Climate Risk Management

(The TQCC of Climate Risk Management is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Mapping the evolution and current trends in climate change adaptation science91
Digital technologies can enhance climate resilience of critical infrastructure87
Improving the effectiveness of agricultural extension services in supporting farmers to adapt to climate change: Insights from northeastern Ghana80
Changing climate risk in the UK: A multi-sectoral analysis using policy-relevant indicators44
Prevalence of household food insecurity in East Africa: Linking food access with climate vulnerability42
Impacts and implications of climate change on wastewater systems: A New Zealand perspective42
Temperature and rainfall impacts on robusta coffee bean characteristics41
The psychological consequences of the ecological crisis: Three new questionnaires to assess eco-anxiety, eco-guilt, and ecological grief41
Climate change-induced disasters and cultural heritage: Optimizing management strategies in Central Europe41
Inventories of extreme weather events and impacts: Implications for loss and damage from and adaptation to climate extremes38
Improving productivity of Australian wheat by adapting sowing date and genotype phenology to future climate36
Farmers’ perceptions and role of institutional arrangements in climate change adaptation: Insights from rainfed Pakistan34
Climate change impacts on peak river flows: Combining national-scale hydrological modelling and probabilistic projections33
Managing extreme weather and climate change in UK agriculture: Impacts, attitudes and action among farmers and stakeholders32
To what extent do weather and climate information services drive the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in Ghana?31
Severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition31
Lessons from COVID-19 for managing transboundary climate risks and building resilience29
Long-term sea-level rise necessitates a commitment to adaptation: A first order assessment27
The importance of different land tenure systems for farmers’ response to climate change: A systematic review27
Global analysis of sea level rise risk to airports26
From moral hazard to risk-response feedback24
Trends in torrential flooding in the Austrian Alps: A combination of climate change, exposure dynamics, and mitigation measures24
Psychological factors and social processes influencing wildfire smoke protective behavior: Insights from a case study in Northern California22
Understanding and responding to climate-driven non-economic loss and damage in the Pacific Islands21
The impact of seasonality and climate variability on livelihood security in the Ecuadorian Andes21
Adaptive water management in the face of uncertainty: Integrating machine learning, groundwater modeling and robust decision making21
Linking disaster risk reduction and human development21
Farmers′ use of climate change adaptation strategies and their impacts on food security in Kenya20
Building climate resilience through nature-based solutions in Europe: A review of enabling knowledge, finance and governance frameworks20
A critical exploration of adaptation heuristics20
Modelling hydrological processes under climate change scenarios in the Jemma sub-basin of upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia20
Complex climate change risk and emerging directions for vulnerability research in Africa20
An assessment of attitudes and perceptions of international university students on climate change19
Multiple adoption of climate-smart agriculture innovation for agricultural sustainability: Empirical evidence from the Upper Blue Nile Highlands of Ethiopia18
Modeling high-resolution climate change impacts on wheat and maize in Italy18
The consideration of future risk trends in national adaptation planning: Conceptual gaps and empirical lessons18
Managed retreats by whom and how? Identifying and delineating governance modalities18
Adoption of combinations of adaptive and mitigatory climate-smart agricultural practices and its impacts on rice yield and income: Empirical evidence from Hubei, China17
A framework for building climate storylines based on downward counterfactuals: The case of the European Union Solidarity fund17
Interactions between two existential threats: COVID-19 and climate change17
The contribution of climate smart interventions to enhance sustainable livelihoods in Chiredzi District17
Adaptive capacity to extreme urban heat: The dynamics of differing narratives17
Towards a deeper understanding of barriers to national climate change adaptation policy: A systematic review16
Understanding the vulnerability, farming strategies and development pathways of smallholder farming systems in Telangana, India16
Assessing small livestock herders’ adaptation to climate variability and its impact on livestock losses and poverty16
Empirical evidence from Bangladesh of assessing climate hazard-related loss and damage and state of adaptive capacity to address them16
Can I move or can I stay? Applying a life course perspective on immobility when facing gradual environmental changes in Morocco16
Understanding farmers’ perception of climate change and adaptation practices in the marshlands of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo16
Climate-induced managed retreat in the U.S.: A review of current research16
Performance of dry and wet spells combined with remote sensing indicators for crop yield prediction in Senegal16
Climate risk to agriculture: A synthesis to define different types of critical moments15
