Clothing and Textiles Research Journal

(The TQCC of Clothing and Textiles Research Journal is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Striving Towards Authenticity in the Self Through Dress and Appearance: Stories of Latina Adolescent Immigrants43
Openly-Trans YouTubers and Gender-Affirming Undergarments: Production, Distribution, and Consumption via DIY Tutorials on YouTube41
Wearing Is Caring: An Investigation of the Adoption of Black Lives Matter Apparel and Accessories by Non-Blacks31
I can Talk: Corporate Moral Responsibility, Word-of-Mouth, and Shared Values16
A Missing Site of Black Beauty History: The Black Beauty Supply Store15
Evaluation of the Accuracy and Practicability of Predicting Compression Garment Pressure Using Virtual Fit Technology11
Pandemic Fear and Weight Gain: Effects on Overweight and Obese Adults’ Purchasing Exercise Apparel Online10
Predicting the Thermal Protective Performance of Smart Fabric Systems With a Shape Memory Layer Using Machine Learning Models8
A Narrative Critical Review of Research on Self-Sexualization7
Between Fashion and Piety: Hijab Influencers and Religious Communities in the Consumer Socialization of Indonesian Muslims7
Effects of CSR Messages on Apparel Consumers’ Word-of-Mouth: Perceived Corporate Hypocrisy as a Mediator6
Drivers and Enablers of Digital Readiness in the Fashion Industry: A Systematic Literature Review5
Mathematical Model to Upcycle End-of-Roll Leftover Fabrics in Apparel Manufacturing5
Consuming Traditional Qashqai Dress in 21st Century Iran: Space, Place, and Connectedness5
Color Trend Analysis using Machine Learning with Fashion Collection Images4
Measuring the “Clothing Mountain”: Action Research and Sustainability Pedagogy to Reframe (Un)Sustainable Clothing Consumption in the Classroom4
Color Hearing: Creating a Body of Creative Design Scholarship Using Psychomimicry4
Neo-Fashion: A Data-Driven Fashion Trend Forecasting System Using Catwalk Analysis4