization approach: a case study of COVID-19 vaccine4
Sensitivity analysis of the bullwhip effect in supply chains with time delay4
Improving supply chain resilience through investment in flexibility and innovation4
Coordination and defect management strategy for a two-level supply chain under price and sales effort-sensitive demand4
An optimization model for forklift utilisation and congestion control in cross-docking terminals4
Joint parallel-machine scheduling and maintenance planning optimisation with deterioration, unexpected breakdowns, and condition-based maintenance4
Pricing and greening decisions of a government-subsidised dual-channel closed-loop green supply chain model with price-dependent collection rate4
A solution methodology for a Smart Waste Collection Routing Problem with workload concerns: computational and managerial insights from a real case study4
Pricing and inventory policy for non-instantaneous deteriorating items in vendor-managed inventory systems: a Stackelberg game theory approach3
Optimal control of inventory level for perishable goods with uncertain decay factor and uncertain forecast information: a new robust MPC approach3
Network approach to modelling and analysing failure propagation in high-speed train systems3
Mixing contract-based and on-demand sourcing of transportation services for improved supply chain performance under supply uncertainties3
Impacts of sales mode and recycling mode on a closed-loop supply chain3
Pricing strategies and advance payment-based inventory model with partially backlogged shortages under interval uncertainty3
Supply chain coordination based on mean-variance risk optimisation: pricing, warranty, and full-refund decisions3
The green supply chains’ ordering and pricing competition under carbon emissions regulations of the government3
Supply chain behaviour under carbon regulations: an experimental study with system dynamic simulation3
Decision making in two-layer supply chain with doubt fuzzy set3
Sustainability assessment of renewable energy site location using a combinatorial decision-making model under uncertainty and data reliability3
Uncertain mean-chance model for portfolio selection with multiplicative background risk3
Pricing and quality competition between two substitute products in a closed-loop supply chain3
Decision analysis and coordination in green supply chains with stochastic demand3