IISE Transactions

(The TQCC of IISE Transactions is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On the relationships between the design of assembly manufacturing and inspection systems and product quality36
Active learning-assisted semi-supervised learning for fault detection and diagnostics with imbalanced dataset31
Distribution inference from early-stage stationary data streams by transfer learning31
Evaluating interlayer gaps in friction stir spot welds for rapid tooling applications21
Online nonparametric monitoring of heterogeneous data streams with partial observations based on Thompson sampling20
Dynamic exploration–exploitation trade-off in active learning regression with Bayesian hierarchical modeling19
Deep Gaussian process for enhanced Bayesian optimization and its application in additive manufacturing18
Minimum-cost ordering for selective assembly18
Simultaneous treatment effect estimation and variable selection for observational data16
Multi-period collection and distribution problems and their application to humanitarian gleaning operations16
Product–machine qualification using a process flexibility strategy considering capacity loss16
Contributions to Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled systems15
Distributed data filtering and modeling for fog and networked manufacturing14
Privatization reform in public healthcare system: Competition vs. collaboration12
The drop box location problem12
A transdisciplinary approach for generating synthetic but realistic domestic sex trafficking networks11
Flow time in a human-robot collaborative assembly process: Performance evaluation, system properties, and a case study11
Throughput control and revenue optimization of a poultry product batcher11
Discrete-Event Stochastic Systems with Copula Correlated Input Processes11
Transformer-enabled generative adversarial imputation network with selective generation (SGT-GAIN) for missing region imputation10
A two-stage stochastic programming model for electric substation flood mitigation prior to an imminent hurricane9
Distributed cryptosystem for service-oriented smart manufacturing9
Optimizing the fleet of emergency medical service vehicles8
Adversarial client detection via non-parametric subspace monitoring in the internet of federated things8
Admission and routing control of multiple queues with multiple types of customers8
Impact of sharing imprecise information on fixed-bin selective assembly8
Robust optimization approaches in inventory management: Part B - the comparative study8
An efficient approximation to the pull policy for hybrid manufacturing and remanufacturing systems with setup costs8
The impact of early large-scale screening on the evolution of pandemics8
Managing customer contact centers with delay announcements and automated service7
Policy manifold generation for multi-task multi-objective optimization of energy flexible machining systems7
Two-stage distributionally robust optimization for joint system design and maintenance scheduling in high-consequence systems7
Online non-convex learning for river pollution source identification7
Dynamic pricing of regulated field services using reinforcement learning7
Interaction event network modeling based on temporal point process7
Remaining useful life prediction with imprecise observations: An interval particle filtering approach6
Weekly scheduling of emergency department physicians to cope with time-varying demand6
Order batching and picker scheduling in warehouse order picking6
IISE PG&E Energy Analytics Challenge 2024: Forecasting Day-Ahead Electricity Prices6
A generalized pH acceleration model of nano-sol products and the effects of model misspecification on shelf-life prediction6
A stochastic programming model for jointly optimizing maintenance and spare parts inventory for IoT applications6
Profile monitoring based on transfer learning of multiple profiles with incomplete samples6
Robust tensor-on-tensor regression for multidimensional data modeling6
Optimal condition-based maintenance policy considering nested conditional value-at-risk and operational availability: A case study on semiconductor manufacturing equipment5
A serial inventory system with lead-time-dependent backordering: A reduced-state approximation5
COVID-19: Agent-based simulation-optimization to vaccine center location vaccine allocation problem5
Reinforcement learning for process control with application in semiconductor manufacturing5
A deep mixed-effects modeling approach for real-time monitoring of metal additive manufacturing process5
Stream of variation modeling and monitoring for heterogeneous profiles in multi-stage manufacturing processes5
Predicting additive manufacturing defects with robust feature selection for imbalanced data5
Impact of customer bounded rationality on on-demand service platforms5
Mutual-cognition for proactive human–robot collaboration: A mixed reality-enabled visual reasoning-based method5
Novel double auctions for spatially distributed parking slot assignment with externalities5
Real-time detection of clustered events in video-imaging data with applications to additive manufacturing4
