Journal of Nursing Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Nursing Management is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Fear of COVID‐19, psychological distress, work satisfaction and turnover intention among frontline nurses503
Psychological resilience, coping behaviours and social support among health care workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A systematic review of quantitative studies311
Lessons from Italian front‐line nurses' experiences during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative descriptive study150
Healthcare worker resilience during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An integrative review133
Influence of caring for COVID‐19 patients on nurse's turnover, work satisfaction and quality of care126
Pandemic fatigue and clinical nurses’ mental health, sleep quality and job contentment during the covid‐19 pandemic: The mediating role of resilience106
Challenges experienced by ICU nurses throughout the provision of care for COVID‐19 patients: A qualitative study104
Burnout and its relationship to self‐reported quality of patient care and adverse events during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional online survey among nurses86
Professional autonomy in nursing: An integrative review76
Factors associated with missed nursing care and nurse‐assessed quality of care during the COVID‐19 pandemic66
Curbing nurses' burnout during COVID‐19: The roles of servant leadership and psychological safety62
Work engagement and psychological distress of health professionals during the COVID‐19 pandemic59
Relationships between resilience, empathy, compassion fatigue, work engagement and turnover intention in haemodialysis nurses: A cross‐sectional study59
Nursing during the COVID‐19 outbreak: A phenomenological study59
A Phenomenological Study of Nurse Managers’ and Assistant Nurse Managers’ Experiences during the COVID‐19 Pandemic in the United States58
Cultivating ethical leadership in the recovery of COVID‐1958
The relationship between mental workload and job performance among Iranian nurses providing care to COVID‐19 patients: A cross‐sectional study57
Effects of resilience, social support, and work environment on turnover intention in newly graduated nurses: The mediating role of transition shock49
Experiences of nurses caring for patients with COVID‐19 in Turkey: A phenomenological enquiry48
Influence of nurse managers' toxic leadership behaviours on nurse‐reported adverse events and quality of care48
Anxiety, job satisfaction, supervisor support and turnover intentions of mid‐career nurses: A structural equation model analysis46
Intensive care unit nurses living through COVID‐19: A qualitative study45
Factors affecting nurses' professional commitment during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study44
Effects of work conditions and organisational strategies on nurses' mental health during the COVID‐19 pandemic44
New graduate nurses' satisfaction, adaptation and intention to leave in their first year: A descriptive study44
Nurses' voice behaviour: The influence of humble leadership, affective commitment and job embeddedness in China43
Nurses’ experiences of being recruited and transferred to a new sub‐intensive care unit devoted to COVID‐19 patients42
A qualitative study on the experiences of the first nurses assigned to COVID‐19 units in Turkey41
How workplace violence correlates turnover intention among Chinese health care workers in COVID‐19 context: The mediating role of perceived social support and mental health40
Relationship between eHealth literacy and psychological status during COVID‐19 pandemic: A survey of Chinese residents40
Nurse leaders' resilience and their role in supporting nurses' resilience during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A scoping review40
Anxiety, depression and cognitive emotion regulation strategies in Chinese nurses during the COVID‐19 outbreak39
‘The office of disaster management’ nurse managers' experiences during COVID‐19: A qualitative interview study using thematic analysis39
Effects of role overload, work engagement and perceived organisational support on nurses' job performance during the COVID‐19 pandemic37
Nurses' turnover intention and associated factors in general hospitals in China: A cross‐sectional study37
Experiences of frontline nurse managers during the COVID‐19: A qualitative study36
The role of organizational support and self‐efficacy on work engagement among registered nurses in Jordan: A descriptive study36
Interprofessional collaboration as a mediator in the relationship between nurse work environment, patient safety outcomes and job satisfaction among nurses35
Missed nursing care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A comparative observational study34
Transition shock and job satisfaction changes among newly graduated nurses in their first year of work: A prospective longitudinal study34
Turnover intention and coronaphobia among frontline nurses during the second surge of COVID‐19: The mediating role of social support and coping skills33
Leadership, professional quality of life and moral distress during COVID‐19: A mixed‐methods approach33
The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing clinical nursing care: A scoping review33
Nurse staffing, missed care, quality of care and adverse events: A cross‐sectional study33
Relationships of professional identity and psychological reward satisfaction with subjective well‐being among Chinese nurses32
Nurse managers’ competencies: A scoping review32
Distributed leadership as a predictor of employee engagement, job satisfaction and turnover intention in UK nursing staff*32