Poorly adapted but nothing to lose? A study on the flood risk – income relationship with a focus on low-income households15
Migration and climate change – The role of social protection15
Evaluating crop management options for sorghum, pearl millet and peanut to minimize risk under the projected midcentury climate scenario for different locations in Senegal15
Hydropower dams, river drought and health effects: A detection and attribution study in the lower Mekong Delta Region15
Contemporary flood risk perceptions in England: Implications for flood risk management foresight14
Temperature-based fire frequency analysis using machine learning: A case of Changsha, China14
Co-producing climate information services with smallholder farmers in the Lower Bengal Delta: How forecast visualization and communication support farmers’ decision-making14
Forecast probability, lead time and farmer decision-making in rice farming systems in Northern Ghana14
Reviewing the nature and pitfalls of multilateral adaptation finance for small island developing states13
Effect of climate smart agriculture technologies on crop yields: Evidence from potato production in Kenya13
Climate change, precipitation shifts and early summer drought: An irrigation tipping point for Finnish farmers?13
Adaptation strategies and land productivity of banana farmers under climate change in China13
Future climate risk to UK agriculture from compound events13
Climate change risk perceptions, facilitating conditions and health risk management intentions: Evidence from farmers in rural China13
Climate impact storylines for assessing socio-economic responses to remote events13
Threshold temperatures for subjective heat stress in urban apartments—Analysing nocturnal bedroom temperatures during a heat wave in Germany13
What role for multi-stakeholder partnerships in adaptation to climate change? Experiences from private sector adaptation in Kenya13
Changes in the risk of extreme temperatures in megacities worldwide12
Revisiting the diversification and insurance relationship: Differences between on– and off-farm strategies12
Cascading effects of sustained low water on inland shipping12
A new framework to quantify maize production risk from chilling injury in Northeast China12
Increased risk of extreme heat to European roads and railways with global warming12
Changes in global heat waves and its socioeconomic exposure in a warmer future12
Climate-driven risks to peace over the 21st century11
Characterization of variability and trends in daily precipitation and temperature extremes in the Horn of Africa11
Rumor has it: The role of social ties and misinformation in evacuation to nearby shelters after disaster11
Regional economic analysis of flood defence heights at the German Baltic Sea coast: A multi-method cost-benefit approach for flood prevention11
Towards drought impact-based forecasting in a multi-hazard context11
Managing climate risk in livestock production in South Africa: How might improved tailored forecasting contribute?11
Household external vulnerability due to climate change in Selangor coast of Malaysia11
Climate and disaster resilience measurement: Persistent gaps in multiple hazards, methods, and practicability11
Distribution modelling and climate change risk assessment strategy for rare Himalayan Galliformes species using archetypal data abundant cohorts for adaptation planning10
Private adaptation to climate risks: Evidence from the world’s largest mining companies10
Scepticism and perceived self-efficacy influence fishers’ low risk perceptions of climate change10
Vulnerability and adaptation to heat waves in preschools: Experiences, impacts and responses by unit heads, educators and parents10
Assessing vulnerability of freshwater minnows in the Gangetic floodplains of India for conservation and management: Anthropogenic or climatic change risk?10
Income and yield effects of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) adoption in flood prone areas of Bangladesh: Farm level evidence10
Towards local-parallel scenarios for climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability10
Is flood resilience planning improving? A longitudinal analysis of networks of plans in Boston and Fort Lauderdale10
Towards a funding mechanism for loss and damage from climate change impacts10
Roadway flooding as a bellwether for household retreat in rural, coastal regions vulnerable to sea-level rise10
He who pays the piper calls the tune: Understanding collaborative governance and climate change adaptation in Northern Ghana9
Towards climate action at farm-level: Distinguishing complements and substitutes among climate-smart agricultural practices (CSAPs) in flood prone areas9
Assessing the risk of climate change to aquaculture: a national-scale case study for the Sultanate of Oman9
Spatio-temporal detection for dengue outbreaks in the Central Region of Malaysia using climatic drivers at mesoscale and synoptic scale9
Climate change risks and financial performance of the electric power sector: Evidence from listed companies in China9
The persuasiveness of gain vs. loss framed messages on farmers’ perceptions and decisions to climate change: A case study in coastal communities of Vietnam9
The feasibility of domestic raintanks contributing to community-oriented urban flood resilience9
Mobile phone technologies for disaster risk reduction9
Climate value at risk and expected shortfall for Bitcoin market9
It depends on the rain: Smallholder farmers’ perceptions on the seasonality of feed gaps and how it affects livestock in semi-arid and arid regions in Southern Africa9