Journal of International Money and Finance

(The TQCC of Journal of International Money and Finance is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Riding the FinTech innovation wave: FinTech, patents and bank performance182
Fintech, Cryptocurrencies, and CBDC: Financial Structural Transformation in China127
Unconventional monetary policy and disaster risk: Evidence from the subprime and COVID–19 crises93
Capital flow waves—or ripples? Extreme capital flow movements since the crisis62
Procyclicality of fiscal policy in European Union countries58
Interconnectedness in the global financial market54
A cross-country database of fiscal space47
The international effects of global financial uncertainty shocks43
Do EU fiscal rules support or hinder counter-cyclical fiscal policy?40
A counterfactual economic analysis of Covid-19 using a threshold augmented multi-country model39
Trade policy uncertainty and stock returns38
Fact or fiction: Implicit government guarantees in China’s corporate bond market38
Media attention and agency costs: Evidence from listed companies in China37
Finance and wealth inequality36
Is volatility spillover enough for investor decisions? A new viewpoint from higher moments36
The relationship between bank size and the propensity to lend to small firms: New empirical evidence from a large sample36
Stock market volatility and jumps in times of uncertainty36
Oil prices, exchange rates and interest rates35
Monetary policy uncertainty in China30
Shipping costs and inflation29
The joint effects of economic policy uncertainty and firm characteristics on capital structure: Evidence from US firms29
Are global spillovers complementary or competitive? Need for international policy coordination29
Herding by corporates in the US and the Eurozone through different market conditions28
Growth-friendly fiscal rules? Safeguarding public investment from budget cuts through fiscal rule design27
Does multilateral lending aid capital accumulation? Role of intellectual capital and institutional quality27
The impact of social capital on economic attitudes and outcomes26
What keeps stablecoins stable?26
A finance approach to climate stress testing25
Global value chains over business cycles23
Exchange rates, foreign currency exposure and sovereign risk23
State ownership, macroprudential policies, and bank lending22
The fragility of the Eurozone: Has it disappeared?22
Firms’ sustainability, financial performance, and regulatory dynamics: Evidence from European firms21
Bank lending and small and medium-sized enterprises’ access to finance – Effects of macroprudential policies21
The Global Financial Cycle and US monetary policy in an interconnected world20
Unconventional monetary policy and bank risk taking20
Capital market financing and firm growth20
Beta herding through overconfidence: A behavioral explanation of the low-beta anomaly20
How important are global factors for understanding the dynamics of international capital flows?20
Macroprudential and monetary policies: The need to dance the Tango in harmony20
Designing a global digital currency19
The real effects of exchange rate risk on corporate investment: International evidence18
Monetary policy news in the US: Effects on emerging market capital flows18
Oil price volatility forecasts: What do investors need to know?18
Drawing conclusions from structural vector autoregressions identified on the basis of sign restrictions18
Do macroprudential policies affect the bank financing of firms in China? Evidence from a quantile regression approach18
Risk, financial stability and FDI17
Bank competition and multimarket contact intensity17
Foreign-currency exposures and the financial channel of exchange rates: Eroding monetary policy autonomy in small open economies?17
How has COVID-19 affected the performance of green investment funds?17
Drivers and spillover effects of inflation: The United States, the euro area, and the United Kingdom☆17
Monetary policy uncertainty and monetary policy surprises16
Media sentiment on monetary policy: Determinants and relevance for inflation expectations16
Corporate Governance and Banking Systemic Risk: A Test of the Bundling Hypothesis16
Centralised or decentralised banking supervision? Evidence from European banks16
Cross-border mergers and acquisitions for innovation16
What uncertainty does to euro area sovereign bond markets: Flight to safety and flight to quality16
The Halloween indicator, “Sell in May and Go Away”: Everywhere and all the time15
Monetary policy, economic uncertainty and bank risk: Cross-country evidence15
Reprint: Monetary policy uncertainty and monetary policy surprises15
Population aging and fiscal sustainability: Nonlinear evidence from Europe15
Emotions in macroeconomic news and their impact on the European bond market14
Bank regulation, supervision and liquidity creation14
The impact of the Chilean pension withdrawals during the Covid pandemic on the future savings rate14
Monetary policy spillovers under COVID-19: Evidence from lending by U.S. foreign bank subsidiaries14
FDI and firm productivity in host countries: The role of financial constraints14
