Asian-Pacific Economic Literature

(The TQCC of Asian-Pacific Economic Literature is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
How does GVC reconstruction affect economic growth and employment? Analysis of USA–China decoupling14
The non‐linearity between finance and economic growth: a literature review and evidence from China10
The value‐added creation effect of industry position in global value chains: implications for Asia‐Pacific economies8
Corruption and anti‐corruption in China: a review and future research agenda8
Trade, technology, and the labour market: impacts on wage inequality within countries7
Globally chained economies, unwitting victims of the US‐China trade war7
Does financial inclusion improve bank performance in the Asian region?7
Remittances and income inequality in the Philippines7
The impact of microfinance on poverty and income inequality in developing countries5
How do political connections affect the formation of zombie firms? Evidence from Chinese manufacturing listed enterprises5
The two faces of urbanisation and productivity: Enhance or inhibit? New evidence from Chinese firm‐level data5
How do zombie firms affect innovation: from the perspective of credit resources distortion5
Poverty and income inequality effects of the relocation program in Shaanxi, China5
Unintended consequences of the retirement‐age extension in South Korea5
Spatial effects of institutional quality on firm performance: evidence from Vietnam3
Revisiting the effects of demographic dynamics on economic growth in Asia: a panel vector‐autoregressive approach with a saving channel3
The inversion of married women's labour supply and wage: Evidence from Thailand3
The motherhood effect on labour market outcomes: evidence from South Korea2
Return home and start new businesses: internal migration in China2
Non‐tariff measures and Vietnam's export performance2
Ill‐intentioned or well‐intentioned: earnings management and trade credit1
Impact of non‐tariff measures on the survival of China's fresh fruit exports1
Is carbon emission trading policy a panacea? The implications of promoting green total factor productivity1
Does the minimum wage improve the welfare of workers? Evidence from the 2013 minimum wage reform in Thailand1
China's trilemma: monetary policy autonomy in an economy with a managed floating exchange rate1
Glass ceiling or sticky floor? Evidence from a distributional approach of the gender wage gap among PhD holders in South Korea1
The benefits of economic openness for North Korea1
Economic policy uncertainty and geopolitical risk: evidence from China and Southeast Asia1
Invisible China: How the Urban‐Rural Divide Threatens China's Rise, ScottRozelle and NatalieHell, University of Chicago Press, 2020, Pp. ix + 231, ISBN: 978‐0‐226‐73,952‐6 (hard 1
Modern entrepreneurship and the ‘doughnut’: productive or destructive?1
Radical Uncertainty. Decision‐Making for an Unknowable Future, JohnKay and MervynKing, The Bridge Street Press, London, 2020, Pp. 528 + xvi, ISBN 978‐1‐4087‐1260‐31
Thirty‐year assessment of Asian Development Bank's forecasts1
Place‐based price differentials of prostitution: a case study in Yangon, Myanmar1
Barriers to e‐commerce adoption: evidence from the retail and food and beverage sectors in Malaysia1