Journal of Ecology

(The TQCC of Journal of Ecology is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effects of leaf traits on litter rainfall interception with consequences for runoff and soil conservation105
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Plant and microbial impacts of an invasive species vary across an environmental gradient61
No consistencies in abundance–impact relationships across herbaceous invasive species and ecological impact metrics60
Inferring community assembly processes from functional seed trait variation along elevation gradient58
Rapid evolution of a floral trait following acquisition of novel pollinators55
Decoupling of trait and species turnover in fire‐prone Mediterranean plant communities54
Precipitation and nitrogen deposition alter biocrust–vascular plant coexistence in a desert ecosystem: Threshold and mechanisms54
Phylogenetic relationships and plant life stage but not biogeographic history mediate priority effects of European grassland plants53
Competition intensity is linked to the co‐occurrence status and height differences of plant species found growing together in an old‐field community52
Drought effects in Mediterranean forests are not alleviated by diversity‐driven water source partitioning49
Phosphorus controls symbiotic nitrogen fixation in fire‐dependent longleaf pine savannas49
Roles of leaf functional traits in fungal endophyte colonization: Potential implications for host–pathogen interactions48
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Complex trait‒environment relationships underlie the structure of forest plant communities45
Landslide age, elevation and residual vegetation determine tropical montane forest canopy recovery and biomass accumulation after landslide disturbances in the Peruvian Andes44
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Wood density and leaf size jointly predict woody plant growth rates across (but not within) species along a steep precipitation gradient36
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Closely related tree species support distinct communities of seed‐associated fungi in a lowland tropical forest34
Spatial heterogeneity of nitrification contributes to tree–grass coexistence in West African savannas34
Ectomycorrhizal (dipterocarp) and arbuscular mycorrhizal (non‐dipterocarp) tree hosts and their relative distribution in a tropical forest predict soil bacterial communities33
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Warming may extend tree growing seasons and compensate for reduced carbon uptake during dry periods32
Metabolic responses of two pioneer wood decay fungi to diurnally cycling temperature32
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Liana litter decomposes faster than tree litter in a multispecies and multisite experiment31
Warmer springs increase potential for temporal reproductive isolation among habitat patches in subalpine flowering plants30
Unravelling the relationship between plant diversity and vegetation structural complexity: A review and theoretical framework29
The effect of community‐wide phytochemical diversity on herbivory reverses from low to high elevation28
Combining biogeographical approaches to advance invasion ecology and methodology28
Sheltered or suppressed? Tree regeneration in unmanaged European forests28
Drastic shift in flowering phenology of F1 hybrids causing rapid reproductive isolation in Imperata cylindrica in Japan28
The specialised buzz pollination syndrome poses a partial barrier to plant invasions28
Phylogenetically conservative trait correlation: Quantification and interpretation27
Phylogenetic dependence of plant–soil feedback promotes rare species in a subtropical forest26
Selection on convergent functional traits drives compositional divergence in early succession of a tallgrass prairie restoration experiment26
Landscape‐scale drivers of liana load across a Southeast Asian forest canopy differ to the Neotropics26
Weather‐driven demography and population dynamics of an endemic perennial plant during a 34‐year period26
Introduced plants induce outbreaks of a native pest and facilitate invasion in the plants' native range: Evidence from the emerald ash borer26
Plant community responses to alterations in soil abiotic and biotic conditions are decoupled for above‐ and below‐ground traits25
Shifts from an extensive to an intensive root nutrient‐acquisition mode with stand development of three Pinus species25
Functional diversity and soil nutrients regulate the interannual variability in gross primary productivity25
Source height and contact with terrestrial soil drive transplanted epiphyte performance25
Herbivory and warming have opposing short‐term effects on plant‐community nutrient levels across high‐Arctic tundra habitats25
