Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

(The TQCC of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The evolution of unethical behavior engagement amongst longshoremen in France: A 70-year perspective69
Advice taking vs. combining opinions: Framing social information as advice increases source’s perceived helping intentions, trust, and influence44
Social class background, disjoint agency, and hiring decisions38
Differences in consumer-benefiting misconduct by nonprofit, for-profit, and public organizations36
What is a “likely” amount? Representative (modal) values are considered likely even when their probabilities are low33
Unlocking creative potential: Reappraising emotional events facilitates creativity for conventional thinkers30
Who do they think they are?: A social-cognitive account of gender differences in social sexual identity and behavior at work30
Setting the stage for negotiations: How superordinate goal dialogues promote trust and joint gain in negotiations between teams28
Editorial Board27
When regular meets remarkable: Awe as a link between routine work and meaningful self-narratives26
When we should care more about relationships than favorable deal terms in negotiation: The economic relevance of relational outcomes (ERRO)24
Advances in self-narratives in, across, and beyond organizations22
Editorial Board22
Editorial Board21
Toward more diverse, generalizable organizational research: Preface to editorial by Pitesa and Gelfand20
A dynamic perspective on moral choice: Revisiting moral hypocrisy20
Editorial Board20
Patient responses to physician disclosures of industry conflicts of interest: A randomized field experiment19
Active choice, implicit defaults, and the incentive to choose19
Emotional acknowledgment: How verbalizing others’ emotions fosters interpersonal trust18
Going beyond Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) samples and problems in organizational research17
Nudges and choice architecture in organizations: New frontiers17
Blinding curiosity: Exploring preferences for “blinding” one’s own judgment16
Hot streak! Inferences and predictions about goal adherence16
Editorial Board15
Tangibility bias in investment risk judgments15
Examining the empirical redundancy of organizational justice constructs15
(Don’t) mind the gap? Information gaps compound curiosity yet also feed frustration at work15
Heroes from above but not (always) from within? Gig workers’ reactions to the sudden public moralization of their work15
Humans judge, algorithms nudge: The psychology of behavior tracking acceptance14
A gender gap in managerial span of control: Implications for the gender pay gap14
Editorial Board14
How conflict expressions affect recipients’ conflict management behaviors14
Moral signaling through donations of money and time14
Range goals as dual reference points13
Reprint of “Predicting employee wrongdoing: The complementary effect of CEO option pay and the pay gap”13
Opting-in to prosocial incentives12
Scholars of color explore bias in academe: Calling in allies and sharing affirmations for us by us12
Interpersonal consequences of conveying goal ambition11
Crafting messages to fight dishonesty: A field investigation of the effects of social norms and watching eye cues on fare evasion11
When the boss steps up: Workplace power, task responsibility, and engagement with unpleasant tasks11
A relational account of low power: The role of the attachment system in reduced proactivity10
It’s the journey, not just the destination: Conveying interpersonal warmth in written introductions10
When weak sanctioning systems work: Evidence from auto insurance industry fraud investigations10
Cultural tightness in organizations: Investigating the impact of formal and informal cultural tightness on employee creativity10
Embracing multicultural tensions: How team members’ multicultural paradox mindsets foster team information elaboration and creativity10
Going far together by being here now: Mindfulness increases cooperation in negotiations9
Unconstructive curiosity killed the cat: The importance of follower political skill and constructive curiosity to avoid leader perceptions of insubordination and unlikability9
Expanding the scope of reproducibility research through data analysis replications9
Indirect cronyism and its underlying exchange logic: How managers’ particularism orientation and the third Party’s hierarchical power strengthen its existence9
A Numeracy-Task interaction model of perceived differences9
Editorial Board9
The confrontation effect: When users engage more with ideology-inconsistent content online9
Benevolent friends and high integrity leaders: How preferences for benevolence and integrity change across relationships9
Neuroticism and the sales profession9
When loyalty binds: Examining the effectiveness of group versus personal loyalty calls on followers’ compliance with leaders’ unethical requests9
Work group rituals enhance the meaning of work9
Social inferences from choice context: Dominated options can engender distrust9
Is this product easy to control? Liabilities of using difficult-to-pronounce product names9