International Transactions in Operational Research

(The TQCC of International Transactions in Operational Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fast or slow? Logistics way choices for perishable products under competition61
Patient admission scheduling problems with uncertain length of stay: optimization models and an efficient matheuristic approach43
Dynamic production and pricing decisions in the presence of the snob effect39
Issue Information38
The coupled task scheduling problem: an improved mathematical program and a new solution algorithm35
Solving a pickup and delivery routing problem for fourth‐party logistics providers30
Entry deterrence strategies for an incumbent supply chain in the presence of inertial consumer and optimistic entrant28
Multiobjective model to optimize charging station location for the decarbonization process in Mexico28
An innovative benefit‐of‐the‐doubt approach for health system effectiveness: a global case study on amenable mortality26
Solving a harvest scheduling optimization problem with constraints on clearcut area and clearcut proximity26
An adaptation of Random Forest to estimate convex non‐parametric production technologies: an empirical illustration of efficiency measurement in education25
Pricing and bundling decisions for complementary products in an agency selling platform with risk‐averse suppliers and stochastic demand24
Food market segmentation based on consumer preferences using outranking multicriteria approaches22
Power approximation for pricing American options21
Implementing a bivariate ordering and replacement policy for deteriorating systems with two failure types21
Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence‐Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine”20
Multi‐objective reference point techniques to optimize profitability, growth, and risk in the non‐life insurance industry: international analysis20
Preface to the Special Issue on Multidimensional Finance, Insurance, and Investment20
Special Issue on “Logistics Optimization for Social Good”20
Unveiling the dynamics of social credit determinants using fuzzy cognitive mapping and system dynamics19
Optimization of an inventory system with partial backlogging from a financial investment perspective19
Special issue on “Artificial Intelligence for Automation in Freight Transport”18
The performance of bank portfolio optimization18
Multimethodology for diagnosis and intervention in a prosthetics and orthotics factory in Brazil18
Special issue on “Artificial Intelligence for Automation in Freight Transport”18
A preemptive goal programming for multi‐objective cooperative games: an application to multi‐objective linear production17
Formulations and a Lagrangian relaxation approach for the prize collecting traveling salesman problem16
Preface to the Special Issue on Developments in Metaheuristics16
Service channel choice for supply chain under online marketplace16
Adaptive coordinate sampling for stochastic primal–dual optimization15
Bi‐objective optimization of the tactical allocation of job types to machines: mathematical modeling, theoretical analysis, and numerical tests15
Preface to the Special Issue on Data‐Driven Optimization15
A matheuristic approach for the minimum broadcast time problem using a biased random‐key genetic algorithm14
Optimal pricing and ordering decisions with reference effect and quick replenishment policy14
The capacitated family traveling salesperson problem14
Subsidy strategy for reserving flexible capacity of emergency supply production14
Is group‐buying price mechanism a good choice in the business‐to‐business system?14
Service quality and price competition in crowdsourced delivery markets14
Special Issue on “Sustainable and Responsive Transportation and Logistics”13
Distributing the fashion product in direct or retail channel: The impact of fashion level and direct selling cost13
Prioritizing municipal lead mitigation projects as a relaxed knapsack optimization: a method and case study13
Computing efficiently the nondominated subset of a set sum13
Prioritizing of volatility models: a computational analysis using data envelopment analysis13
Desirability–doability group judgment framework for the collaborative multicriteria evaluation of public policies13
Preface to the Special Issue on Metaheuristics: Recent Advances and Applications12
Special Issue on “Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world”12
Competing product service in an OEM supply chain with upstream module suppliers as service providers12
Special Issue on “Optimizing Port and Maritime Logistics: Advances for Sustainable and Efficient Operations”12
Comparison of four mechanisms for request exchange in collaborative transportation12
The impact of product characteristics and innovativeness on the benefits of collaboration12
Quay partitioning problem12
A novel approach for exploring the trade‐offs between several features of students’ well‐being12
The biobjective minimum‐cost perfect matching problem and Chinese postman problem11
Solving a multiobjective professional timetabling problem using evolutionary algorithms at Mandarine Academy11
Effects of product online reviews on product returns: a review and classification of the literature11
A variable neighborhood search for the median location problem with interconnected facilities11
A heuristic for the non‐unicost set covering problem using local branching11
Scheduling‐location problem with drones11
An iterated greedy algorithm with variable reconstruction size for the obnoxious p‐median problem11
Competing platform owners’ entry and an OEM's cooperation response11
Online demand disruption in the presence of constrained capacity11
An optimization model for the management of green areas10
Algorithms for the multiperiod workforce scheduling and routing problem with dependent tasks10
A stochastic optimization approach for staff scheduling decisions at inpatient units10
