Forest Ecology and Management

(The TQCC of Forest Ecology and Management is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The effects of a moderate severity hurricane on gap characteristics in a longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) woodland171
Unravelling key factors of forest condition: Multidimensional assessment in Mediterranean pine ecosystems137
Can tree-rings inform assisted migration? Revisiting provenance trials across Atlantic Canada to compare local adaptation between red spruce populations135
Modeling productivity of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) combining phytocentric and geocentric approaches in Northwestern Europe131
Mature forest habitat mitigates the decline of an endangered greater glider population through a widespread disturbance event115
Declining trends in canopy disturbance across reserve forest landscapes of the northeastern US112
Ecosystem carbon storage two decades after afforestation in Norway spruce and silver birch monocultures and mixtures on abandoned agricultural land in hemiboreal Estonia99
Peeking under the bark: Within-tree densities of the spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and its enemies in forest conservation areas90
Wildfire interactions with recruitment of giant sequoia in experimental canopy gaps67
Warming alters the responses to light availability in seedlings from contrasting provenances of the mid-tolerant beech Nothofagus pumilio65
Forest carbon storage in China from 2003 to 2021: Estimation based on the volume-derived carbon storage model with scale-compatible and tree species-merged60
Increased drought mortality in fast-growing silver fir trees in the Black Forest60
Is whitebark pine less sensitive to climate warming when climate tolerances of juveniles are considered?55
Phenological niche overlap between invasive buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and native woody species55
Moth biomass and diversity in coniferous plantation woodlands55
The protective effect of dwarf bamboo on broad-leaved seedlings against deer browsing54
Challenges for the restoration of cultural values in UK woodlands53
Natural regeneration of woody plant species along an elevational and disturbance gradient at Mt. Kilimanjaro52
Impacts of varying precipitation regimes upon the structure, spatial patterns, and productivity of Nothofagus pumilio-dominated old-growth forests in Patagonia51
Significant increase in forest canopy mortality in boreal forests in Southeast Finland50
Sustainable management of Eucalyptus pellita plantations: A review50
Climate mediates the effects of forest gaps on tree crown allometry50
Rangewide climatic sensitivities and non-timber values of tall Sequoia sempervirens forests49
Aggregation distributions across stand age in provenances of Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook49
Regeneration and growth of tree seedlings and saplings in created gaps of different sizes in a subtropical secondary forest in southern China49
Perspectives: Thirty years of triad forestry, a critical clarification of theory and recommendations for implementation and testing49
Fine root nutrient foraging ability in relation to carbon availability along a chronosequence of Chinese fir plantations49
Perspectives: Better managing fire in flammable tree plantations47
The effect of stand age on biodiversity in a 130-year chronosequence of Populus tremula stands47
A climate-sensitive mixed-effects tree recruitment model for oaks (Quercus spp.) in Hunan Province, south-central China46
Long-term successive rotation affects soil microbial resource limitation and carbon use efficiency in Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) monoculture plantations45
Fertilisation and irrigation have no effects on growth of oak (Quercus robur, Q. petraea) stands on abandoned farmland in southwest Sweden45
Interspecific competition for inorganic nitrogen between canopy trees and underlayer-planted young trees in subtropical pine plantations44
Spaceborne height models reveal above ground biomass changes in tropical landscapes44
Forest resilience and post-fire conifer regeneration in the southern Cascades, Lassen Volcanic National Park California, USA43
Trends in bushfire related tweets during the Australian ‘Black Summer’ of 2019/2041
Contrasting effects of two hydrogels on biomass allocation, needle loss, and root growth of Picea abies seedlings under drought41
Complementary effects of tree species on canopy rainfall partitioning: New insights for ecological restoration in Andean ecosystems41
Improved prediction of tree species richness and interpretability of environmental drivers using a machine learning approach41
Urban orchards provide a suitable habitat for epiphytic bryophytes41
Hardwood mixture increases stand productivity through increasing the amount of leaf nitrogen and modifying biomass allocation in a conifer plantation40
