Public Choice

(The TQCC of Public Choice is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial announcement58
Natural disasters and voter gratitude: What is the role of prevention policies?32
The petit effect of campaign spending on votes: using political financing reforms to measure spending impacts in multiparty elections23
Francesco Forte: an economist across boundaries17
Andreas Thiel, William A. Blomquist, and Dustin E. Garrick (eds.): Governing Complexity: Analyzing and Applying Polycentricity16
Samuel Gregg, The next American Economy: Nation, State, and markets in an Uncertain World. New York, NY: Encounter Books, 2022. Xvi + 335 pages. USD 22.49 (hardcover)14
Hong Liu, The political economy of transnational governance: China and Southeast Asia in the 21st Century. New York, NY: Routledge, 2022. 220 Pages. USD 142.85 (Hardcover)12
Liberalism and democracy: legitimacy and institutional expediency11
Democracy and the quality of economic institutions: theory and evidence11
John A. List: The voltage effect—how to make good ideas great and great ideas scale11
Pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in the spatial model with valence: existence and characterization11
Federalism and pandemic policies: variety as the spice of life10
Manipulating municipal budgets: unveiling opportunistic behavior of Italian mayors9
Scott scheall, F.A. Hayek and the epistemology of politics: the curious task of economics. New York, NY: Routledge, 2020. xiii + 200 Pages. USD 160.00 (hardback)9
Revolutionary leaders and the punishment of critics8
Peter J. Boettke and Solomon M. Stein (eds.), Buchanan’s tensions: reexamining the political economy and philosophy of James M. Buchanan, Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, 2018
Ludger Schuknecht, Public spending and the role of the state: history, performance, risk and remedies8
Axiomatization of plurality refinements8
The political business cycle of tax reforms8
Stefon Dercon: Gambling on development: Why some countries win and others lose. London: Hurst, 2022. 398 pages. USD $34.95 (hardback)8
‘Keep friends close, but enemies closer’: connections and political careers8
A tale of government spending efficiency and trust in the state8
Fines as enforcers’ rewards or as a transfer to society at large? Evidence on deterrence and enforcement implications8
Potlatch economy: reciprocity among northwest coast Indians7
Why does the confidence in companies, but not the confidence in the government, affect the demand for regulation differently across countries?7
Representation increases participation: evidence from a reform in Chile7
Effects of per capita payments on governance: evidence from tribal casinos7
Does a firm’s lobbying activity respond to its peers’ lobbying activity?7
The calculus of american indian consent: the law and economics of tribal constitutions7
The implementability of liberalism7
Enumerating rights: more is not always better6
The timber wars: the endangered species act, the northwest forest plan, and the political economy of timber management in the Pacific northwest6
Democracy, corruption, and endogenous entrepreneurship policy6
Examining the public interest rationale for regulating whiskey with the pure food and drugs act6
Political competition and legislative shirking in roll-call votes: Evidence from Germany for 1953–20176
Contextual liberalism: the ordoliberal approach to private vices and public benefits6
Approval and plurality voting with uncertainty: Info-gap analysis of robustness6
Vote buying and redistribution6
Decentralized revenue sharing from broadcasting sports6
Split Cycle: a new Condorcet-consistent voting method independent of clones and immune to spoilers5
You have nothing to lose but your chains?5
Behavioral symmetry with humanomics: public choice and moral community5
A reservation economic freedom index5
Do women always behave as corruption cleaners?5
Remembering Bob Ekelund: his impact on us, and on the economics of art5
The role of economic uncertainty in the rise of EU populism5
Protecting Postville? The impact of deportation and immigration on crime5
Environmental regulation, regulatory spillovers and rent-seeking5
The economics of everything: Robert B. Ekelund Jr.’s contributions to the study of extra-market activities5
The spontaneous provision of criminal law5
Sexual orientation, political trust, and same-sex relationship recognition policies: evidence from Europe5
Public choice and public health4
