Javnost-The Public

(The TQCC of Javnost-The Public is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
When Social Media Influencers Go Political: An Exploratory Analysis on the Emergence of Political Topics Among Finnish Influencers24
One Leader, One Party, One Truth: Public Television Under the Rule of the Populist Right in Poland in the Pre-Election Period in 201917
Resilience of Public Spheres in a Global Health Crisis15
Online Hate Speech and the Radical Right in Times of Pandemic: The Italian and English Cases14
“Nobody Tells us what to Write about”: The Disinformation Media Ecosystem and its Consumers in the Czech Republic13
Public Sphere in Crisis Mode: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Influenced Public Discourse and User Behaviour in the Swiss Twitter-sphere13
“Those on the Right Take Chloroquine”: The Illiberal Instrumentalisation of Scientific Debates during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brasil13
A Neoliberal Media Welfare State? The Swedish Media System in Transformation13
Which Online Counter-Publics on Facebook are Fostering Agonistic Respect? An Assessment of Counter-Publics Debating Germany’s Refugee Policy12
“Brave New World” of Fake News: How It Works11
Online Deliberation and the Public Sphere: Developing a Coding Manual to Assess Deliberation in Twitter Political Networks11
Promoting Democracy in the Digital Public Sphere: Applying Theoretical Ideals to Online Political Communication9
Habitual Generation of Filter Bubbles: Why is Algorithmic Personalisation Problematic for the Democratic Public Sphere?9
After the Crisis, A “New Normal” for Democratic Citizenship?9
Who Actually Becomes a Silver Surfer? Prerequisites for Digital Inclusion9
Whose Opinion Is It? Public Debates and Repertoires of Action in Greece During the First Covid-19 Lockdown Period9
Into the Metaverse: Technical Challenges, Social Problems, Utopian Visions, and Policy Principles8
Responding to Covid-19: Emergency Laws and the Return to Government in South Africa8
The Resilience of Pandemic Digital Deliberation: An Analysis of Online Synchronous Forums8
Roamers: Audiences on the Move Across Entertainment Platforms In Southeast Asia7
Public Sphere in Hybrid Media Systems in Central and Eastern Europe6
Polarisation and Silencing Others During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: An Experimental Study Using Algorithmically Curated Online Environments6
The Public Sphere and the Changing News Media Environment in Poland: Towards Structural Polarisation5
Structural Logic of AI Surveillance and Its Normalisation in the Public Sphere5
Platform Governance and the “Infodemic”5
Beliefs, Attitudes, and Communicative Practices of Opponents and Supporters of COVID-19 Containment Policies: A Qualitative Case Study from Germany5
Community Media in a Pandemic: Facilitating Local Communication, Collective Resilience and Transitions to Virtual Public Life in the U.S.4
The Dislocation of the Empty Signifier Freedom as a Tool in Global Political Struggles: A Case Study on RT’s Mini-Series How to Watch the News3
Conspiracy Theories and the Crisis of the Public Sphere: COVID-19 in Slovenia3
Paradoxes of Reactance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Social-psychological Perspective3
Visual, Popular and Political: The Non-profit Influencer and the Public Sphere3
Accounting for Culture in Deliberation through Meta-discursive Analysis3
Another Media System is Possible: Ripping Open the Overton Window, from Platforms to Public Broadcasting3
Brazilian Fake News Bill: Strong Content Moderation Accountability but Limited Hold on Platform Market Power3
A Fractured and Weaker Public Service Media: Territorial Organisation, Public Media Policy and Economic Crisis in Spain3