Information Society

(The TQCC of Information Society is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Intellectual property rights and control in the digital economy: Examining the expansion of M-Pesa44
Introduction to the special issue “Digital mortality: Death and infrastructure”40
Effects of an issue-based microtargeting campaign: A small-scale field experiment in a multi-party setting39
Governing through transparency: Investigating the new access to information regime in Canada36
Does public opinion shape public policy? Effect of citizen dissent on legislative outcomes26
“There are only a few things that you cannot manage without internet”: Realization of capabilities through internet (non)use by ultra-Orthodox Jewish women25
Theorizing inconsistent media selection in the digital environment22
Saving global human rights: A “Global South + AI” strategy20
Content creation and gig-work in the platform economy: What contemporary sex work can teach us about the futures of digital labor19
Data by design: Shaping data-producing subjectivities through self-tracking19
Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework16
The Political Lives of Information: Information and the Production of Development in India15
Books, videos and platforms: Exploring the BookTube interface14
Numbers will not save us: Agonistic data practices12
Data storytelling is not storytelling with data: A framework for storytelling in science communication and data journalism11
Clip the blue bird: Discursive strategies of Hindutva digital mobilization against Twitter in India10
The behavior economy: The creation of behavior as an object of online surveillance10
Chinese digital platform companies’ expansion in the Belt and Road countries9
The Chinese surveillance state in Latin America? Evidence from Argentina and Ecuador6
Multiplicity and temporality of rationality: Constructing information for meningitis surveillance and response in Burkina Faso5
Management and mitigation of location privacy violations: Case study analysis of U.S. local governments5
Working with Aula: How teachers navigate privacy uncertainties5
China’s digital expansion in the Global South: Systematic literature review and future research agenda5
Rethinking Law, Regulation, and Technology Rethinking Law, Regulation, and Technology , by Roger Brownsword. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022. 272 pp., £95.5
Social network dynamics, bots, and community-based online misinformation spread: Lessons from anti-refugee and COVID-19 misinformation cases4
The patterning of the discursive space in search for the #goodlife: A network analysis of the co-occurrence of Instagram hashtags4
Digital public goods platforms for development: The challenge of scaling4
Another article titled “Should I Stay or Should I Go?” or, the mass production of academic research titles4
Information infrastructures and historical research: A framework useful for professional and amateur historians4