You can’t always get what you want: why revolutionary outcomes so often diverge from revolutionary goals4
Correction to: Why cronies don’t cry? IMF programs, Chinese lending, and leader survival4
A unified approach to measuring unequal representation4
Correction to: Failed secular revolutions: religious belief, competition, and extremism4
Loose language or stylized facts? d’Avray on Ekelund and Tollison4
Against the tide: how changes in political alignment affect grant allocation to municipalities in Hungary4
Usury enforcement as an alternative to capital taxation in pre-modern states4
Correction to: Globalization and populism in Europe4
Political and racial neighborhood sorting: How is it changing?3
Alex Nowrasteh and Benjamin Powell, Wretched Refuse? The Political Economy of Immigration and Institutions3
Prevention externalities: private and public responses to the 1878 yellow fever epidemic3
Harold A. Black academic conference: an introduction to the special issue3
Revolution and Institutional Change: an introduction to the special issue3
Standing on the shoulders of giants or science? Lessons from ordoliberalism3
Pious people, patronage jobs, and the labor market: Turkey under Erdoğan’s AKP3
What factors drive cross-country economic freedom convergence?3
Regulatory capture in a resource boom3
The political economy of rights3
Editorial announcement3
The political economy of climate action in Indian Country3
Were COVID-19 lockdowns worth it? A meta-analysis3
The political economy of American Indian policy: introduction to a special issue3
The vanishing trial: a dynamic model with adaptive agents3
Geoffrey Brennan: scholar and gentleman3
A Tullock Index for assessing the effectiveness of redistribution3
Credit for me but not for thee: the effects of the Illinois rate cap3
What is public health? public goods, publicized goods, and the conversion problem3
Soft-power and pro-European bias in the UNESCO World Heritage List? A test based on ICOMOS experts’ evaluations of colonial sites3
Two (lay) dogmas on externalities3
Chinese aid and democratic values in Latin America3
Mikayla Novak, Freedom in contention: social movements and liberal political economy. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2021. 258 Pages. USD 105.00 (hardcover)3
The incidence and magnitude of the health costs of in-person schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Nick Cowen, Neoliberal Social Justice: Rawls Unveiled2
Party leaders as welfare-maximizing coalition builders in the pursuit of party-related public goods2
Democratization and knowledge in social sciences2
The role of luck in political and economic competition: noisy all-pay auctions2
Local income inequality, rent-seeking detection, and equalization: a laboratory experiment2
Persuasion and gender: experimental evidence from two political campaigns2
Immigrants as future voters2
The determinants of social expenditures in OECD countries2
Robert B. Ekelund, Jr., and the economics of culture2
Foucault and Hayek on public health and the road to serfdom2
Adam Hanieh, Money, Markets, and Monarchies: The Gulf Cooperation Council and the Political Economy of the Contemporary Middle East. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2018. 314 Pages. USD 32.92
Deterrence, settlement, and litigation under adversarial versus inquisitorial systems2
Trust and the protection of property rights: evidence from global regions2
Long swings in the growth of government expenditure: an international historical perspective2
Fiscal illusion at the individual level2
Economic growth before and after the fiscal stimulus of 2008–2009: the role of institutional quality and government size2
Rational inattention and politics: how parties use fiscal policies to manipulate voters2
Quiet revolutions in early-modern England2
Rent dissipation in large population Tullock contests2
The political economy of imperial power successions in ancient China2
Congressional apportionment and the fourteenth amendment2
Can fiscal transparency mitigate political budget cycles?2
Correction to: Ruled by robots: preference for algorithmic decision makers and perceptions of their choices2
Rule selection invariance as a robustness check in collective choice and nonparametric statistical settings2
Constructing and validating a best-fit economic well-being index for urban U.S. counties: a Tiebout model approach2
Movement split: how the structure of revolutionary coalitions shapes revolutionary outcomes2