Model‐based solution approach for a short‐term flight rescheduling problem in aerial passenger transportation to maritime units10
Long‐term effects of short planning horizons for inventory routing problems10
Discrete‐event simulation is still alive and strong: evidence from bibliometric performance evaluation of research during COVID‐19 global health pandemic10
Demand information sharing of fresh produce supply chain considering competing suppliers’ freshness‐keeping effort10
Optimisation models for project selection in asset management: an application to the water sector9
A multistart biased‐randomized algorithm for solving a three‐dimensional case picking problem with real‐life constraints9
Affinely adjustable robust optimization for a multi‐period inventory problem with capital constraints and demand uncertainties9
Oil‐to‐electricity retrofitting and deployment of rubber‐tyred gantry cranes considering low‐carbon policies9
Optimal pricing and warranty strategies of a closed‐loop supply chain under government subsidies9
The multiple container loading problem with loading docks9
The bright side of third‐party marketplaces in retailing9
Mathematical models for the minimization of open stacks problem9
Optimal drone deployment for cost‐effective and sustainable last‐mile delivery operations9
Managing disruption risk in competing multitier supply chains9
Assessing social performance in supply chain design and planning through a monetization approach8
Retailer's selling mode choice under different competition forms8
A multicriteria decision‐making framework for assessing the performance of gynecobstetrics departments: a case study8
Information and selling mode strategies in a supply chain with an outsourced private label product8
A stochastic approach for planning airport ground support resources8
Manufacturer encroachment in a vertically differentiated market with competing retailers and counterfeiter8
Sustainable urban farming using a two‐phase multi‐objective and multi‐criteria decision‐making approach8
Special Issue on “Managing Supply Chain Resilience in the Digital Economy Era”8
Improving supply chain transparency with blockchain technology when considering product returns8
Mechanisms of cooperation between airlines and online travel agencies for flight crowdfunding8
A value chain modeling approach for upscaling the production of fine flavor cocoa in Arauca (Colombia)8
Two‐period information‐sharing and quality decision in a supply chain under static and dynamic wholesale pricing strategies8
Preface to the Special Issue on Operational Research Models for Blockchain8
A blockchain‐based framework to optimize shipping container flows in the hinterland8
The role of drones in disaster response: A literature review of operations research applications8
Research trends in combinatorial optimization7
Maritime inventory routing: recent trends and future directions7
A multicommodity pickup and delivery problem with time windows and handling time in the omni‐channel last‐mile delivery7
Downstream firm's equity financing for capacity expansion in a supply chain7
Location‐routing problem: a classification of recent research7
A review of network DEA models based on slacks‐based measure: Evolution of literature, applications, and further research direction7
Efficient credit portfolios under IFRS 97
Production and carbon emission abatement decisions under different carbon policies: supply chain network equilibrium models with consumers’ low‐carbon awareness7
Two‐stage pricing of products and services considering different competitive environments7
Systematic reviews as a metaknowledge tool: caveats and a review of available options7
Multiagent systems for modeling the information game in a financial market7
A fair classifier chain for multi‐label bank marketing strategy classification7
The supply chain effect of monitoring cost7
Special Issue on “Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”7
Contract choice for upstream innovation in a finance‐constrained supply chain7
An omega portfolio model with dynamic return thresholds7
Analyzing changes in EU social inclusion using the global Malmquist productivity index6
Compromise solutions for stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis with uncertain preferences and nonmonotonic criteria6
Special Issue on “Decision Support: Combining Technology and Algorithms to Solve Complex Problems”6
The selection of an optimal segmentation region in physiological signals6
Trends in passenger transport optimisation6
Optimization of investments in labor productivity in supply chain networks6
Initialization of metaheuristics: comprehensive review, critical analysis, and research directions6
Exploring barriers and motivations in the adoption of food waste mobile applications6
Special Issue on “Decision Support: Combining Technology and Algorithms to Solve Complex Problems”6
Contract adoption of motivating green technological innovation in a supply chain6
How can an elimination tournament favor a weaker player?6
A review of mathematical optimization models applied to the sugarcane supply chain6
Multi‐objective optimization of the maritime cargo routing and scheduling problem6
Pattern mining‐based pruning strategies in stochastic local searches for scheduling problems6
Rebuilding a DSS with feedback from behavioral and neuroscience studies6
Combat counterfeits effectively or not? Encroachment and financing strategies with production disruption risk6
Flexible versus committed and specific versus uniform: wholesale price contracting in a supply chain with downstream process innovation6
Unlocking university efficiency: a Bayesian stochastic frontier analysis6
Information sharing and production timing strategy in a platform‐based supply chain6
Advance selling strategy and pricing decisions with online reviews6
Selling exclusively or widely? Optimal strategic responses under online platform power asymmetry and competition5