Burnout and intent to leave during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study of New Jersey hospital nurses31
Nurses' perception of teamwork and its relationship with the occurrence and reporting of adverse events: A questionnaire survey in teaching hospitals30
Authentic leadership, nurse‐assessed adverse patient events and quality of care: The mediating role of nurses' safety actions28
Mindfulness, emotional intelligence and occupational burnout in intensive care nurses: A mediating effect model28
The influence of nursing leadership styles on the outcomes of patients, professionals and institutions: An integrative review27
LGBT + young people’s perceptions of barriers to accessing mental health services in Ireland26
Providing targeted psychological support to frontline nurses involved in the management of COVID‐19: An action research26
The effect of burnout and its dimensions on turnover intention among nurses: A meta‐analytic review26
Investigation of the relationship between psychological resilience and job performance in Turkish nurses during the Covid‐19 pandemic in terms of descriptive characteristics26
Job stress and its relationship with nurses' autonomy and nurse–physician collaboration in intensive care unit25
How are empowering leadership, self‐efficacy and innovative behavior related to nurses' agency in distributed leadership in Denmark, Italy and Israel?25
Professional quality of life in nurses on the frontline against COVID‐1925
Factors influencing career success of clinical nurses in northwestern China based on Kaleidoscope Career Model: Structural equation model25
Nursing professionals' mental well‐being and workplace impairment during the COVID‐19 crisis: A Network analysis25
Turnover intention linking compulsory citizenship behaviours to social loafing in nurses: A mediation analysis25
Front‐line nurses' responses to organisational changes during the COVID‐19 in Spain: A qualitative rapid appraisal25
Challenges and opportunities in health care and nursing management research in times of COVID‐19 outbreak25
What is the impact of patient violence in the emergency department on emergency nurses' intention to leave?25
Ethical issues of smart home‐based elderly care: A scoping review25
Fall prevention education to reduce fall risk among community‐dwelling older persons: A systematic review25
Factors that influence nurse manager job satisfaction: An integrated literature review24
Chinese nurses' innovation capacity: The influence of inclusive leadership, empowering leadership and psychological empowerment24
Abusive supervision climate and turnover intention: Is it my coworkers or my supervisor ostracizing me?24
Authentic leadership and nurses' motivation to engage in leadership roles: The mediating effects of nurse work environment and leadership self‐efficacy23
Strategies to prevent missed nursing care: An international qualitative study based upon a positive deviance approach23
Strength use and nurses' depressive symptoms: The mediating role of basic psychological needs satisfaction23
Organisational innovation climate and innovation behaviour among nurses in China: A mediation model of psychological empowerment23
The prevalence of stress‐related outcomes and occupational well‐being among emergency nurses in the Netherlands and the role of job factors: A regression tree analysis23
Strengthening the power of nurses in combating COVID‐1922
Experiences and perceptions of final‐year nursing students of using a chatbot in a simulated emergency situation: A qualitative study22
Incidence of workplace violence against nurses among Chinese hospitals: A meta‐analysis22
Health care workers’ protection and psychological safety during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Spain22
Homeless experiences and support needs of transgender people: A systematic review of the international evidence22
Nursing in the United Arab Emirates: Current challenges and opportunities21
A systematic review exploring the impact of focal leader behaviours on health care team performance21
Job engagement and satisfaction are associated with nurse caring behaviours: A cross‐sectional study21
Predictors of toxic leadership behaviour among nurse managers: A cross‐sectional study21
Nursing and values‐based leadership: A literature review21
A bibliometric analysis of workplace incivility in nursing21
Effects of mHealth‐based interventions on health literacy and related factors: A systematic review21
Ethical dilemmas experienced by nurses while caring for patients during the COVID‐19 pandemic: An integrative review of qualitative studies21
The experience of nursing leadership in a crisis: A hermeneutic phenomenological study21
Defining nursing workload predictors: A pilot study21
Perceived stress and affecting factors related to COVID‐19 pandemic of emergency nurses in Turkey21
Linking nurses’ job security to job satisfaction and turnover intention during reform and privatization: A cross‐sectional survey21
The experiences of nurses infected with COVID‐19 in Wuhan, China: A qualitative study20
The relationship of nursing work environment and innovation support with nurses' innovative behaviours and outputs20
Organizational learning during COVID‐19: A qualitative study of nurses' experiences20
Missed nursing care in the Malaysian context: A cross‐sectional study from nurses' perspective20
Nurse manager communication and outcomes for nursing: An integrative review20
High‐involvement HRM and innovative behaviour: The mediating roles of nursing staff's autonomy and affective commitment20
The status and associated factors of junior nurses' transition shock: A cross‐sectional study20
An examination of the fear of COVID‐19 and professional quality of life among nurses: A multicultural study20