Biological Flora of Britain and Ireland: Liparis loeselii25
Pollen‐chemistry variations along elevation gradients and their implications for a proxy for UV‐B radiation in the plant‐fossil record25
Density‐dependent influence of ribbed mussels on salt marsh nitrogen pools and processes24
Ecological significance of intraplant variation: Epigenetic mosaicism in Lavandula latifolia plants predicts extant and transgenerational variability of fecundity‐related traits24
The trait‐mediated trade‐off between growth and survival depends on tree sizes and environmental conditions24
Variation in salinity tolerance and water use strategies in an introduced woody halophyte (Tamarix spp.)24
Biomass partitioning in response to intraspecific competition depends on nutrients and species characteristics: A study of 43 plant species23
The dark side of rocks: An underestimated high‐quality food resource in river ecosystems23
The eco‐evolutionary dynamics of prior selfing rates promote coexistence without niche partitioning under conditions of reproductive interference23
Extinction, climate change and the ecology of Homo sapiens23
Ericoid mycorrhizal shrubs alter the relationship between tree mycorrhizal dominance and soil carbon and nitrogen23
Interactive effects of shading and disturbance on plant invasion in an arid shrubland: Assembly processes and CSR‐strategies23
Large mammalian herbivores affect arthropod food webs via changes in vegetation characteristics and microclimate23
What does not kill you can make you stronger: Variation in plasticity in response to early temporally heterogeneous hydrological experience23
Anatomical distribution of starch in the stemwood influences carbon dynamics and suggests storage‐growth trade‐offs in some tropical trees23
Persistence of tropical herbivores in temperate reefs constrains kelp resilience to cryptic habitats22
High temperature frequently increases facilitation between aquatic foundation species: A global meta‐analysis of interaction experiments between angiosperms, seaweeds and bivalves22
Functional responses of Mediterranean flora to fire: A community‐scale perspective22
Experimental drought reduces the productivity and stability of a calcareous grassland22
Dispersal limitation and weaker stabilizing mechanisms mediate loss of diversity with edge effects in forest fragments22
Multiple disturbances, multiple legacies: Fire, canopy gaps and deer jointly change the forest seed bank22
Biological flora of Britain and Ireland:Neottia nidus‐avis22
Reconciling plant and microbial ecological strategies to elucidate cover crop effects on soil carbon and nitrogen cycling22
Long‐term empirical evidence shows post‐disturbance climate controls post‐fire regeneration22
Great granny still ruling from the grave: Phenotypical response of plant performance and seed functional traits to salt stress affects multiple generations of a halophyte21
A synthesis of local adaptation to climate through reciprocal common gardens21
Scale‐dependent shifts in functional and phylogenetic structure of Mediterranean island plant communities over two centuries21
Temporal changes in plant–soil feedback effects on microbial networks, leaf metabolomics and plant–insect interactions21
What common‐garden experiments tell us about climate responses in plants21
Exposing wind stress as a driver of fine‐scale variation in plant communities21
Consumers and nutrients alter colonization of an old field community independently and by distinct mechanisms20
The plant ecology of nature‐based solutions for people, biodiversity and climate20
Rapid loss of phenotypic plasticity in the introduced range of the beach daisy, Arctotheca populifolia20
Water controls the divergent responses of terrestrial plant photosynthesis under nitrogen enrichment20
Change in functional trait diversity mediates the effects of nutrient addition on grassland stability20
Facilitation and biodiversity jointly drive mutualistic networks20
Identity of ecological systems and the meaning of resilience20
Pollinator asynchrony drives the temporal stability of flower visitation rates, but not of plant reproductive success20
Temporal dynamics of stream algae under the combined impacts of climate and land‐use stressors20
Herbivores disrupt clinal variation in plant responses to water limitation20
Climate and crown damage drive tree mortality in southern Amazonian edge forests19
UAV‐Lidar reveals that canopy structure mediates the influence of edge effects on forest diversity, function and microclimate19
International Biological Flora:Ceratonia siliqua19
High below‐ground bud abundance increases ecosystem recovery from drought across arid and semiarid grasslands19
Inferring plant–plant interactions using remote sensing19
Climate, soil mineralogy and mycorrhizal fungi influence soil organic matter fractions in eastern US temperate forests19
