International Journal of Manpower

(The TQCC of International Journal of Manpower is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Impact of artificial intelligence on employees working in industry 4.0 led organizations137
Promoting in-role and extra-role green behavior through ethical leadership: mediating role of green HRM and moderating role of individual green values118
Artificial intelligence and human workers interaction at team level: a conceptual assessment of the challenges and potential HRM strategies100
A study of artificial intelligence on employee performance and work engagement: the moderating role of change leadership72
How GHRM is related to green creativity? A moderated mediation model of green transformational leadership and green perceived organizational support71
Green human resource management and green organizational citizenship behavior: do green culture and green values matter?63
Green intellectual capital, green HRM and green social identity toward sustainable environment: a new integrated framework for Islamic banks56
The role of human resource practices in the implementation of digital transformation56
Examining the dark side of human resource analytics: an empirical investigation using the privacy calculus approach45
Analysing the impact of sustainable human resource management practices and industry 4.0 technologies adoption on employability skills43
Human resource developments with the touch of artificial intelligence: a scale development study43
Exploring the impact of green human resource management on environmental performance: the roles of perceived organizational support and innovative environmental behavior41
Analysis of challenges in sustainable human resource management due to disruptions by Industry 4.0: an emerging economy perspective39
Analysing workforce development challenges in the Industry 4.035
Developing human resource for the digitization of logistics operations: readiness index framework34
Developing human capital 4.0 in emerging economies: an industry 4.0 perspective33
Environmental-specific servant leadership as a strategic tool to accomplish environmental performance: a case of China31
Green human resource management, leader–member exchange, core self-evaluations and work engagement: the mediating role of human resource management performance attributions27
The role of big data and predictive analytics in the employee retention: a resource-based view27
Green HRM promotes higher education sustainability: a mediated-moderated analysis26
From traditional to smart human resources management24
Emotional intelligence and leadership: insights for leading by feeling in the future of work23
Explaining resistance intention towards mobile HRM application: the dark side of technology adoption23
Pathway toward environmental sustainability: mediating role of corporate social responsibility in green human resource management practices in small and medium enterprises23
Psychological mechanism linking green human resource management to green behavior23
The role of organizational culture and voluntariness in the adoption of artificial intelligence for disaster relief operations23
Implications of GHRM on organisational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of enablers of green culture21
Sustainable electronic human resource management systems and firm performance: an empirical study21
Why should I let them know? Effects of workplace incivility and cynicism on employee knowledge hiding behavior under the control of ethical leadership21
A human resources analytics and machine-learning examination of turnover: implications for theory and practice20
Procrastination is not only a “thief of time”, but also a thief of happiness: it buffers the beneficial effects of telework on well-being via daily micro-events of IT workers20
A multi-stakeholder ethical framework for AI-augmented HRM19
Understanding technostress and employee well-being in digital work: the roles of work exhaustion and workplace knowledge diversity19
Disentangling employees' passion and work-related outcomes through the lens of cross-cultural examination: a two-wave empirical study19
Workplace ostracism and employee silence in service organizations: the moderating role of negative reciprocity beliefs19
Workload, work–life interface, stress, job satisfaction and job performance: a job demand–resource model study during COVID-1918
Green HRM and nongreen outcomes: the mediating role of visionary leadership in Asia16
Environmentally specific transformational leadership and green product development performance: the role of a green HRM system16
Inhibiting unethical pro-organizational behavior: harnessing the effects of responsible leadership and leader–member exchange16
Voluntary part-time and mandatory full-time telecommuting: a comparative longitudinal analysis of the impact of managerial, work and individual characteristics on job performance16
Green HRM: pathway towards environmental sustainability using AHP and FAHP in a nascent parsimony15
Organizational justice, psychological ownership and organizational embeddedness: a conservation of resources perspective15
Human resource development 4.0 (HRD 4.0) in the apparel industry of Bangladesh: a theoretical framework and future research directions15
Green organizational culture in manufacturing SMEs: an analysis of causal relationships15
How does training boost employees' intention to implement environmental activities? An empirical study in Vietnam15
Gender pay gap in explaining female entrepreneurship – industry perspective of selected European countries15
Decoding the dark shades of electronic human resource management14
Can employee's boundary-spanning behavior exactly promote innovation performance? The roles of creative ideas generation and team task interdependence14
Exploring the dark-side of E-HRM: a study of social networking sites and deviant workplace behavior14
The duration of the school-to-work transition in Italy and in other European countries: a flexible baseline hazard interpretation14
Impact of trade openness, human capital, public expenditure and institutional performance on unemployment: evidence from OIC countries14
How and when high-involvement work practices influence employee innovative behavior14
4.0 digital transition and human capital: evidence from the Italian Fintech market14
The telework performance dilemma: exploring the role of trust, social isolation and fatigue13
Conceptualizing and theorizing green human resource management: a narrative review13
Teleworking: role of psychological well-being and technostress in the relationship between trust in management and employee performance12
Prevention is better than cure”: challenges in engaging employees through gamification12
A cross-level examination of team-directed empowering leadership and subordinates' innovative performance: an AMO theory perspective12
Transition to work, mismatch and underemployment among graduates: an Australian longitudinal study12
A data set of comparable estimates of the private rate of return to schooling in the world, 1970–201411
Unlocking the mask: how respectful engagement enhances tacit knowledge sharing among organizational members11
Can continuous learning amplify employees' change-efficacy and contextual performance? Evidence from post-merger Indian organization11
How do teleworkers escape burnout? A moderated-mediation model of the job demands and turnover intention11
Youth labor market vulnerabilities: evidence from Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia11
Are temporary jobs stepping stones or dead ends? A systematic review of the literature11
Investigating training effectiveness of public and private banks employees in this digital age: an empirical study10
Are job seekers predisposed to job search strategies?10
Predictors of applicant attraction among Gen-X and millennials: evidence from an emerging economy10
Social ties, absorptive capacity, and the adoption of green innovation: a social capital perspective10
Linking paternalistic leadership to work engagement among Chinese expatriates: a job demand-resource perspective10
Exploring how social capital and self-esteem shape career success among women in a patriarchal African society: the case of Nigeria10
Knowledge-oriented leadership and workers' performance: do individual knowledge management engagement and empowerment matter?10
The labour market impact of COVID-19: early evidence for a sample of enterprises from Southern Europe10
Personal attributes and job resources as determinants of amount of work done under work-from-home: empirical study of Indian white-collar employees10
The effect of telework on emotional exhaustion and task performance via work overload: the moderating role of self-leadership10
High-performance work system and knowledge hoarding: the mediating role of competitive climate and the moderating role of high-performance work system psychological contract breach10
Home, work or both? The role of paradox mindset in a remote work environment during the COVID-19 pandemic10
A dark side of e-HRM: mediating role of HR service delivery and HR socialization on HR effectiveness10
The promise and peril of youth entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa9
How GHRM impacts employee OCBE: the role of emotions and value discrepancy9
Guest editorial: Green human resource management and the implications of culture on its practices in Asia9
Public management strategies for improving satisfaction with pandemic-induced telework among public employees9
Employee’s intention to share knowledge: the impacts of learning organization culture and learning goal orientation9