Workplace violence and the risk of post‐traumatic stress disorder and burnout among nurses: A systematic review and meta‐analysis20
Predicting nurses' occupational commitment and turnover intention: The role of autonomous motivation and supervisor and coworker behaviours20
Behaviours and experiences of nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Turkey: A mixed methods study20
Global prevalence of presenteeism in the nursing workforce: A meta‐analysis of 28 studies from 14 countries19
Associations between personal protective equipment and nursing staff stress during the COVID‐19 pandemic19
Experiences of residents, family members and staff in residential care settings for older people during COVID‐19: A mixed methods study19
Frontline nurses' caring experiences in COVID‐19 units: A qualitative study19
Spiritual care competence and its relationship with self‐efficacy: An online survey among nurses in mainland China19
LGBT individuals' opinions about their health care experiences: A qualitative research study19
Sleep, fatigue and alertness during working hours among rotating‐shift nurses in Korea: An observational study19
Exploring job satisfaction and turnover intentions among general practice nurses in an Australian Primary Health Network19
Professional identity and emotional labour affect the relationship between perceived organisational justice and job performance among Chinese hospital nurses19
Unfinished Nursing Care Survey: A development and validation study18
A bibliometric analysis of COVID‐19 publications in nursing by visual mapping method18
Determining anxiety levels and related factors in operating room nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A descriptive study18
Entrepreneurial nurses in the literature: A systematic literature review18
Intention to migrate among the next generation of Turkish nurses and drivers of migration18
Strategies for reducing hospital nurse turnover in South Korea: Nurses' perceptions and suggestions18
Predictors of events of violence or aggression against nurses in the workplace: A scoping review18
Human‐centred leadership in health care: A contemporary nursing leadership theory generated via constructivist grounded theory18
Formally reporting incidents of workplace violence among nurses: A scoping review18
Impact of nurses' emotional labour on job stress and emotional exhaustion amid COVID‐19: The role of instrumental support and coaching leadership as moderators17
Workplace bullying, knowledge hiding and time theft: Evidence from the health care institutions in Pakistan17
Effect of humble leadership on proactive work behaviour: The mediating role of psychological empowerment among nurses17
Coping with job stress for hospital nurses during the COVID‐19 crisis: The joint roles of micro‐breaks and psychological detachment17
The social support, psychological resilience and quality of life of nurses in infectious disease departments in China: A mediated model17
The relationship between workplace incivility and turnover intention in nurses: A cross‐sectional study17
Sources of satisfaction, dissatisfaction and well‐being for UK advanced practice nurses: A qualitative study17
Discharge teaching, readiness for hospital discharge and post‐discharge outcomes in cataract patients: A structural equation model analysis17
Is there a gap between artificial intelligence applications and priorities in health care and nursing management?17
Second victim experiences of nurses in obstetrics and gynaecology: A Second Victim Experience and Support Tool Survey17
A cross sectional study of the impact of psychological capital on organisational citizenship behaviour among nurses: Mediating effect of work engagement16
Professional success of men in the nursing workforce: An integrative review16
Relationship between organisational dehumanization and nurses' deviant behaviours: A moderated mediation model16
Predictors of actual turnover among nurses working in Korean hospitals: A nationwide longitudinal survey study16
A caring leadership model in nursing: A grounded theory approach16
Trends in artificial intelligence in nursing: Impacts on nursing management16
The effect of discharge planning on length of stay and readmission rates of older adults in acute hospitals: A systematic review and meta‐analysis of systematic reviews16
Experience of middle management nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Switzerland: A qualitative study16
Critical care nurses’ communication challenges during handovers: A systematic review and qualitative meta‐synthesis16
Nurses' ethical leadership and related outcome variables: Systematic review and meta‐analysis16
Association between night shift and sleep quality and health among Chinese nurses: A cross‐sectional study16
Perceptions of US nurses and nurse leaders on authentic nurse leadership, healthy work environment, intent to leave and nurse well‐being during a second pandemic year: A cross sectional study16
The impact of psychological capital on turnover intention among Chinese nurses: A moderated mediation model16
Effects of self‐rated workload and nurse staffing on work engagement among nurses: A cross‐sectional survey16
Emotional and psychological implications for healthcare professionals in disasters or mass casualties: A systematic review16
An integrative review on interventions for strengthening professional governance in nursing16
Experiences of first‐line nurse managers during COVID‐19: A Jordanian qualitative study16
Surviving an infectious disease outbreak: How does nurse calling influence performance during the COVID‐19 fight?16
