Journal of Urban Technology

(The TQCC of Journal of Urban Technology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Gray to Green Communities: A Call to Action on the Housing and Climate Crises34
The Infrastructural Imagination32
From the Editor27
China’s Urban Waste Resource Management Systems: A Case of the Yangtze River Basin23
Aerial Video Surveillance in a Megacity: A Case Study in Santiago, Chile23
Playing in Traffic? Exploring the Intersection of Platforms, Agency, and Space in Bicycle Courier Mobilities22
Crowdsourcing Pleasantness and Safety Perceptions: An Analysis through Multiple Rankings and Socio-Demographic Groups18
Tweeting during the Pandemic in New York City: Unveiling the Evolving Sentiment Landscape of NYC through a Spatiotemporal Analysis of Geolocated Tweets17
Planning Support for Smart Cities in the Post-COVID Era17
Transit-Oriented Displacement or Community Dividends? Understanding the Effects of Smarter Growth on Communities17
Of Flying Cars and Pandemic Urbanism: Splintering Urban Society in the Age of Covid-1917
Where Are Autonomous Vehicles Taking Us?14
Splintering Urbanismand Climate Breakdown13
Coworking Spaces and Well-Being: An Empirical Investigation of Coworkers in Italy13
Applications, Experiences, and Challenges of Smart Tourism Development in China12
Shifting Gears for the Automated Vehicle: Findings from Focus Groups in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area11
Embodied Precariat and Digital Control in the “Gig Economy”: The Mobile Labor of Food Delivery Workers11
The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence in Anticipatory Urban Governance: Multi-Scalar Evidence of China’s Transition to City Brains10
Situated, Yet Silent: Data Relations in Smart Street Furniture10
Using the Analytical Hierarchy Process Method to Evaluate Mobility as a Service ( MaaS ) Applications10
Governing Hybridized Electricity Systems: The Case of Decentralized Electricity in Lebanon9
Can Smart Cities Be Sustainable? An Emerging Field of Research8
Co-Designing Planning Support Systems in Urban Science: The Questions They Answer and the Questions They Raise8
Sensing Lights: The Challenges of Transforming Street Lights into an Urban Intelligence Platform8
Towards a Green Digital City: Digital Economy, Digital Innovation, and Urban Haze Pollution8
Towards a Political Ecology of Caste and the City7
The Smart City – Does the Individual Matter?6
Planning and Policy Directions for Autonomous Vehicles in Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in the United States6
From Available to Actionable Data: An Exploration of Expert and Re-users Views of Open Data6
Autonomous Shuttles: What Do Users Expect and How Will They Use Them?6
Resource Ecologies, Urban Metabolisms, and the Provision of Essential Services6
Informational Modeling of Cities: Method and Challenges for Institutional Implementation5
Becoming Smarter through Smart City Pilot Projects: Experiences and Lessons from China since 20135
Hacking Corporate Smart Cities Under COVID-19: Towards a Smart Governance Approach5
Stakeholders Engagement in Noise Action Planning Mediated by OGITO: An Open Geo-Spatial Interactive Tool5
Mapping Roof Materials in Cities for Food, Water, and Energy Production: A Mediterranean Metropolitan Area Case Study5
Australian Airports and Local Economic Development5