Palliative Medicine

(The TQCC of Palliative Medicine is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Nationwide evaluation of palliative care (Q-PAC study) provided by specialized palliative care teams using quality indicators : Large variations in quality of care113
Neuropalliative care for progressive neurological diseases: A scoping review on models of care and priorities for future research70
The importance of methodology to palliative care research: A new article type for Palliative Medicine68
Definition and recommendations of advance care planning: A Delphi study in five Asian sectors61
Development of a palliative paramedicine framework to standardise best practice: A Delphi study57
A qualitative service evaluation of patient and caregiver experiences of CAR-T therapy: Recommendations for service development and implications for palliative care teams51
The experiences of family members witnessing the diminishing drinking of a dying relative in hospital: A narrative inquiry47
A good death in the child with life shortening illness: A qualitative multiple-case study46
Components of home-based palliative and supportive care for adults with heart failure: A scoping review45
Facilitators and barriers in using comics to support family caregivers of patients receiving palliative care at home: A qualitative study44
The effectiveness of hope-fostering interventions in palliative care: A systematic review and meta-analysis44
Integration of primary care and palliative care services to improve equality and equity at the end-of-life: Findings from realist stakeholder workshops44
Co-production in practice: A qualitative study of the development of advance care planning workshops for South Asian elders44
The cost of providing care by family and friends (informal care) in the last year of life: A population observational study42
Palliative care consultation in patients with Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia40
Subcutaneous sodium valproate in palliative care: A systematic review40
Dexmedetomidine for hyperactive delirium at the end of life: An open-label single arm pilot study with dose escalation in adult patients admitted to an inpatient palliative care unit39
Outcomes and measures of delirium interventional studies in palliative care to inform a core outcome set: A systematic review39
‘It feels it’s wasting whatever time I’ve got left’: A qualitative study of living with treatable but not curable cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic38
When a dying patient is asked to participate in a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on symptom control: The decision-making process and experiences of relatives38
A therapist-supported internet-based intervention for bereaved siblings: A randomized controlled trial38
Development of the TIFFIN recommendations for co-producing palliative and end-of-life care research with individuals with lived experience of homelessness: A qualitative study32
It was like taking an inner bath’: A qualitative evaluation of a collaborative advance care planning-approach31
‘You have a little human being kicking inside you and an unbearable pain of knowing there will be a void at the end’: A meta-ethnography exploring the experience of parents whose baby is diagnosed ant31
More time in a community setting: A service evaluation of the impact of intrathecal drug delivery systems on place of care of patients with cancer pain30
Revised European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) recommended framework on palliative sedation: An international Delphi study30
Applying evidence-based symptomatic treatments from other clinical disciplines to palliative care29
Dying in times of COVID-19: Experiences in different care settings – An online questionnaire study among bereaved relatives (the CO-LIVE study)29
Self-care towards the end of life: A systematic review and narrative synthesis on access, quality and cost29
Palliative and end-of-life care needs, experiences, and preferences of LGBTQ+ individuals with serious illness: A systematic mixed-methods review28
The spiritual dimension of parenting a child with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition: A mixed-methods systematic review28
Prospective case series of neuropathic cancer pain in patients treated with an EGFR-inhibitor27
Combining realist evaluation and transformative evaluation to advance research in palliative care: The case of end of life companionship27
Variation in end-of-life care and hospital palliative care among hospitals and local authorities: A preliminary contribution of big data25
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale in Hindi: Toward capturing palliative needs and concerns in Hindi speaking patients25
Call for emergency action to limit global temperature increases, restore biodiversity, and protect health: Wealthy nations must do much more, much faster23
LGBT+ partner bereavement and appraisal of the Acceptance-Disclosure Model of LGBT+ bereavement: A qualitative interview study23
What do we do with all the evidence for symptoms in palliative care?22
A tribute to Derek Doyle and Cynthia Goh22
Exercise interventions for advanced cancer palliative care patients: A systematic literature review and descriptive evidence synthesis of randomized controlled trials22
The effect of an integrated palliative care intervention on quality of life and acute healthcare use in patients with COPD: Results of the COMPASSION cluster randomized controlled trial21
Evaluation of the integration of palliative care in a fragile setting amongst host and refugee communities: Using consecutive rapid participatory appraisals21
Health professionals’ experiences of rapport during telehealth encounters in community palliative care: An interpretive description study21
