Human Geography

(The TQCC of Human Geography is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
COVID-19: Capitalist and postcapitalist perspectives23
Toward a radical food geography praxis: integrating theory, action, and geographic analysis in pursuit of more equitable and sustainable food systems22
Language is land, land is language: The importance of Indigenous languages21
To die a thousand deaths: COVID-19, racial capitalism, and anti-Black violence20
Endgame: from crisis in neoliberalism to crises of neoliberalism17
Envisioning radical food geographies: shared learning and praxis through the Food Justice Scholar-Activist/Activist-Scholar Community of Practice16
“Because they are connected”: Linking structural inequalities in farmworker organizing15
The history of the land: a relational and place-based approach for teaching (more) radical food geographies11
Pathways to reparations: land and healing through food justice10
Scholar-activist perspectives on radical food geography: collaborating through food justice and food sovereignty praxis9
“D.C. is mambo sauce”: Black cultural production in a gentrifying city9
Conserving what? Conservation easements and environmental justice in the coastal US South9
The Housing Question, ground rent theory, and differentiation vs. homogenization8
Inventing hell: how the Ethiopian and Eritrean regimes produced famine in Tigray7
“Demystifying the Global ‘Just Transition’—On Power Struggles and Electric Mountains7
The rise of “behavioral man”: Randomized controlled trials and the “new” development agenda6
Immanuel Wallerstein, the “modern world-system,” and radical human geography6
Silver linings and wishful thinking? More than human geographies of the coronavirus6
The question of ‘sustainable’ technology: From socio-ecological fixes to transformations6
Rentier capitalism in question6
The double return of Friedrich Engels: Towards a dialectics of the trace5
Mahsa Amini's killing, state violence, and moral policing in Iran5
The containment of COVID-19 is antithetical to the system of US capitalism4
Animating and sustaining outrage: The place of crisis pregnancy centers in abortion justice4
Engels’ ‘proletarisation’ and ‘great towns’ vis-à-vis dispossession, and gendered work in an informal economy4
Massey, Marx, and human geography: disjunctures and provocations4
Antinomies of space and nature or an open totality? Neil Smith and Henri Lefebvre on nature and society4
Veiled futures? Debt burdens, the Belt Road Initiative, and official Chinese lending after coronavirus4
Geographies of nationalism4
Landscape memories of land struggles in plateaus of two Nsukka villages in Nigeria4
Covid-19 and some contours of India’s ongoing agrarian crisis3
From personal responsibility to an eco-socialist state: Political economy, popular discourses and the climate crisis3
The (Im)possibility of Achieving a Peaceful Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict3
Revisiting Engels’ ‘housing question’: Work and housing conditions of immigrant platform delivery riders in Barcelona3
Friedrich Engels and his Contribution to Marxism3
Neoliberal capitalism and misery of small peasantry and agricultural labourers in India3
Presence and absence: Crisis pregnancy centers and abortion facilities in the contemporary reproductive justice landscape3
David Slater: a leading geographical theorist3
Military spending and economic development: A theoretical note3
Introduction: Friedrich Engels and geography3
Attachment to place and territoriality in Nandigram land struggle, India3
Reclaiming provincialism3
The ‘Palestine poster’ and everyday memoricide: Making killing memory mundane3
Historical materialism, social change, and the necessity of revolutionary optimism2
Geographies of ground rent: Periodizing ground rent theory, spatializing ground rent refusal2
Crisis and organizing anti-capitalist consciousness in the aftermath of COVID-192
Existential capitalism and gentrification in pandemic times2
Pandemic transition: Techno-politics and social reproduction struggles2
“Regulatory capture” and “extractive hegemony”: the relevance of Nicos Poulantzas’ theory of the state to contemporary environmental politics in Canada2
Adventures with Marx2
The 2007/08 capitalist crisis evolution in Greece: A geographical political economy perspective2
BDS as the baseline of solidarity: toward a model of co-struggling with Palestinians in their movement for justice and liberation2
Covid-19, capitalism and political elites: The real threat to humanity2
Modernization through capitalization: The hidden costs of Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam and NESTown initiative2
Global food insecurity as a crisis of social reproduction for the classes of labour2
Engels, humanism and revolutionary praxis: The centrality of the dynamic analysis of historical materialism and its inherent relation to overcoming capitalist alienation2
A politics of conviction: The refusal of colonial carcerality in Palestinian graffiti2
Debate on the linkages between large-scale agriculture and farmers food security: Examples from Ethiopia2
Public housing, intersectoral competition, and urban ground rent: Iran’s first public housing program that never was2