Change point detection of multimode processes considering both mode transitions and parameter changes4
Incentivized Self-Rebalancing Fleet in Electric Vehicle Sharing4
Data-driven dynamic optimization for real-time parking reservation considering parking unpunctuality4
Tree-based data filtering for online user-generated reviews4
Closed-form expansion for option price under stochastic volatility model with concurrent jumps4
Evaluation of mean-time-to-failure based on nonlinear degradation data with applications4
Ordering COVID-19 vaccines for social welfare with information updating: Optimal dynamic order policies and vaccine selection in the digital age4
Design of unreliable flow lines: How to jointly allocate buffer space and spare parts4
A PageRank-like measure for evaluating process flexibility4
Reliable network design considering endogenous customers’ choices under probabilistic arc failures4
Model-informed generative adversarial network for learning optimal power flow4
A Markov-switching hidden heterogeneous network autoregressive model for multivariate time series data with multimodality4
Homeland security research opportunities4
A decision tree-based method for ordinal classification problems4
Federated multi-task Bayesian network learning in the presence of overlapping and distinct variables4
To act or wait: The impact of disruption duration estimates on manufacturer’s response strategies4
A distributionally robust optimization approach for coordinating clinical and surgical appointments4
Finding the right one: Decision support for selecting cost-efficient order picking solutions4
Multi-criteria classification of reward collaboration proposals4
Asymmetric stochastic shortest-path interdiction under conditional value-at-risk4
Landmark-embedded Gaussian process with applications for functional data modeling4
Do the mobility patterns for city taxicabs impact road safety?4
An impulse response formulation for small-sample learning and control of additive manufacturing quality4
Introduction to the Special Issue on Analytical Methods for Detecting, Disrupting, and Dismantling Illicit Operations3
Efficient order consolidation in warehouses: The product-to-order-assignment problem in warehouses with sortation systems3
Developing capabilities for supply chain resilience in a post-COVID world: A machine learning-based thematic analysis3
Multi-laser scan assignment and scheduling optimization for large-scale metal additive manufacturing3
Multiple event identification and characterization by retrospective analysis of structured data streams3
Multi-model Markov decision processes3
Inverse Markov decision processes with unknown transition probabilities3
Information-directed policy sampling for episodic Bayesian Markov decision processes3
Variable-sample method for the computation of stochastic Nash equilibrium3
Modeling and monitoring of a multivariate spatio-temporal network system3
Branch-price-and-cut for trucks and drones cooperative delivery3
A multi-agent reinforcement learning model for inventory transshipments under supply chain disruption3
A nonlinear quantile regression for accelerated destructive degradation testing data3
Multiresolution functional characterization and correction of biofouling for improved biosensing efficacy3
A learning-based solution method for practical slab allocation problem in multiple hot rolling lines3
Smartformer: An intelligent transformer compression framework for time-series modeling3
Exact algorithm and machine learning-based heuristic for the stochastic lot streaming and scheduling problem3
Modeling and Optimization of Supply Chain Resilience to Pandemics and Long-Term Crises3
Process modeling with multi-level categorical inputs via variable selection and level aggregation3
A cost–based analysis for risk–averse explore–then–commit finite–time bandits3
Vehicle routing for customized on-demand bus services3
Differentially private distributed estimation and learning3
Multimodal regression and mode recognition via an integrated deep neural network3
The digital twin synchronization problem: Framework, formulations, and analysis3
FUSION3D: Multimodal data fusion for 3D shape reconstruction: A soft-sensing approach3
Algorithms and complexity results for the single-cut routing problem in a rail yard3
An integrated cyber-physical framework for worst-case attacks in industrial control systems3
Variational inference-based transfer learning for profile monitoring with incomplete data3
Data-driven contract design for supply chain coordination with algorithm sharing and algorithm competition3
Exact algorithms for multi-module capacitated lot-sizing problem, and its generalizations with two-echelons and piecewise concave production costs3
Ontology-guided attribute learning to accelerate certification for developing new printing processes3
Dynamic expansions of social followings with lotteries and give-aways3
Dense and fast: Achieving shortest unimpeded retrieval with a minimum number of empty cells in puzzle-based storage systems3
Sequencing heterogeneous orders in Bucket Brigade order-picking lines3
Federated data analytics: A study on linear models3