What can patient safety science do for palliative care? Bridging the gap20
How palliative care professionals develop coping competence through their career: A grounded theory20
Eliciting the educational needs and priorities of home care workers on end-of-life care for patients with heart failure using nominal group technique20
Palliative care for teenagers and young adults - the need for more evidence19
Patient perspectives on states worse than death: A qualitative study with implications for patient-centered outcomes and values elicitation19
What does effective end-of-life care at home for children look like? A qualitative interview study exploring the perspectives of bereaved parents19
Applied patient-level palliative care interventions designed to meet the needs of sexual and gender minorities: A scoping review and qualitative content analysis of how to support sexual and gender mi18
Assessing the suitability of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool (CSNAT-Paediatric) for use with parents of children with a life-limiting condition: A qualitative secondary analysis18
Parenting through grief: A cross-sectional study of recently bereaved adults with minor children18
Prognostic performance of the Karnofsky Performance Status for predicting in-hospital mortality among unselected patients who receive palliative care consultations18
What are we planning, exactly? The perspectives of people with intellectual disabilities, their carers and professionals on end-of-life care planning: A focus group study18
Updating international consensus on best practice in care of the dying: A Delphi study18
The health of mothers of children with a life-limiting condition: A qualitative interview study18
WITHDRAWAL – Administrative Duplicate Publication: Tribute to Derek Doyle and Cynthia Goh18
Bereavement outcomes in family members of those who died in acute care hospitals before and during the first wave of COVID-19: A cohort study18
Motor neurone disease: A point-prevalence study of patient reported symptom prevalence, severity and palliative care needs17
Complexity and function of family involvement in advance care planning: A qualitative study of perspectives from people living with advanced cancer, family members and healthcare professionals17
Thanks to Reviewers17
Psychological health in Palliative Care: Thematic analysis of a psychiatrist’s and an art therapist’s clinical reflexive journals17
Willingness and concerns of transfusion-dependent hematological patients toward the option of home transfusion therapy16
Effects of advance care planning in care dependent community-dwelling older persons (STADPLAN): A cluster-randomised controlled trial16
Models of care for people with dementia approaching end of life: A rapid review16
Creating ‘safe spaces’: A qualitative study to explore enablers and barriers to culturally safe end-of-life care16
Opportunities for computational tools in palliative care: Supporting patient needs and lowering burden16
Over a third of palliative medicine physicians meet burnout criteria: Results from a survey study during the COVID-19 pandemic16
Healthy siblings’ perspectives about paediatric palliative care: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis15
Inequities of palliative care availability and access to opioids in low- and middle-income countries15
Good medicines management: From describing problems to a vision for change15
End of life skin care – Research informing theory to traverse between Scylla and Charybdis?15
Symptom burden and lived experiences of patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals on the management of malignant bowel obstruction: A qualitative systematic review15
Identifying barriers and facilitators to palliative care integration in the management of hospitalized patients with COVID-19: A qualitative study15
Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving. A systematic review and meta-synthesis15
Development of a research-based classification of approaches to paediatric palliative medicine service provision within children’s and young adults’ hospices: A mixed methods study14
COP27 Climate Change Conference: Urgent action needed for Africa and the world14
Posttraumatic growth in palliative care settings: A scoping review of prevalence, characteristics and interventions14
Perceptions and experiences of clinicians and correctional officers facilitating palliative care for people in prison: A systematic review and meta-synthesis14
Delirium screening tools validated in the context of palliative care: A systematic review14
Interpersonal energy: New and bold directions in palliative care health professions education research14
Thanks to Reviewers: 202214
Efficacy of medicinal cannabis for appetite-related symptoms in people with cancer: A systematic review14
The potential of experience sampling methods in palliative care13
Practice review: Evidence-based and effective management of fatigue in patients with advanced cancer13
Sexual health and closeness in couples coping with advanced cancer: Results of a multicenter observational study (eQuiPe)13
Re: Liu et al., Effectiveness and safety of opioids on breathlessness and exercise endurance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised13
The experiences, perceptions, and support needs among family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer and eating problems: An integrative review13
Recognising dying in motor neurone disease: A scoping review13
Palliative care for people who use drugs during communicable disease epidemics and pandemics: A scoping review on access, policies, and programs and guidelines13
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for people with advanced progressive illness, their caregivers and staff involved in their care: A scoping review13