Terrestrial gastropod species-specific responses to forest management: Implications for Parelaphostrongylus tenuis transmission to moose40
Oak growth and acorn production in southern Appalachian mature forests and shelterwood with reserves regeneration harvests39
Perspectives: Lean forestry – A paradigm shift from economies of scale to precise and sustainable use of ecosystem services in forests39
Describing a landscape mosaic: Forest structure and composition across community types and management regimes in inland northeastern pitch pine barrens39
Management and fire, a critical combination for Eucalyptus globulus dispersal38
Post-harvest forest herb layer demography: General patterns are driven by pre-disturbance conditions38
Vegetation recovery drivers at short-term after fire are plant community-dependent in mediterranean burned landscapes36
Distinct ecological habits and habitat responses to future climate change in three east and southeast Asian Sapindus species36
Assessing the conservation status of EU forest habitats: The case of Quercus suber woodlands36
Age trends in genetic parameters for growth performance across country-wide provenances of the iconic conifer tree Araucaria angustifolia show strong prospects for systematic breeding and early select35
Effects of nitrogen addition on rhizospheric soil microbial communities of poplar plantations at different ages35
Spared from poaching and natural predation, wild boars are likely to play the role of dominant forest species in Peninsular Malaysia34
Effects of hurricane canopy gaps on longleaf pine and upland oak sapling growth34
Future habitat suitability for species under climate change – Lessons learned from the strawberry tree case study34
Effects of Douglas fir cultivation in German forests on soil seepage water quantity and quality33
Does natural stand dynamics generate an aggregated pattern of canopy openness? A case study in Abies-Picea-Fagus old-growth forests33
Sensitivity to water stress drives differential decline and mortality dynamics of three co-occurring conifers with different drought tolerance32
Hazel dormouse in managed woodland select for young, dense, and species-rich tree stands32
Effects of a severe wildfire on a bat community in the Canadian Rocky Mountains31
Localised damage patterns to oak during severe UK storms in winter 202131
Tree felling by beaver promotes regeneration in riparian woodlands whilst increasing resource availability for deer31
Relationships between nutrients in the soil and nutritional status of Pinus taeda stands in southern Brazil31
Linking plant functional traits to soil properties in tropical forest restoration31
Laetia procera (Poepp.) Eichler can be included in polycyclic management programs for timber production, replacing species intensively harvested in the Amazon forest31
Canopy niche diversity and complementarity impact the forest vertical thermal environment in an urban area31
Estimating height-diameter relations for structure groups in the natural forests of Northeastern China31
Models considering the theoretical stand age will underestimate the future forest carbon sequestration potential31
Assessing coarse woody debris by integrating full area sampling and line intersect sampling: Combining the best of both worlds31
Short-term effect of the harvesting method on ecosystem carbon budget in hemiboreal Scots pine forest: Shelterwood cutting versus clear-cut30
Forest management affects saproxylic beetles through tree species composition and canopy cover30
Long-term riparian forest loss around streams, lakes, and wetlands in ecologically diverse managed and unmanaged landscapes30
Biomass recovery along a tropical forest succession: Trends on tree diversity, wood traits and stand structure30
Animal diversity in beech forests – An analysis of 30 years of intense faunistic research in Hessian strict forest reserves30
The impact of age and forestry practices on the wood quality of Pinus taeda L. grown in different sites in Southern Brazil30
Retention forestry in plantations: Synthesizing key findings of early studies from a long-term experiment in northern Japan30
Effects of different restored vegetation on soil organic carbon pools in subtropic erosive lands: Insights from stable carbon isotopes30
Variability in soil physical–chemical properties along the root-explored profile in deep Oxisols of commercial eucalypt plantations29
Predator odor can reduce acorn removal by granivorous rodents in mixed oak forest stands29
Simulated extreme climate event alters a plant-frugivore mutualism29
Secondary vegetation succession on the Loess Plateau altered the interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and nitrogen-fixing bacteria29
Restoration of tropical montane cloud forest in bracken dominated pastures: The role of nurse shrubs29
