Pacific-Basin Finance Journal

(The TQCC of Pacific-Basin Finance Journal is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Top executives' emotional stability and firm risk-taking: A machine learning-based study139
Multidimensional connectedness among the volatility of global financial markets around the Russian-Ukrainian conflict131
The crowding out effect of central versus local government debt: Evidence from China124
The impact of bank fintech on corporate debt default117
Human rights and value of cash: Evidence from Islamic and non-Islamic countries93
How does trade policy uncertainty affect agriculture commodity prices?80
Do ethical perceptions help explain under-representation of women in investment management? A comparison of students from the U.S. and China79
Geographic proximity and cross-region merger and acquisitions: Evidence from the opening of high-speed rail in China77
Prospect theory and stock returns: Evidence from foreign share markets76
A continuous-time macro-finance model with Knightian uncertainty68
The belt and road initiative and the over-leverage of securities companies68
Innovation at the helm: Decoding founder-manager influence in Chinese family firms63
Dividend-tax avoidance trade and its impact on the stock market62
Asymmetry in option implied volatility and yield: Evidence from China's ETF options market,62
Efficiency and sustainability of bond market: Evidence from aftermarket trading of US corporate bond offerings58
The impact of asset-liability maturity mismatch on stock returns: Evidence from China during 1998–202158
Local urban investment bonds and the profitability of firms57
Economic policy uncertainty and capital flows' tail risk in China56
Environmental regulation, corporate environmental disclosure, and firm performance: Evidence from China55
Navigating the “twin titans” of global manufacturing: The impact of US and China on industrial production forecasting in G20 nations54
Bank credit to SMEs in Japan: Evidence from normal times, the global financial crisis, and the COVID-19 crisis54
The number of bank relationships and bank lending to informationally opaque SMEs53
Predicting stock splits using ensemble machine learning and SMOTE oversampling52
Information technology empowerment and corporate budget control: Evidence from China52
Is there a time-series momentum effect in the Asian crude oil futures market?49
An empirical evaluation of the salience-based asset pricing model: Evidence from Australia49
The flight to safety during credit recovery: The role of implicit government guarantees47
Do CEOs with academic experience add value to firms? Evidence on bank loans from Chinese firms46
The evolution of bank revenue and risk in the Asia-Pacific Region44
A survey of Islamic finance research – Influences and influencers43
Independent directors' reputation incentives and firm performance – an Australian perspective41
Internal capital markets and risk-taking: Evidence from China38
The influence of mobile trading on return dispersion and herding behavior37
Insiders' stock pledging disclosures and credit ratings: Evidence from India36
Environmental uncertainty, financing constraints and corporate investment: Evidence from China36
Green credit, carbon emission trading and corporate green innovation: Evidence from China36
Impact of managerial power on regulatory inquiries from stock exchanges: Evidence from the text tone of Chinese listed companies' annual reports36
China's illiquidity premium: Due to risk-taking or mispricing?36
Time-varying asymmetric tail dependence of international equities markets35
The turn-of-the-month effect and trading of types of investors35
Turnover premia in China's stock markets34
Factors and anomalies in the Vietnamese stock market33
Charitable CEOs and employee protection32
Forecasting Chinese stock market volatility with option-implied risk aversion: Evidence from extended realized EGARCH-MIDAS approach32
Retrieving almost stochastic Dominance momentum in Taiwan stock market31
Editorial Board30
The role of anti-tax avoidance in tax base flow and international tax competition30
Saving for the future: Evaluating the sustainability and design of Pension Reserve Funds29
Borrow low, lend high: Credit arbitrage by sophisticated investors29
Does the investment-profitability correlation affect the factor premiums? Evidence from China28
Corruption and firm efforts on environmental protection: Evidence from a policy shock28
Editorial Board28
Editorial Board28
Return spillover across China's financial markets28
Fixed asset revaluation and external financing during the financial crisis: Evidence from Korea28
Do competition and market structure affect sensitivity of bank profitability to the business cycle?27
Earnings management, horizon problem, and advisor posts for retiring CEOs27
Tail comovements of implied volatility indices and global index futures returns predictability27
The impact of COVID-19 on the crash risk of registered new shares in China27
Does gender diversity affect financial strength differently in conventional and Islamic banks? Evidence from MENA countries27
Two-step price adjustments of IPO book building in Japan27