The association between workplace social capital and authentic leadership, structural empowerment and forms of communication as antecedent factors in hospital nurses: A cross‐sectional multilevel appr15
Relationship between risk perception of COVID‐19 and job withdrawal among Chinese nurses: The effect of work–family conflict and job autonomy15
Toxic leadership behaviour of nurse managers on perceived job satisfaction and productivity of nursing workforce in sub‐Saharan Ghana: A multi‐centre cross‐sectional study15
Impact of COVID‐19 on acute isolation bed capacity and nursing workforce requirements: A retrospective review15
Nurses' post‐traumatic stress symptoms and growth by perceived workplace bullying: An online cross‐sectional study15
Job crafting mediates the relation between creativity, personality, job autonomy and well‐being in Lebanese nurses15
Association between workplace bullying and nurses' professional quality of life: The mediating role of resilience15
Explaining the effect of authentic and ethical leadership on psychological empowerment of nurses15
Why nurses do not report patient aggression: A review and appraisal of the literature15
The impact of resilience on turnover among newly graduated nurses: A 1‐year follow‐up study15
Effect of workplace fun on Chinese nurse innovative behaviour: The intermediary function of affective commitment15
Burnout and job satisfaction among nurses in three Spanish regions15
The moderating effect of burnout on professionalism, values and competence of nurses in Saudi Arabia amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic: A structural equation modelling approach15
Nurses' clinical leadership in the hospital setting: A systematic review15
Is the PhD well for nursing faculty running dry?15
Compliance and barriers to the use of infection prevention and control measures among health care workers during COVID‐19 pandemic in Qatar: A national survey15
Nurses' experience of work stress related to COVID‐19 regular prevention and control in China: A qualitative study15
Hospital nurses' empathy and moral sensitivity toward elderly care: A cross‐sectional study14
Does abusive supervision lead nurses to suffer from workplace violence? A cross‐sectional study14
Impact of engagement factors on nurses' intention to leave hospital employment14
Effect of a group‐based acceptance and commitment therapy programme on the mental health of clinical nurses during the COVID‐19 sporadic outbreak period14
Structural empowerment, formal and informal power, and job performance quality: A moderated mediation analysis14
Factors influencing older nurses' decision making around the timing of retirement: An explorative mixed‐method study14
Intervention types and their effects on workplace bullying among nurses: A systematic review14
Factors affecting work ability index among polish nurses working in hospitals – A prospective observational survey14
Registered nurses' perceptions of their career—An interview study14
Work engagement of nurses and the influence of spiritual climate of hospitals: A cross‐sectional study14
Identifying the components of spirituality affecting the resilience of nurses14
Association between psychological capital and spiritual care competencies of clinical nurses: A multicentre cross‐sectional study14
Work schedule characteristics and occupational fatigue/recovery among rotating‐shift nurses: A cross‐sectional study14
Impact of nurses' roles and burden on burnout during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Multicentre cross‐sectional survey14
Establishing quality evaluation system of nursing management in fever clinics: A Delphi method13
Exploring mediating effects between nursing leadership and patient safety from a person‐centred perspective: A literature review13
Impact of COVID‐19 on professional nursing practice environments and patient safety culture13
Nurse managers' challenges and opportunities in the COVID‐19 pandemic crisis: A qualitative descriptive study13
Effects of a hospital‐based leisure activities programme on nurses' stress, self‐perceived anxiety and depression: A mixed methods study13
Predictors of job satisfaction of registered nurses providing care for older adults13
The impact of nurse leadership education on clinical practice: An integrative review13
Fostering an ethos of cultural humility development in nurturing inclusiveness and effective intercultural team working13
Workplace violence from the perspective of hospital ward managers in Sweden: A qualitative study13
A commentary on spiritual leadership and workplace spirituality in nursing management13
The role of teamwork in the implicit rationing of nursing care: A systematic mixed‐methods review13
Social support and job satisfaction in nursing staff: Understanding the link through role ambiguity13
Compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue in frontline nurses during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Wuhan, China13
Leadership for professional advancement and evidence‐based practice in UAE: Now more than ever13
Nurses' spiritual well‐being and the COVID‐19 pandemic: A thematic approach13
The mediating effects of adversity quotient and self‐efficacy on ICU nurses' organizational climate and work engagement13
Global prevalence of resilience in health care professionals: A systematic review, meta‐analysis and meta‐regression13
Residential aged care leadership in Australia—Time for a compassionate approach: A qualitative analysis of key leader skills and attributes13
Australian nurses’ suggestions for the management of violence in the workplace: ‘The people who make the policy are not the people on the floor’13
Nurses' disaster core competencies and resilience during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study from Turkey13