Interactions among wildfire, forest type and landscape position are key determinants of boreal forest carbon stocks19
Climate‐driven shifts in plant–soil feedback of a perennial grass species18
Spatiotemporal variability in precipitation‐growth association of Betula nana in the Siberian lowland tundra18
Mangrove freeze resistance and resilience across a tropical‐temperate transitional zone18
Reconciling resilience across ecological systems, species and subdisciplines18
Linking individualistic growth stability of trees to the complexity of understorey layers18
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Contrasting responses to climate variability generate seasonal priority effects between native and invasive forest herbs18
The ecological drivers of growth form evolution in flowering plants17
Global spectra of plant litter carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and returning amounts17
Arbuscular mycorrhizal communities respond to nutrient enrichment and plant invasion in phosphorus‐limited eucalypt woodlands17
Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective17
Resilience of a tropical montane pine forest to fire and severe droughts17
Tree species with conservative foliar nutrient status and strong phosphorus homeostasis are regionally abundant in subtropical forests17
Differences in trait–environment relationships: Implications for community weighted means tests17
Individual‐based plant–pollinator networks are structured by phenotypic and microsite plant traits17
Leaf nitrogen from the perspective of optimal plant function16
Forest growth resistance and resilience to the 2018–2020 drought depend on tree diversity and mycorrhizal type16
Relationships between plant–soil feedbacks and functional traits16
Rhizodeposition through root senescence and root exudation of atmospheric C and N by legumes is controlled by traits indicative of resource acquisition and root development16
Herbivore dung stoichiometry drives competition between savanna trees and grasses16
Correction to: Trait coordination in boreal mosses reveals a bryophyte economics spectrum16
Leaf‐level resistance to frost, drought and heat covaries across European temperate tree seedlings16
Effects of warming temperatures on germination responses and trade‐offs between seed traits in an alpine plant16
The intraspecific variation of functional traits modulates drought resilience of European beech and pubescent oak16
Interventions for resilient nature‐based solutions: An ecological perspective16
Different responses of functional groups to N addition increased synchrony and shortened community reproductive duration in an alpine meadow16
Big rodents disperse small seeds and spores in Neotropical wetlands16
Microclimatic variation in tropical canopies: A glimpse into the processes of community assembly in epiphytic bryophyte communities16
Herbivory resistance in dwarf shrubs combines with simulated warming to shift phenology and decrease reproduction15
Plant water‐use strategies as mediators of herbivore drought response: Ecophysiology, host plant quality and functional traits15
An exotic herbivore reinforces competition between exotic and native plants15
Tree diversity reduces the risk of bark beetle infestation for preferred conifer species, but increases the risk for less preferred hosts15
Assemblages of anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in tank bromeliads exhibit a host‐specific signature15
Experimental evidence root‐associated microbes mediate seagrass response to environmental stress15
Erratum for: Plant community composition but not plant traits determine the outcome of soil legacy effects on plants and insects15
Tree species mixing reduces biomass but increases length of absorptive fine roots in European forests15
Genetic diversity matters for restoration of a threatened saltmarsh plant in harsh environments15
Trait coordination in boreal mosses reveals a bryophyte economics spectrum15
Disentangling the effects of microalgal diversity and thermal history on freshwater phototrophic biofilms facing heat stress: A thermal dose approach15
Herbivory of a biocontrol agent on a native plant causes an indirect trait‐mediated non‐target effect on a native insect15
Closing the life cycle of forest trees: The difficult dynamics of seedling‐to‐sapling transitions in a subtropical rainforest15
Multiple mechanisms associated with loss of seed bank diversity under nitrogen enrichment15
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Local adaptation in parapatric and sympatric mosaic coastal habitats through trait divergence of Setaria viridis14
Caching territoriality and site preferences by a scatter‐hoarder drive the spatial pattern of seed dispersal and affect seedling emergence14