Demystifying COVID-19 policy actions: The case of inflation control in ASEAN26
Is attention-based stock buying profitable? Empirical evidence from Chinese individual investors26
Can mergers and acquisitions internalize positive externalities in funding innovation?26
Forecasting VaRs via hybrid EVT with normal and non-normal filters: A comparative analysis from the Chinese stock market26
Owners’ portfolio diversification and internal capital allocation25
Information bias and its spillover effect on return volatility: A study on stock markets in the Asia-Pacific region25
Profitability of moving-average technical analysis over the firm life cycle: Evidence from Taiwan24
Does the q theory of investment work well in China?24
Trade integration and research and development investment as a proxy for idiosyncratic risk in the cross-section of stock returns24
Predictive ability of similarity-based futures trading strategies24
Assessing jump and cojumps in financial asset returns with applications in futures markets23
Information asymmetry in reinsurance through various ceded contracts23
Momentum investing and a tale of intraday and overnight returns: Evidence from Taiwan23
The effect of Chinese lunar calendar on individual investors' trading23
The choice of equity financing: Floating-priced warrants versus SEOs23
What explains the dispersion effect? Evidence from institutional ownership23
Editorial Board22
Individual investment banker human capital and SEO discount: Evidence from China22
Thirst for money: External guarantees and stock price crash risk22
Hometown-based business associations and M&As performance: Evidence from China22
Domestic liquidity of cross-listed stocks: Evidence from the ADR market21
Does betting against beta strategy work in major Asian Markets?21
Are analysts' cash flow forecasts associated with improved earnings quality? Australian evidence21
Cognitive ability and household portfolio diversification: Evidence from China21
Time-varying monetary policy shocks and the dynamics of Chinese commodity prices21
Editorial Board21
Stop-loss early termination clause and hedge fund performance20
Do multiple large shareholders matter in financial firms? Evidence from China20
Return and volatility transmission between emerging markets and US debt throughout the pandemic crisis20
Home bias in reward-based crowdfunding and its impact on financing performance: Evidence from China20
Market intraday momentum: APAC evidence20
The effect of Tobin's q on investment in a bank-based financial system: Evidence from Japan20
Managerial discretion over initial earnings forecasts20
Dividend payout policy of Shariah compliant firms: Evidence from United States20
The lending implications of loan loss provisioning and monetary policy in Indonesia19
Public data accessibility and corporate maturity mismatch: Evidence from China19
Does media spotlight really burn innovation? Evidence from China19
Earnings announcement premium and return volatility: Is it consistent with risk-return trade-off?19
Board sub-committee effectiveness, director attraction and director attrition: Do nomination and remuneration committees matter?19
Sovereign wealth funds as anchor investors in IPOs: Evidence from India19
Digital infrastructure investment and corporate debt concentration: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment19
Environmental preference, air pollution, and fund flows in China19
Political corruption and green innovation19
Does systemic risk affect fund managers' tail risk-taking?19
Return predictability of short-selling and financial distress firms: Evidence from Korean stock market19
Firm performance following actual share repurchases: Effects of investment crowding out and financial flexibility19
The conjoint effects of corporate social responsibility performance and report tone on financial constraints: Evidence from China18
ETF ownership and informational efficiency of underlying stocks: Evidence from China18
Does gender diversity matter? Female directors and firm carbon emissions in Japan18
Agreeing to disagree: Informativeness of sentiments in internet message boards18
Foreign ownership, institutional distance and mutual fund performance: Evidence from China18
National culture and the choice between bank debt and public debt18
Official visits and stock price crash risk18
Supply chain digitization and corporate maturity mismatch: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment18
Faith-based investments and the Covid-19 pandemic: Analyzing equity volatility and media coverage time-frequency relations18
Financial literacy and retirees' resource allocation decisions in New Zealand17
Does digital transformation speed up dynamic capital structure adjustment? Evidence from China17
Surges of cross border capital flow: The impact of digital finance16
Environmental risk exposure and executive pay-for-performance sensitivity16
How do investors in Chinese stock market react to external uncertainty? An event study to the Sino-US disputes16
Can high speed railway curb tunneling? Evidence from the independent directors' monitoring effect in China16
Does corporate social responsibility reduce share price premium? Evidence from China's A- and H-shares16