Workplace bullying, burnout and resilience amongst perioperative nurses in Australia: A descriptive correlational study13
Work readiness: Its determinants and association with work‐related outcomes among new graduate nurses12
A structural equation model analysis of the association between work‐related stress, burnout and job‐related affective well‐being among nurses in Saudi Arabia during the COVID‐19 pandemic12
Structural empowerment and work ethics influence on the work engagement of millennial nurses12
Posttraumatic stress disorder and related factors among nurses working during the COVID‐19 pandemic12
‘Young saplings on fire’ newly graduated nurses in the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative study12
The impact of organisational commitment and leadership style on job satisfaction of nurse practitioners in acute care practices12
Coping strategies that motivated frontline nurses while caring for the COVID‐19 patients during the pandemic: A scoping review12
An illumination of the ICN’s core competencies in disaster nursing version 2.0: Advanced nursing response to COVID‐19 outbreak in China12
Determinants of the risk of burnout among nurses during the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Belgium: A cross‐sectional study12
A year after COVID‐19: Its impact on nurses' psychological well‐being12
The role of demographic factors, mindfulness and perceived stress in resilience among nurses: A cross sectional study12
A cost analysis with the discrete‐event simulation application in nurse and doctor employment management12
Clinical competency and psychological empowerment among ICU nurses caring for COVID‐19 patients: A cross‐sectional survey study12
Negative and positive psychological experience of frontline nurses in combatting COVID‐19: A qualitative study12
Prevalence, levels and related factors of burnout in nurse managers: A multi‐centre cross‐sectional study12
Second‐victim experience and support among nurses in mainland China12
Artificial intelligence and robot nurses: From nurse managers' perspective: A descriptive cross‐sectional study12
What relationships can be found between nurses' working life and turnover? A mixed‐methods approach12
Nurses and midwives' experiences with peer‐group clinical supervision intervention: A pilot study12
Development of a predictive inpatient falls risk model using machine learning12
Impact of clinical leadership in advanced practice roles on outcomes in health care: A scoping review12
Relationships among basic psychological needs, organizational commitment, perceived authentic leadership and turnover intention in Korean nurses: A cross‐sectional study12
The impact of organisational communication satisfaction on health care professionals' work engagement12
Core competencies of the midwifery workforce in China: A scoping review12
Effects of horizontal violence among nurses on patient safety: Mediation of organisational communication satisfaction and moderated mediation of organisational silence12
Are data on missed nursing care useful for nursing leaders? The RN4CAST@IT cross‐sectional study12
Preceptorship as part of the recruitment and retention strategy for nurses? A qualitative interview study12
The mediating role of resilience between work–family conflict and career development among Chinese nurses: A cross‐sectional study11
Health care managers' competence in knowledge management: A scoping review11
Association between coping strategies and professional quality of life in nurses and physicians during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study11
Nurses’ perceptions of the role of health organisations in building professional commitment: Insights from an israeli cross‐sectional study during the COVID‐19 pandemic11
Frequency and outcomes of workplace incivility in healthcare: A scoping review of the literature11
What determines physical, mental and emotional workloads on nurses? A cross‐sectional study11
Role of self‐efficacy in nursing organizational climate: A way to develop nurses' humanistic practice ability11
Work environment and mental health in nurse assistants, nurses and health executives: Results from the AMADEUS study11
Leadership in the context of digital health services: A concept analysis11
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Nursing Care: A Systematic Review11
Intentions of frontline nurses regarding COVID‐19 patient care: A cross‐sectional study in Korea11
Chinese nurses' perceptions on toxic leadership behaviours of nurse managers: A qualitative study11
The impact of the second victim's experience and support on the career success of psychiatric nurses: The mediating effect of psychological resilience11
Prevalence and reasons for non‐nursing tasks as perceived by nurses: Findings from a large cross‐sectional study11
Violence against nurses by patients and visitors in the emergency department: A concept analysis11
Willingness to participate in front‐line work during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study of nurses from a province in South‐West China11
The association of professionalism and systems thinking on patient safety competency: A structural equation model11
Mental health, safety and support during COVID‐19: A cross‐sectional study of primary health care nurses11
Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the General Work Stress Scale11
Australian nurses' perceptions about workplace violence management, strategies and support services11
Under the same rainbow: A study on homophobia and discrimination among private sector health care professionals11
Compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction among Chinese palliative care nurses: A province‐wide cross‐sectional survey11