Wild bee response to forest management varies seasonally and is mediated by resource availability29
Conversion of pure spruce to mixed spruce beech stands: Effects on alpha and beta diversity of multiple taxonomic groups29
Possible causes for the differentiation of Pinus yunnanensis and P. Kesiya var. Langbianensis in Yunnan, China: Evidence from seed germination29
Living on the edge: Effects of clear-cut created ecotones on nocturnal macromoth assemblages in the eastern boreal forest, Canada29
Spatial patterns of vigor by stand density across species groups and its drivers in a pre-harvest ponderosa pine-dominated landscape in northern California29
The impact of planting density on forest monospecific plantations: An overview28
Drought timing, intensity, and consecutiveness have more influence on Douglas fir growth response than site conditions and stand density in European temperate climate28
Do nonnative species arriving after native seedling establishment affect restoration outcomes?28
Whole-tree dormant season nitrogen pools for different species receiving combinations of fertilization and irrigation after one short rotation28
Eight-year field performance of backcross American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedlings planted in the southern Appalachians, USA28
Pitfalls of forest damage detection using medium-resolution imagery: A response to the paper of Karpov et al. (2024)28
How important is Forest Age in explaining the species composition of Near-natural Spruce Forests?28
Mediterranean beech forests: Thinning and ground-based skidding are found to alter microarthropod biodiversity with no effect on litter decomposition rate28
Masting is shaped by tree-level attributes and stand structure, more than climate, in a Rocky Mountain conifer species28
Balancing resolution and accessibility: Responding to Korznikov and Altman (2024) on forest disturbance assessment28
Nationwide remote sensing framework for forest resource assessment in war-affected Ukraine28
Tree species richness and mycorrhizal types drive soil nitrogen cycling by regulating soil microbial community composition and diversity in tropical forests27
Plant functional traits and tree size inequality improved individual tree height prediction of mid-montane humid evergreen broad-leaved forests in southwest China27
Exploring the influence of large trees on temperate forest spatial structure from the angle of mingling27
Distinct fungal and bacterial responses to fire severity and soil depth across a ten-year wildfire chronosequence in beetle-killed lodgepole pine forests27
Restoration of the Brazilian savanna after pine silviculture: Pine clearcutting is effective but not enough27
The influence of seed functional traits and anthropogenic disturbances on persistence and size of the soil seed bank from dry subtropical forest species27
Allometric models for liana aboveground biomass in old-growth and secondary tropical forests of Tanzania27
Impact of logging on the biodiversity and composition of flora and fauna in the mangrove forests of Bintuni Bay, West Papua, Indonesia27
Pre-commercial thinning in Norway spruce-birch mixed stands can provide abundant forage for ungulates without losing volume production27
A climate sensitive mixed-effects diameter class mortality model for Prince Rupprecht larch (Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii) in northern China27
Direct and mediated impacts of mixed forests on Norway spruce infestation by European bark beetle Ips typographus27
Growth form matters – Crustose lichens on dead wood are sensitive to forest management27
Height growth-related competitiveness of oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Quercus robur L.) under climate change in Central Europe. Is silvicultural assistance still required in mixed-species s27
Polyploidy – A tool in adapting trees to future climate changes? A review of polyploidy in trees27
On how the abandonment of traditional forest management practices could reduce saproxylic diversity in the Mediterranean Region26
Evaluating the role of active management in mature Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) stands for songbird conservation26
Signs of rapid evolution in an invasive forest species: Drivers of the incipient neutral, adaptive and phenotypic divergence26
Effects of wildfire on bird diversity in a Pinus yunnanensis forest26
A bird’s eye view of ecosystem conversion: Examining the resilience of piñon-juniper woodlands and their avian communities in the face of fire regime change26
From mixtures to monocultures: Bird assemblage responses along a production forest conifer-broadleaf gradient26
Liming still positively influences sugar maple nutrition, vigor and growth, 20 years after a single application26
Effect of species-independent conspecific and heterospecific density dependence is contingent on seedling growth stage, season, and climate conditions26