Patent collateral and the trajectory of innovation16
Talk less and do more: Expected strategic adjustments vs. actual changes in the Chinese firms16
Clan culture and corporate innovation16
CEO-CFO tenure consistency and audit fees15
Threat or opportunity? Unveiling the impact of population aging on corporate labor investment efficiency15
Do volatility spillover and hedging among GCC stock markets and global factors vary from normal to turbulent periods? Evidence from the global financial crisis and Covid-19 pandemic crisis15
The pre-IPO dividend and IPO underpricing: Evidence from China15
Does corporate ESG create value? New evidence from M&As in China15
Staged subsidies and corporate investments: Evidence from Chinese listed firms15
Where should the money go? The green effect of governmental guidance when sustainable finance impacts brown firms15
February, share turnover, and momentum in China15
How does labor protection influence corporate risk-taking? Evidence from China14
Economic policy uncertainty and corporate innovation: Evidence from China14
CEO remuneration, financial distress and firm life cycle14
Does investor attention increase stock market volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic?14
Economic policy uncertainty and mutual fund risk shifting14
Distance, information and bank lending in China14
Do institutional investors' corporate site visits improve ESG performance? Evidence from China14
Financial aid and financial inclusion: Does risk uncertainty matter?14
Long-term impacts of index reconstitutions: Evidence from the CSI 300 additions and deletions14
How does corporate ESG performance affect stock liquidity? Evidence from China14
COVID-19 and policy responses: Early evidence in banks and FinTech stocks14
Does government initiated corporate social responsibility lower the default risk? Evidence from the targeted poverty alleviation campaign in China14
Anti-corruption and within-firm pay gap: Evidence from China14
Anomalies in the China A-share market14
Mandatory dividend policy and investment efficiency within state-owned business groups14
Nonlinear dependence and spillovers between cryptocurrency and global/regional equity markets14
Relative performance evaluation and investment efficiency13
Can Fintech development improve the financial inclusion of village and township banks? Evidence from China13
Quantile relationship between Islamic and non-Islamic equity markets13
Does continuous disclosure affect the market reaction to mergers and acquisitions announcements?13
The impacts of circuit breakers on China's stock market13
The changing face of consumer credit: Evidence from a big tech platform in China13
The role of angel investment for technology-based SMEs: Evidence from China13
The effect of voluntary and mandatory corporate social responsibility disclosure on firm profitability: Evidence from China13
Investor sentiment and stock market anomalies: Evidence from Islamic countries13
Pay more or pay less? The impact of controlling shareholders' share pledging on firms' dividend payouts13
Digital economy, innovation, and firm value: Evidence from China13
Restrictive bond covenants: Evidence from family firms in China13
Tail risks, firm characteristics, and stock returns13
Environmental violations and financial distress risk: Evidence from Chinese listed heavily polluting companies12
How does artificial intelligence shock affect labor income distribution? Evidence from China12
Do creditors punish weak banks? Evidence from Indian urban cooperative banks’ failure12
Are pre-opening periods important? Evidence from Chinese market lunch breaks12
Does trade credit absorb adverse shocks? Evidence on SMEs in Japan12
Foreign business exposure, policy uncertainty, and investment allocation decisions of Chinese multinational corporations12
Enterprise digital transformation and return comovement of business groups12
Does digital credit alleviate household income vulnerability?12
Banking uncertainty and cash conversion cycle12
Does banking competition stimulate regional innovation? Evidence from China12
Financial regulation and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from China12
Gender difference in equity portfolio diversification12
Geographic disparities in bank lending: Evidence from an auto loan market12
Impact of climate change risks on equity capital: Evidence-based on Chinese markets12
Does gender diversity on boards improve bank financial performance in a bank-based financial system? A pre-registered report11
Market timing in private equity placements: Empirical evidence from China11
Limited attention, managerial multitasking, and hedge fund performance in China11
Attention to global warming, consensus transition, and crypto trading11
Applied AI for finance and accounting: Alternative data and opportunities11
CEO experience, managerial overconfidence and investment efficiency: Evidence from a natural experiment in China11
Revisiting momentum profits in emerging markets11
Monitoring or tunneling? Information interaction among large shareholders and the crash risk of the stock price11
Can convertible bond trading predict stock returns? Evidence from China11
