Theoretical Population Biology

(The TQCC of Theoretical Population Biology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Wright–Fisher graph model and the impact of directional selection on genetic variation31
Extinction threshold and large population limit of a plant metapopulation model with recurrent extinction events and a seed bank component25
Muller’s ratchet in a near-critical regime: Tournament versus fitness proportional selection20
The mutation process on the ancestral line under selection18
Mate guarding in primates arises due to partner scarcity, even if the father provides no paternal care at all13
Clade size distribution under neutral evolutionary models11
Limiting distribution of X-chromosomal coalescence times under first-cousin consanguineous mating10
Hominin forager technology, food sharing, and diet breadth10
Character displacement in the presence of multiple trait differences: Evolution of the storage effect in germination and growth8
Model of two competing populations in two habitats with migration: Application to optimal marine protected area size8
Editorial Board8
Editorial Board8
Metacommunities, fitness and gradual evolution8
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A central limit theorem concerning uncertainty in estimates of individual admixture7
Waiting times in a branching process model of colorectal cancer initiation7
Dynamics of SIR model with heterogeneous response to intervention policy6
Pneumococcus and the stress-gradient hypothesis: A trade-off links 6
Evolutionary rescue via niche construction: Infrequent construction can prevent post-invasion extinction6
Copuling population dynamics and diel migration patterns6
A simple model and rules for the evolution of microbial mutualistic symbiosis with positive fitness feedbacks5
Cultural transmission, competition for prey, and the evolution of cooperative hunting5
Editorial Board5
Demographic inference for spatially heterogeneous populations using long shared haplotypes5
A model of the burglar alarm hypothesis of prey alarm calls5
On random conformity bias in cultural transmission of polychotomous traits5
Stochastic offspring distributions amplify selection bias in mutation accumulation experiments5
Spatial invasion of cooperative parasites5
Drewnowski’s index to measure lifespan variation: Revisiting the Gini coefficient of the life table5
The Recombination Hotspot Paradox: Co-evolution between PRDM9 and its target sites4
Population models, mathematical epidemiology, and the COVID-19 pandemic4
Editorial Board4
Male mating choices: The drive behind menopause?4
Patterns of spawning and settlement of reef fishes as strategic responses to post-settlement competition4
The grapheme-valued Wright–Fisher diffusion with mutation4
Editorial Board4
A mathematical framework for evo-devo dynamics4
Bifurcations and hydra effects in Bazykin’s predator–prey model4
Computing the probability of gene trees concordant with the species tree in the multispecies coalescent4
Interconnection between density-regulation and stability in competitive ecological network3
Improving the realism of neutral ecological models by incorporating transient dynamics with temporal changes in community size3
Selection on age-specific survival: Constant versus fluctuating environment3
Selection, recombination, and the ancestral initiation graph3
Editorial Board3
Evolution of trustfulness in the case where resources for cooperation are sometimes absent3
Taylor’s law for exponentially growing local populations linked by migration3
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The optimal momentum of population growth and decline3
The impact of dormancy on evolutionary branching3
Evolution of delayed dispersal with group size effect and population dynamics3
Effects of cultural transmission of surnaming decisions on the sex ratio at birth3
Bernoulli factories and duality in Wright–Fisher and Allen–Cahn models of population genetics3
Editorial Board3
Mathematical epidemiology for a later age3