Motivations and experiences of patients with advanced cancer participating in Phase 1 clinical trials: A qualitative study13
Views on advance care planning of family members of older adults with Turkish and Moroccan backgrounds: An exploratory interview study13
Facilitating family needs and support at the end of life in hospital: A descriptive study13
The impact of digital health interventions on the psychological outcomes of patients and families receiving paediatric palliative care: A systematic review and narrative synthesis13
Understanding the role and deployment of volunteers within specialist palliative care services and organisations as they have adjusted to the COVID-19 pandemic: A multi-national EAPC volunteer taskfor13
Telehealth requires improved evidence to achieve its full potential in palliative care13
‘A good ending but not the end’: Exploring family preparations surrounding a relative’s death and the Afterlife – A qualitative study12
Palliative care and neuro-oncological care: Better integration is needed12
‘There’s something about admitting that you are lonely’ – prevalence, impact and solutions to loneliness in terminal illness: An explanatory sequential multi-methods study12
The impact of regular, low-dose, sustained-release morphine for chronic breathlessness on caregiver burden: An exploratory analysis of the BEAMS trial12
“By the time she got sick it was just kind of too late”: A qualitative study on advanced care planning among bereaved lesbian, gay, and bisexual older women12
Primary palliative care in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of the evidence for models and outcomes12
Moral distress amongst palliative care doctors working during the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative-focussed interview study12
Inadequate human resources, equipment and training: A qualitative assessment of the objectives of the NUHELP end-of-life care programme in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic12
Loneliness, its effect on mental and physical health, and the dying12
Living experiences of people with advance cancer with low socioeconomic status: A systematic review of qualitative evidence12
Association between religious beliefs and discussions regarding advance care planning: A nationwide survey12
The most important components of out-of-hours community care for patients at the end of life: A Delphi study of healthcare professionals’ and patient and family carers’ perspectives11
Navigating the caregiving abyss: A metasynthesis of how family caregivers manage end-of-life care for older adults at home11
Serious illness care quality during COVID-19: Identifying improvement opportunities in narrative reports from a National Bereaved Family Survey11
A core outcome set for best care for the dying person: Results of an international Delphi study and consensus meeting11
End-of-life cost trajectories and the trade-off between treatment costs and life-extension: Findings from the Cost and Medical Care of Patients with Advanced Serious Illness (COMPASS) cohort study11
Perceptions of prognosis and end-of-life care outcomes in patients with advanced lung and gastrointestinal cancer11
Culture in the spotlight—cultural adaptation and content validity of the integrated palliative care outcome scale for dementia: A cognitive interview study11
Efficacy of spiritual interventions in palliative care: An umbrella review of systematic reviews11
How can we ensure the success of specialised palliative home-care? A qualitative study (ELSAH) identifying key issues from the perspective of patients, relatives and health professionals11
Multiple points of system failure underpin continuous subcutaneous infusion safety incidents in palliative care: A mixed methods analysis11
‘It’s tough. It is hard’: A qualitative interview study of staff and volunteers caring for hospice in-patients with delirium10
Preserving the integrity of personhood in people with advanced cancer: An in-depth qualitative study among patients, relatives, and care professionals10
Civic engagement in serious illness, death, and loss: A systematic mixed-methods review10
Prevalence of grief disorders in bereaved families of cancer patients: A meta-analysis10
Waking up from fatigue: The hidden burden of fatigue10
Description of patient reported experience measures (PREMs) for hospitalised patients with palliative care needs and their families, and how these map to noted areas of importance for quality care: A 10
The double awareness of the wish to hasten death and the will to live: A secondary analysis of outlier patients from a mixed-methods study10
Pain assessment tools in paediatric palliative care: A systematic review of psychometric properties and recommendations for clinical practice10
Arts engagement facilitated by artists with individuals with life-limiting illness: A systematic integrative review of the literature10
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on end of life care delivery in care homes: A mixed method systematic review10
Understanding advance care planning in care homes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: A critical realist review and synthesis10
Invited Editorials10
A rapid review of the evidence for online interventions for bereavement support10
A peripheral opioid antagonist for treating urinary retention induced by opioids: A case report10
Understanding the experiences of mothers receiving perinatal palliative care: A qualitative study10
Time estimates in prognostic discussions: A conversation analytic study of hospice multidisciplinary team meetings10
Views of patients with progressive illness and carers about the role of digital advance care planning systems to record and share information: A qualitative study10