Joint dynamic pricing and marketing‐mix strategies for revenue management applications with stochastic demand5
Special Issue on “Logistics Optimization for Social Good”5
Special issue on “Metaheuristics: Advances and Applications”5
IFORS’ Operational Research Hall of Fame: Ailsa Land5
Special Issue on “Efficiency and Productivity Analysis of Public Services in Practice”5
Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence‐Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine”5
Special Issue on “Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world”5
Special Issue on “Artificial Intelligence‐Driven Decision Making in Health and Medicine”5
Special Issue on “Operations Research Models for Green Finance”5
Linear‐time algorithms for eliminating claws in graphs5
Metacognitive attitude for decision making at a university hospital5
On the role of commodity futures in portfolio diversification5
Effects of accrual constraints in cooperative advertising programs for distribution channels with one manufacturer and two retailers5
Destination selection and flight scheduling for regional airlines at slot‐constrained airports5
Special Issue on “Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world”5
Improved sequential insertion heuristics for berth allocation problems5
Red flag algorithms for Brazilian electronic invoices: outlier detection and price risk classification5
Preface to the Special Issue on Operations Research in Healthcare5
How the agency contract fails in hybrid mode: agency fees and distribution sequences5
Statistical proxy based mean‐reverting portfolios with sparsity and volatility constraints5
Special issue on “Multiple Criteria Decision Making for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”5
Marketplace or reselling: the pricing decisions and face value of the coupons under the Cap‐and‐Trade regulation5
The bus sightseeing problem5
Robust solutions via optimisation and predictive process monitoring for the scheduling of the interventional radiology procedures5
Influences of risk‐aversion behavior and purchasing option in a cross‐border dual‐channel supply chain5
Decision‐making and coordination of a three‐tier fresh agricultural product supply chain considering dynamic freshness‐keeping effort5
A penalty decomposition algorithm with greedy improvement for mean‐reverting portfolios with sparsity and volatility constraints5
The effect of few historical data on the performance of sample average approximation method for operating room scheduling5
A multi‐objective sustainable closed‐loop supply chain network problem with hybrid facilities5
Maximum weighted induced forests and trees: new formulations and a computational comparative review5
Special issue on “Decision Support Systems in an uncertain world”5
Personalized pricing versus showrooming: competition between online and offline retailers5
Special Issue on “Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment”5
A new hybrid method for quick and accurate calculation of forest transportation distances4
Bi‐objective green vehicle routing problem4
Special issue on “Metaheuristics: Recent Advances and Applications”4
Combating fraudulent returns using blockchain technology4
Computational complexity and linear formulations for optimizing the location of shared mobility stations4
Discrete cooperative coverage location models with alternative facility types in a probabilistic setting4
Two‐stage distributionally robust optimization model for a pharmaceutical cold supply chain network design problem4
Analytics in developing countries: methods, applications, and the impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals4
Coping with an unreliable supplier: An option contract with a backup supplier4
Wildlife reserve design with connectivity and buffer requirements4
Bi‐objective minimization of energy consumption and cycle time for the robotic assembly line balancing problem: pseudo‐polynomial case and reduced search space metaheuristic4
Data envelopment analysis of two‐stage processes: an alternative (non‐conventional) approach4
Special Issue on “Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment”4
Application of overbooking model to college admission at The Citadel4
Issue Information4
Comparison of different approaches to multistage lot sizing with uncertain demand4
Measuring the overall efficiency of SRI and conventional mutual funds by a diversification‐consistent DEA model4
Retailer information sharing with green manufacturer encroachment in a hybrid supply chain4
Cooperation strategy for an online travel platform with value‐added service provision under demand uncertainty4
A tutorial on graph models for scheduling round‐robin sports tournaments4
Hybridizing a matheuristic with ALNS for the optimal collection and delivery of medical specimens4
The K$K$‐prize‐collecting coverage problem by aligned disks4
A revenue management approach for tourism logistics optimization4
A metaheuristic for crew scheduling in a pickup‐and‐delivery problem with time windows4
Clustering analysis and punishment‐driven consensus‐reaching process for probabilistic linguistic large‐group decision‐making with application to car‐sharing platform selection4
Special Issue on “Multidimensional Finance, Insurance and Investment”4
Multicriteria evaluation of technological competitiveness in diversification processes. An application to the automotive components industry4
A graph modeling framework to design and plan the downstream oil supply chain4
DEA, balanced scorecard and intellectual capital including the gender dimension: A comprehensive list of indicators4
Learn to decompose multiobjective optimization models for large‐scale networks4
Sales channel competition for supply chain with the blockchain technology4
Distance‐based weighting methods for composite indicators, with applications related to energy sustainability4