Microhabitats created by log landings support abundant flowers and insect pollinators within regenerating mixed-oak stands in the Central Appalachian Mountains26
Large standard trees and deadwood promote functional divergence in the understory of beech coppice forests26
The efficiency of retention measures in continuous-cover forestry for conserving epiphytic cryptogams: A case study on Abies alba26
Wildland fire fuels database for Corsican - Mediterranean Forest stand types26
Regional variability and determinants of tree growth in Araucaria angustifolia plantations26
Resource selection and movement of the coastal tailed frog in response to forest harvesting25
Tree species mixing effects on the radial growth of Pinus massoniana and Castanopsis hystrix: A comparison between even-aged and uneven-aged stands25
Structure, survival, and species diversity in a tropical dry forest submitted to coppicing25
Understory plant dynamics following a wildfire in southern Patagonia25
Post-fire ecological restoration in Latin American forest ecosystems: Insights and lessons from the last two decades25
Rapid growth in clonal Juglans nigra L. is most closely associated with early foliation, robust branch architecture, and protandry25
Incipient decay in beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and linden (Tilia cordata Mill.): An interspecific static and dynamic material analysis25
Quantifying minimum site occupancy requirements of common forest tree species in northern New England, USA: Implications for stocking assessment25
Disentangling the roles of bracken fronds and litter on natural seedling recruitment in fire-disturbed tropical montane habitats25
Clear-cutting of temperate forests in late successional stages triggers successional setbacks extending compositional recovery by an additional century25
Globally relevant lessons from a long-term trial series testing universal hypothesis of the impacts of increasing biomass removal on site productivity and nutrient pools24
Taller and slenderer trees in Swedish forests according to data from the National Forest Inventory24
Beech and hornbeam dominate oak 20 years after the creation of storm-induced gaps24
Evaluating the effect of prescribed burning on the reduction of wildfire extent in Portugal24
Editorial Board24
Early impacts of fire suppression in Jeffrey pine – Mixed conifer forests in the Sierra San Pedro Martir, Mexico24
Manipulating overstory density and mineral soil exposure for optimal natural regeneration of Scots pine24
Functionally and phylogenetically diverse boreal forests promote sapling recruitment24
Hydrologic and suspended sediment effects of forest roads using field and DHSVM modelling studies24
Spatial heterogeneity of throughfall and its contributions to the variability in near-surface soil water-content in semiarid mountains of China23
Structure, environmental patterns and impact of expected climate change in natural beech-dominated forests in the Cantabrian Range (NW Spain)23
Silvicultural intensification has a limited impact on tree growth in forest restoration plantations in croplands23
Precipitation declines influence the understory patterns in Nothofagus pumilio old-growth forests in northwestern Patagonia23
Community-level consequences of harsh environmental constraints based on spatial patterns analysis in karst primary forest of southwest China23
Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Pinus koraiensis by EST-SSR and its management, utilization and protection23
Forage availability, supplementary feed and ungulate density: Associations with ungulate damage in pine production forests23
Temporal dynamics of liana communities in moist semi-deciduous forest stands with different management histories in Ghana23
Red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) fire history and management implications in the Mississippi River headwaters, Minnesota, USA23
Integrating hotspots for endemic, threatened and rare species supports the identification of priority areas for vascular plants in SW China23
Wild ungulates compound herbicide-mediated simplification of early successional plant communities in forest plantations23
Delayed and altered post-fire recovery pathways of Mediterranean shrubland under 20-year drought manipulation23
The contribution of forest reserves and managed forests to the diversity of macrofungi of different trophic groups in European mixed coniferous forest ecosystem22
Height growth rate of Scots pine in Central Europe increased by 29% between 1900 and 2000 due to changes in site productivity22
Development and preliminary application of a Nature Value index to identify High Nature Value forests in the Republic of Ireland22
Determining the effects of reduced water availability on seed germination of five bottomland hardwood tree species22