Direct and indirect effects of fire on microbial communities in a pyrodiverse dry‐sclerophyll forest14
The proportion of low abundance species is a key predictor of plant β‐diversity across the latitudinal gradient14
Bryophyte assembly rules across scales14
Age matters: Demographic senescence in the moss Polytrichastrum formosum14
Introduction pathways and evolutionary mechanisms of alien species of Lolium spreading across sandy coasts in Japan14
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Context dependence of grassland plant response to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: The influence of plant successional status and soil resources14
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Are complementarity effects of species richness on productivity the strongest in species‐rich communities?14
Canopy gaps facilitate upslope shifts in montane conifers but not in temperate deciduous trees in the Northeastern United States13
Biomass temporal stability increases at two spatial scales during secondary succession13
Unveiling the ghosts of landscapes past: Changes in landscape connectivity over the last decades are still shaping current woodland plant assemblages13
Deciphering the interactions between plant species and their main fungal root pathogens in mixed grassland communities13
Functional traits predict species responses to environmental variation in a California grassland annual plant community13
Population‐specific resilience of Halophila ovalis seagrass habitat to unseasonal rainfall, an extreme climate event in estuaries13
Glacier forelands reveal fundamental plant and microbial controls on short‐term ecosystem nitrogen retention13
Root‐associated fungi not tree density influences stand nitrogen dynamics at the larch forest–tundra ecotone13
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Floral complexity can help maintain plant diversity by inducing pollinator specialization13
Vegetation‐memory effects and their association with vegetation resilience in global drylands12
Soil organic carbon is buffered by grass inputs regardless of woody cover or fire frequency in an African savanna12
A framework for scaling symbiotic nitrogen fixation using the most widespread nitrogen fixer in eastern deciduous forests of the United States12
Mechanisms of dietary resource partitioning in large‐herbivore assemblages: A plant‐trait‐based approach12
Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment12
Non‐native tree pests have a broader host range than native pests and differentially impact host lineages12
Life on a leaf: The development of spatial structure in epiphyll communities12
Variations in bark structural properties affect both water loss and carbon economics in neotropical savanna trees in the Cerrado region of Brazil12
Overyielding in young tree communities does not support the stress‐gradient hypothesis and is favoured by functional diversity and higher water availability12
Ecological consequences of genotypic diversity within a foundation plant,Spartina alterniflora, are pervasive but not universal across multiple stress gradients12
Phenotypic plasticity versus ecotypic differentiation under recurrent summer drought in two drought‐tolerant pine species12
Joint effects of resource supply and resource types on properties of population dynamic models12
Tropical deforestation reduces plant mating quality by shifting the functional composition of pollinator communities12
The expression of demographic costs of reproduction varies among coexisting plants with different life history traits12
Thermal remote sensing for plant ecology from leaf to globe12
Context‐dependent effects of shifting large herbivore assemblages on plant structure and diversity12
The invasion paradox dissolves when using phylogenetic and temporal perspectives12
Contrasting intra‐annual population dynamics of two codominant species are consistent across spatial and temporal scales12
Relationships between above‐ground plant traits and carbon cycling in tundra plant communities11
Phenotypic diversity influenced by a transposable element increases productivity and resistance to competitors in plant populations11
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Compensatory dynamics drive grassland recovery from drought11
Remote sensing of phenology: Towards the comprehensive indicators of plant community dynamics from species to regional scales11
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Functional diversity and trait composition of vascular plant and Sphagnum moss communities during peatland succession across land uplift regions11
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Low water availability enhances volatile‐mediated direct defences but disturbs indirect defences against herbivores11
