Ecological Restoration

(The TQCC of Ecological Restoration is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Exploring Gender Equity in Ecological Restoration: The Case of a Market-Based Program in Kenya40
Nurse Rocks as a Minimum-Input Restoration Technique for the CactusOpuntia basilaris16
Restoring the Atmosphere: Trees as Imperfect Partners15
Drill-Seeding Blue Oak Acorns: Testing the (Cost-)Effectiveness of a New Restoration Technique across Years and Microsites14
Integrating Social Science in Puget Sound Restoration14
Comparison of the Absolute and Relative Difference Spectral Indices to Estimate Burn Severity: The Case of EndangeredNothofagus alessandrii(ruil)9
Seasonal Shifts in Diversity and Composition of a Tallgrass Prairie Restoration Have Implications for Sampling Time8
Deadwood in a Cemetery: Designing to Resurrect Members of the Insect World7
Relative Success of Native Plants in Urban Curb-Cut Rain Gardens6
West Indies Blend: Re-Shading New England’s Tobacco Valley to Control Aphids6
Restitching the Suburban Fringe6
The Rise of Non-Native Invasive Plants in Wooded Natural Areas in Southwestern Ohio6
A Review of Restoration Techniques and Outcomes for Rangelands Affected by Oil and Gas Production in North America5
How Should We Talk about Our Work?4
Mid-contract Management Alters Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation in the Central and Western United States3
Documenting Restoration Efforts for Landscape Planning, Monitoring, Research, and Education in the Wet Tropics of Australia3
Primer of Ecological Restoration3
Seed-based Production of Salt Meadow Cordgrass,Spartina patens, for Ecological Restoration2
Reintroducing Vascular and Non-Vascular Plants to Disturbed Arctic Sites: Investigating Turfs and Turf Fragments2
Swamp Reforestation in Coastal Louisiana, USA Exposes Landscape Scale Differences in Survival and Growth Across Two Hydrologically Restored Regions2
Responses of Flowering Plant and Butterfly Communities to Experimental Herbicide and Seeding Treatments for Native Grassland Restoration2
Wetland Restoration inTypha-Dominated Braddock Bay of Lake Ontario2
Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) Enrichment Plantings Enhance Successional Restoration of an Old Field1
The Iliad, Book XXV. Restoration of the Trojan War Battlefield1
Spring Seeding Integrated with a Spring Glyphosate Application Promotes Establishment ofPseudoroegneria spicata(bluebunch wheatgrass) inBromus tectorum(cheatgrass)-infested Rangelands1
Bat Activity on High Elevation Reforested Coal Mines in the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia1
Beyond Binaries1
Life History Traits of Exotic and Native Species Determine Grassland Management Outcomes Following Prescribed Fire1
Using Hot Foam to Control an Invasive Annual,Bromus tectorum(cheatgrass), before Seeding1
Urban Lake Shoreland Restoration1
The Effect of Oxbow Lake Restoration on Breeding Birds in an Agricultural Landscape1
Assessing Biological Condition of Restored Streams in an Agriculturally Impaired Chesapeake Bay Sub-Watershed1
Review of Florida’s Mosquito Control Impoundments for Natural Nursery ofRuppia maritima1
Editorial Board1
Differing Effects of Restoration and Habitat Enhancement in Four Southern Appalachian Streams1
Conservation Reserve Program Vegetation Affects Occupancy of an Invasive Grass and Invasive Forb1