Canopy modification of base cations deposition in a subtropical broadleaved forest: Spatial characteristics, canopy budgets and acid neutralizing capacity22
How different is the forest on post-coal mine heap regarded as novel ecosystem?22
The impact of beech and riparian forest herbaceous plant species with contrasting traits on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi abundance and diversity22
Aboveground biomass allocation and additive allometric models of fifteen tree species in northeast China based on improved investigation methods22
Hardwood mixture enhances soil water infiltration in a conifer plantation22
Consistent growth responses of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) to drought in mixed and monospecific forests: Insights from Central European forests22
The response of seedlings and saplings to canopy structure and light in different gaps in a spruce-fir mixed stand in Changbai Mountains, China22
Decomposition rates in late stages of Scots pine and Norway spruce needle litter: Influence of nutrients and substrate properties over a climate gradient22
Species admixture can increase potential tree growth and reduce competition22
Characterizing the Spectral-Temporal Signatures of Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga Canadensis) Using Sentinel-2 Satellite Images and Phenology Modelling22
Life history, uses, trade and management of Diospyros crassiflora Hiern, the ebony tree of the Central African forests: A state of knowledge22
Worse off on purpose: An economic analysis of deliberate forest degradation21
A watershed-scale evapotranspiration model considering forest type, stand parameters, and climate factors21
Changing patterns of natural dynamics in old-growth European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests can inspire forest management in Central Europe21
Fire-excluded and frequently burned longleaf pine forests have contrasting soil microbial communities21
Regeneration capacities of woody species biodiversity and soil properties in Miombo woodland after slash-and-burn agriculture in Mozambique21
Contrasting patterns of radial growth rate between Larix principis-rupprechtii and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica along an elevational gradient are mediated by differences in xylem hydraulics21
Growth, water use, and water use efficiency of Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata plantations compared with natural stands of Roble-Hualo forest in the coastal mountains of central Chile21
Simultaneous estimation of Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii natural regeneration emergence and survival through lifetime analysis21
Effects of rock lithology and soil nutrients on nitrogen and phosphorus mobility in trees in non-karst and karst forests of southwest China21
Understanding the complexity of mixed forest functioning and management: Advances and perspectives21
Natural regeneration of Norway spruce, an introduced species, in and around plantations in Quebec, Canada21
A short-interval reburn catalyzes departures from historical structure and composition in a mesic mixed-conifer forest21
Cork harvest planning and climate: High air humidity favors availability of airborne inoculum of Diplodia corticola21
Changes in potentially toxic element concentration and potential ecological risk in topsoil caused by sewage sludge application on forestland: A 3-year field trial21
Differences in stem radial variation between Pinus pinaster Ait. and Quercus pyrenaica Willd. may release inter-specific competition21
Editorial Board20
The dark side of nursery photoperiod reduction on summer plantation performance of a temperate conifer: High winter mortality mediated by reduced seedling carbohydrate and nitrogen storage20
Why this special issue is focused on the high elevation five-needle white pines20
Increased levels of forestry best management practices reduce sediment delivery from Middle and Lower Coastal Plain clearcut harvests and access features, southeastern states, USA20
Species-specific coupling of tree-ring width and litter production in a temperate mixed forest20
Editorial Board20
Regeneration dynamics in mixed mountain forests at their natural geographical distribution range in the Western Rhodopes20
Summer heat waves could counterbalance the increasing incidence of pine processionary due to warmer winters in Mediterranean pine forests20
Effects of initial spacing and species mix on stand developmental patterns in two field trials in central Oregon20
Experimental throughfall reduction has little effect on shoot and needle developmental patterns or leaf area dynamics in a young longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) plantation20
Mind the gaps: Comparison of representative vs opportunistic assessment of tree regeneration in Central European beech forests20