Feedbacks between forest structure and an opportunistic fungal pathogen11
Spatial patterns of weed dispersal by wintering gulls within and beyond an agricultural landscape11
Adaptations and responses of the common dandelion to low atmospheric pressure in high‐altitude environments11
Investigating the effect of habitat amount and landscape heterogeneity on the gamma functional diversity of grassland and hedgerow plants11
Nutrient availability explains distinct soil fungal colonization of angiosperm versus gymnosperm wood11
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Seed size–number trade‐offs are absent in the introduced range for three congeneric plant invaders11
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Large contribution of recent photosynthate to soil respiration in tropical dipterocarp forest revealed by girdling11
Functional genomics and co‐occurrence in a diverse tropical tree genus: The roles of drought‐ and defence‐related genes11
Rocky Mountain forests are poised to recover following bark beetle outbreaks but with altered composition11
Functional complementarity of seed dispersal services provided by birds and mammals in an alpine ecosystem11
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Nutrient enrichment alters seasonal β‐diversity in global grasslands11
Spatiotemporal dynamics of genetic variation at the quantitative and molecular levels within a natural Arabidopsis thaliana population11
Quantifying nectar production by flowering plants in urban and rural landscapes10
The role of shade in maintaining alternative stable states between open‐ and closed‐canopy vegetation10
Tree diversity and mycorrhizal type co‐determine multitrophic ecosystem functions10
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Land‐use history alters the diversity, community composition and interaction networks of ectomycorrhizal fungi in beech forests10
Facilitation against herbivory more important than resource‐based niche differences for plant coexistence in a field experiment10
Fifty years of reduction in sulphur deposition drives recovery in soil pH and plant communities10
The inclusion of immediate and lagged climate responses amplifies the effect of climate autocorrelation on long‐term growth rate of populations10
Linking temperature sensitivity of mangrove communities, populations and individuals across a tropical‐temperate transitional zone10
The effects of natural enemies on herb diversity in a temperate forest depend on species traits and neighbouring tree composition10
Pathways of savannization in a mesic African savanna–forest mosaic following an extreme fire10
More warm‐adapted species in soil seed banks than in herb layer plant communities across Europe10
No slowdown of growing season extension with warming in a permafrost‐affected meadow on the Tibetan Plateau10
Strong phylogenetic signal and models of trait evolution evidence phylogenetic niche conservatism for seagrasses10
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Nonlinear thresholds in the effects of island area on functional diversity in woody plant communities10
Integrating ontogeny and ontogenetic dependency into community assembly9
Specificity determinants of pathogens in forest9
Climatic and vegetational controls of Holocene wildfire regimes in the boreal forest of northern Fennoscandia9
Does competitive asymmetry confer polyploid advantage under changing environments?9
Large mammalian herbivores modulate plant growth form diversity in a tropical rainforest9
Biodiversity–productivity relationships in a natural grassland community vary under diversity loss scenarios9
Towards a trait‐based framework for marine macroalgae: Using categorical data to explore the nature of emergent functional groups9
Neighbours matter and the weak succumb: Ash dieback infection is more severe in ash trees with fewer conspecific neighbours and lower prior growth rate9
Local‐scale climatic refugia offer sanctuary for a habitat‐forming species during a marine heatwave9
Nitrogen pulses increase fungal pathogens in Amazonian lowland tropical rain forests9
The interplay between defaunation and phylogenetic diversity affects leaf damage by natural enemies in tropical plants9
Upslope release—Downslope receipt? Multi‐year plant uptake of permafrost‐released nitrogen along an arctic hillslope9
Shifts in growth light optima among diatom species support their succession during the spring bloom in the Arctic9
The role of plant secondary metabolites in shaping regional and local plant community assembly9
Environmental filtering of life‐history trait diversity in urban populations of Arabidopsis thaliana9
Herbivore‐induced branching increases sapling survival in temperate forest canopy gaps9
Animal‐mediated seed dispersal and the demo‐genetic configuration across plant colonization gradients9