On the investors' sentiments and the Islamic stock-bond interplay across investments' horizons11
Corruption risk and stock market effects: Evidence from the defence industry11
Corporate leverage and leverage speed of adjustment: Does environmental policy stringency matter?11
Predicting the risk of financial distress using corporate governance measures10
Credit policy, uncertainty, and firm R&D investment: A quasi-natural experiment based on the Green Credit Guidelines10
Corrigendum to “Google search intensity and its relationship with returns and trading volume of Japanese stocks” [27 (2014) 1–18]10
The role of venture capital in promoting innovation in key & core technology companies: A pre-registered study10
To fix or not to fix: The representativeness of the WM/R methodology that underpins the FX benchmark rates. A pre-registered report10
Corrigendum to “Institutional investor stewardship and material sustainability information: Evidence from Taiwan” [Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 85 (2024) 102382]10
Retail investor attention and analyst earnings forecasts: Evidence from China10
Guaxi and financial exclusion: Empirical evidence from households in China10
Editorial Board10
From fundamental signals to stock volatility: A machine learning approach10
‘Growing out of the growing pain’: Financial literacy and life insurance demand in China10
The soft landing: Does intrafamily succession matter for corporate risk-taking?10
Institutional investors' limited attention and stock price informativeness in emerging markets: Evidence from China10
Editorial Board10
Jumps at ultra-high frequency: Evidence from the Chinese stock market10
How did the oil price affect Japanese yen and other currencies? Fresh insights from the COVID-19 pandemic9
Former CEO advisors and firm performance9
Strength in numbers: Minority shareholders' participation and executives' pay-performance sensitivity9
Liquidity, informed trading, and a market surveillance system: Evidence from the Vietnamese stock market9
US government shutdowns and Indonesian stock market9
The effect of the government's green grip: Evidence from government-initiated corporate environmental ratings and corporate debt financing9
Editorial Board9
Pay of political directors in China9
Dealership versus continuous auction: Evidence from the JASDAQ market9
Stock market risk and suicide9
Economic uncertainty and cross section of stock returns: Australian evidence9
Editorial Board9
Supply chain risk disclosure and seasoned equity offering discount9
Extreme illiquidity and stock returns: Evidence from Thailand market9
Measuring the connectedness of global health sector stock markets9
The risk-return relation puzzle9
Do M&A funds create value in Chinese listed firms?9
The evolution of capital structure and debt governance: Evidence from private equity-backed companies in Japan9
Elucidating Directed Statistical Dependencies: Investigating Global Financial Market Indices' Influence on Korean Short Selling Activities9
Explaining the risk premiums of life settlements9
The cash conversion cycle spread in China9
Editorial Board9
Do fund managers time implied tail risk? — Evidence from Chinese mutual funds9
The effect of language on investing: Evidence from searches in Chinese versus English9
The asymmetric innovation effects of heterogeneous government subsidies: A new perspective from GDP target deviation8
Risk-taking and bank competition under a low interest rate environment: Evidence from loan-level data8
Does directors' and officers' liability insurance induce empire building? Evidence from corporate labor investment8
Corporate payouts in Australia8
Predicting the Australian equity risk premium8
Economic policy uncertainty and bank stability: Threshold effect of institutional quality and competition8
Extreme linkages between foreign exchange and general financial markets8
Investor decision making within retirement savings schemes8
Passive investors and concentration of intraday liquidity: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange8
Heterogeneity in shareholder activism: Evidence from Japan8
Can ESG certification help company get out of over-indebtedness? Evidence from China8
Trade links and return predictability: The Australian evidence8
CEO inside debt and downside risk: Evidence from internal and external environments8
Equity costs and risks in emerging markets: Are ESG and Sharia principles complementary?8
Leaving the (fund) gate ajar: Investor protection or marketing ploy?8
Correlation-based investment strategies: A comparison between Chinese and US stock markets8
Pair analyst coverage and return comovement: Evidence from China8
Why did a bank with good governance perform worse during the financial crisis? The views of shareholder and stakeholder orientations8
To fix or not to fix, the Fix: Reassessing the effectiveness of the 4 pm Fix. A pre-registered study8
Corporate policies and outcomes during the COVID-19 crisis: Does managerial ability matter?8
Research ideas matter: Guidance for research students and early career researchers8
The asymmetric effect of information shock on overnight and intraday expected returns: Evidence from Chinese A-share stock market8