The effects of U.S. monetary policy on international mutual fund investment14
Switching volatility in a nonlinear open economy14
Oil price pass-through into consumer prices: Evidence from U.S. weekly data14
Dispelling the shadow of fiscal dominance? Fiscal and monetary announcement effects for euro area sovereign spreads in the corona pandemic14
Singular spectrum analysis for real-time financial cycles measurement14
Twin deficits revisited: A role for fiscal institutions?14
ECB monetary policy and bank default risk☆14
Green lending and stock price crash risk: Evidence from the green credit reform in China14
Central bank mandates: How differences can influence the content and tone of central bank communication13
Is the renminbi a safe-haven currency? Evidence from conditional coskewness and cokurtosis13
Did financial frictions stifle R&D investment in Europe during the great recession?13
One-stop source: A global database of inflation13
Effects of the degree of financial constraint and excessive indebtedness on firms’ investment decisions13
The growing impact of US monetary policy on emerging financial markets: Evidence from India13
Cryptocurrency price discrepancies under uncertainty: Evidence from COVID-19 and lockdown nexus13
Is domestic uncertainty a local pull factor driving foreign capital inflows? New cross-country evidence13
Ties that bind: Estimating the natural rate of interest for small open economies13
Climate impacts on the loan quality of Chinese regional commercial banks13
Mortgage spreads, asset prices, and business cycles in emerging countries12
Long-run purchasing power parity redux12
How much does economic news influence bilateral exchange rates?12
FDI Mismatch, trade Mis-reporting, and hidden capital Movements: The USA - China case12
Private and public debt interlinkages in bad times12
Digitalization, retail trade and monetary policy12
Fiscal multipliers in the COVID19 recession12
Global economic policy Uncertainty, gross capital Inflows, and the mitigating role of Macroprudential policies12
Bilateral de-jure exchange rate regimes and foreign direct investment: A gravity analysis12
Revisiting the political economy of fiscal adjustments11
Speculation and informational efficiency in commodity futures markets11
Assessing cross-border interconnectedness between shadow banking systems11
Shadow banks, banking policies and China’s macroeconomic fluctuations11
Monetary policy and Bitcoin11
Financial structure and income inequality11
Fiscal stress and monetary policy stance in oil-exporting countries11
The dynamics of core and periphery in the European monetary union: A new approach11
Trade policy uncertainty and foreign direct investment: Evidence from China’s WTO accession11
GEA tracker: A daily indicator of global economic activity11
What macroeconomic conditions lead financial crises?11
Technological progress and monetary policy: Managing the fourth industrial revolution11
Quantitative easing and exuberance in stock markets: Evidence from the euro area11
Trade wars and asset prices11
Central bank tone and currency risk premia10
Cross-border investments and uncertainty: Firm-level evidence10
Do central banks rebalance their currency shares?10
Exchange rate pass-through to Japanese prices: Import prices, producer prices, and the core CPI10
Financial stress in lender countries and capital outflows from emerging market economies10
Global supply chain pressures, inflation, and implications for monetary policy10
How persistent are unconventional monetary policy effects?10
Central bank swap arrangements in the COVID-19 crisis10
The effects of fiscal institutions on fiscal adjustment10
Recent developments in exchange rate pass-through: What have we learned from uncertain times?10
The potential impact of financial portability measures on mortgage refinancing: Evidence from Chile10
Good-bye original sin, hello risk on-off, financial fragility, and crises?9
A Requiem for “Blame It on Beijing” interpreting rotating global current account surpluses9
Perceived monetary policy uncertainty9
Cross-border capital flows and return dynamics in emerging stock markets: Relative roles of equity and debt flows9
The world of anomalies: Smaller than we think?9
Examining macroprudential policy and its macroeconomic effects – Some new evidence9
The rewards of fiscal consolidations: Sovereign spreads and confidence effects9
Shadow banking and the bank lending channel of monetary policy in China9
Economic integration and exchange market pressure in a policy uncertain world9
Complexity of ECB communication and financial market trading9
The relationship between firm-level climate change exposure, financial integration, cost of capital and investment efficiency9
The impact of macroprudential policies on capital flows in CESEE9
The portfolio holdings of euro area investors: Looking through investment funds9
Does communication influence executives’ opinion of central bank policy?☆8
The effects of inequality in the 1997–98 Asian crisis and the 2008–09 global tsunami: The case of five Asian economies8
Flights-to-safety and macroeconomic adjustment in emerging markets: The role of U.S. monetary policy8
