Human Geography

(The TQCC of Human Geography is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Language is land, land is language: The importance of Indigenous languages25
Mahsa Amini's killing, state violence, and moral policing in Iran10
The Housing Question, ground rent theory, and differentiation vs. homogenization9
The 2007/08 capitalist crisis evolution in Greece: A geographical political economy perspective9
Inventing hell: how the Ethiopian and Eritrean regimes produced famine in Tigray8
Immanuel Wallerstein, the “modern world-system,” and radical human geography8
“Demystifying the Global ‘Just Transition’—On Power Struggles and Electric Mountains8
The rise of “behavioral man”: Randomized controlled trials and the “new” development agenda7
Geographies of nationalism7
The question of ‘sustainable’ technology: From socio-ecological fixes to transformations7
Rentier capitalism in question6
Revisiting Engels’ ‘housing question’: Work and housing conditions of immigrant platform delivery riders in Barcelona5
Landscape memories of land struggles in plateaus of two Nsukka villages in Nigeria5
Animating and sustaining outrage: The place of crisis pregnancy centers in abortion justice5
The double return of Friedrich Engels: Towards a dialectics of the trace5
Antinomies of space and nature or an open totality? Neil Smith and Henri Lefebvre on nature and society5
Engels’ ‘proletarisation’ and ‘great towns’ vis-à-vis dispossession, and gendered work in an informal economy4
Veiled futures? Debt burdens, the Belt Road Initiative, and official Chinese lending after coronavirus4
Massey, Marx, and human geography: disjunctures and provocations4
Introduction: Friedrich Engels and geography3
The (Im)possibility of Achieving a Peaceful Solution to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict3
Reclaiming provincialism3
Covid-19 and some contours of India’s ongoing agrarian crisis3
From personal responsibility to an eco-socialist state: Political economy, popular discourses and the climate crisis3
Presence and absence: Crisis pregnancy centers and abortion facilities in the contemporary reproductive justice landscape3
The ‘Palestine poster’ and everyday memoricide: Making killing memory mundane3
Military spending and economic development: A theoretical note3
Neoliberal capitalism and misery of small peasantry and agricultural labourers in India3
Global food insecurity as a crisis of social reproduction for the classes of labour3
Engels, humanism and revolutionary praxis: The centrality of the dynamic analysis of historical materialism and its inherent relation to overcoming capitalist alienation2
Different approach, same focus: How China is shaping the future of its African cooperation through education2
Contesting elite capture: Repositioning insurgent planning for mass movements2
BDS as the baseline of solidarity: toward a model of co-struggling with Palestinians in their movement for justice and liberation2
Covid-19, capitalism and political elites: The real threat to humanity2
Social movements’ struggles under new municipalism: Confronting the neoliberal Parque Pümpin megaproject in Valparaíso city2
Economics and politics under Modi government: A synoptic view2
Pandemic transition: Techno-politics and social reproduction struggles2
Nurturing the production of nature2
Geographies of artificial intelligence: Labor, surveillance, and activism2
Geographies of ground rent: Periodizing ground rent theory, spatializing ground rent refusal2
A political autopsy of Liberal Los Angeles2
Existential capitalism and gentrification in pandemic times2
Luxury Venice: The spread of touristification processes as alpha territorialisation2
The spatial antecedents for drone governance in Afghanistan2
Modernization through capitalization: The hidden costs of Ethiopia’s Gibe III Dam and NESTown initiative2
Historical materialism, social change, and the necessity of revolutionary optimism2
Community Renewable Energy Ecologies (CREE): Rhizomatic renewable energy development and experimental–experiential emancipation2
A politics of conviction: The refusal of colonial carcerality in Palestinian graffiti2
Oil extraction and Indigenous women: Examining the necropolitics of the settler state in the Bakken region2
Alpha territorialisation in Milan: Framing a research agenda2
Debate on the linkages between large-scale agriculture and farmers food security: Examples from Ethiopia2
The oilfields of Mesopotamia: Resource conflict, oil extraction and heritage destruction in Iraq2
Public housing, intersectoral competition, and urban ground rent: Iran’s first public housing program that never was2
Adventures with Marx2