Monetary policy spillovers under intermediate exchange rate regimes8
A panel VAR analysis of macro-financial imbalances in the EU8
Real exchange rate and international reserves in the era of financial integration8
Moving closer? Comparing regional adjustments to shocks in EMU and the United States8
Fragility and the effect of international uncertainty shocks8
Can risk explain the profitability of technical trading in currency markets?8
External debt composition and domestic credit cycles8
Listed real estate futures trading, market efficiency, and direct real estate linkages: International evidence8
Investor sentiment and sovereign bonds8
What types of capital flows help improve international risk sharing?8
FX spot and swap market liquidity spillovers8
Offshore EME bond issuance and the transmission channels of global liquidity8
Financial stress and the probability of sovereign default8
The maturity of sovereign debt issuance in the euro area8
Reaching out to the unbanked: The role of political ideology in financial inclusion8
Cross-stock market spillovers through variance risk premiums and equity flows8
Household deposits and consumer sentiment expectations: Evidence from Eurozone8
Capital controls and international trade: An industry financial vulnerability perspective8
Debt is not free8
Geographic deregulation and banks’ cost of equity capital8
In the face of spillovers: Prudential policies in emerging economies7
Pandemics, intermediate goods, and corporate valuation7
The effects of financial integration during crises7
The evolution of offshore renminbi trading: 2016 to 20197
The evolution of purchasing power parity7
Innovation and FDI: Does the target of intellectual property rights protection matter?7
Fluctuations in global output volatility7
How do oil prices affect emerging market sovereign bond spreads?7
Public debt and r-g risks in advanced economies: Eurozone versus stand-alone7
Hysteresis and fiscal stimulus in a recession7
Prime money market funds regulation, global liquidity, and the crude oil market7
Shock-dependent exchange rate pass-through: Evidence based on a narrative sign approach for Japan7
Government spending and interest rates7
Follow the money: Does the financial sector intermediate natural resource windfalls?7
Is China fudging its GDP figures? Evidence from trading partner data7
Does investor sentiment affect bank stability? International evidence from lending behavior7
Trade shocks and the shifting landscape of U.S. manufacturing7
Quantitative easing and the hot potato effect: Evidence from euro area banks7
The effects of U.S. monetary policy shocks on mutual fund investing7
Cooling the mortgage loan market: The effect of borrower-based limits on new mortgage lending7
Not all government budget deficits are created equal: Evidence from advanced economies' sovereign bond markets6
Firm dynamics and SOE transformation during China’s Economic Reform6
Exchange rate dependence and economic fundamentals: A Copula-MIDAS approach6
International shadow banking and prudential capital controls6
Drivers of consumer prices and exchange rates in small open economies6
Shadow of the colossus: Euro area spillovers and monetary policy in Central and Eastern Europe6
Two challenges from globalization6
Price effects of unconventional monetary policy announcements on European securities markets6
Central bank communication and public trust: The case of ECB speeches6
Recalibration of capital controls: Evidence from the IMF taxonomy6
Access to finance and the exchange rate elasticity of exports6
Measuring the natural rates of interest of OECD and BRICS economies: A time varying perspective6
The cost of banking crises: Does the policy framework matter?6
What drives the commodity-sovereign risk dependence in emerging market economies?6
The Fed and the stock market: A tale of sentiment states6
Macro-financial spillovers6
The effect of market returns and volatility on investment choices in Chile’s defined contribution retirement plan6
Assessing the cyclical behaviour of bank capital buffers in a finance-augmented macro-economy6
The ESG washing in banks: Evidence from the syndicated loan market6
Land holdings and outward foreign direct investment: Evidence from China6
Financial market linkages and the sovereign debt crisis6
Uncertainty shocks and systemic-risk indicators6
European bank margins at the zero lower bound6
Does a reduction of state control affect IPO underpricing? Evidence from the Chinese A-share market6
Independence, conservatism, and beyond: Monetary policy, central bank governance and central banker preferences (1981–2021)6
Reprint: Is China fudging its GDP figures? Evidence from trading partner data6
Uncovered return parity: Equity returns and currency returns6
Dynamic interactions between trade globalization and financial globalization: A heterogeneous panel VAR approach6
Eurozone government bond spreads: A tale of different ECB policy regimes6
Mortgage-related bank penalties and systemic risk among U.S. banks6
Unconventional monetary policy and the portfolio choice of international mutual funds6
The time-varying risk price of currency portfolios6