Stand-level forest management for foraging and nesting of Williamson’s sapsuckers20
Biotic and abiotic effects determining the resilience of conifer mountain forests: The case study of the endangered Spanish fir20
Four-year study of arthropod taxonomic and functional responses to a forest wildfire: Epigeic ants and spiders are affected differently20
Larger hardwood trees benefit from removing Rhododendron maximum following Tsuga canadensis mortality20
Spread rates do not necessarily predict outbreak dynamics in a broadly distributed invasive insect20
Natural establishment of Pinus spp. around seed production areas and orchards20
Effect of forest and agricultural land use on the accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in relation to soil properties and possible pollution sources20
The response of bats to dispersed retention of broad-leaved trees in harvested conifer plantations in Hokkaido, northern Japan20
Effects of habitat disturbance and rainfall on a dominant medicinal dry forest tree20
Over 20 years of treating conifers with methyl jasmonate: Meta-analysis of effects on growth and resistance20
Preferences of avian seed-hoarders in advance of potential American chestnut reintroduction20
Selective logging that occurred decades ago is still impacting aboveground biomass and tree assemblage structure in Brazilian semi-deciduous seasonal Atlantic forest fragments19
Size-related seed use by rodents on early recruitment of Quercus serrata in a subtropical island forest19
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) nutritional carrying capacity over two decades after exclusion19
Land-use history, fire regime, and large-mammal herbivory affect deer-preferred plant diversity in longleaf pine woodlands19
Logging drives contrasting animal body-size effects on tropical forest mammal communities19
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White-headed woodpecker nesting habitat at multiple spatial scales: Are habitat preferences adaptive?19
Editorial Board19
Atlantic Forest recovery after long-term eucalyptus plantations: The role of zoochoric and shade-tolerant tree species on carbon stock19
Editorial Board19
Light and regeneration patterns following silvicultural gap establishment in Quercus dominated stands of the northern Cumberland Plateau, USA19
Effect of thinning on growth and shape of Castanea sativa adult tree plantations for timber production in Chile19
Effect of limited compaction on soil solution chemistry in two acidic forest ecosystems: Changes, recovery and impact of liming19
Stable background tree mortality in mature and old-growth forests in western Washington (NW USA)19
Harvest impacts to stand development and soil properties across soil textures: 25-year response of the aspen Lake States LTSP installations19
Perfect poopers; passerine birds facilitate sexual reproduction in clonal keystone plants of the boreal forest through directed endozoochory towards dead wood19
Density effects on growth and dominance in pure and mixed stands of red alder and western hemlock in western Oregon19
The splash of a single water drop on selected coniferous plants19
Xerophytic hardwood retention promotes competition over facilitation in longleaf pine woodlands in the absence of fire19
Synergistic use of biochar and the plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria in mitigating drought stress on oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.) seedlings19
Optimizing height measurement for the long-term forest experiments in Sweden19
A decade of diversity and forest structure: Post-logging patterns across life stages in an Afrotropical forest18
Eighth-year survival and growth of planted replacement tree species in black ash (Fraxinus nigra) wetlands threatened by emerald ash borer in Minnesota, USA18
Resource selection and home range size variation of Atlantic Forest woodpecker species: Implications for selective logging and conservation18
Iterative nearest neighbour age-height curve adjustment: Addressing the impact of spatial heterogeneity on longitudinal forestry provenance trial data18
Acclimation of thinned lodgepole pine trees to wind18
Mapping alien and native forest dynamics in Chile using Earth observation time series analysis18
Subtropical forest tree genetic richness causes contrasting effects on soil fungal guilds in monocultures and mixed-species stands18
Beech bark disease does not reduce the long-term wood production of two forests contrasting in age, productivity, and structure18
Investigating linkages between the size-growth relationship and drought, nitrogen deposition, and structural complexity in western U.S. Forests18
Clone-dependent browsing damage of poplar plantations and the repellent potential of Populus nigra × P. maximowiczii ʻMax-4’18
Performance of seedlings of four coniferous species planted in two boreal lichen woodlands with contrasting soil fertility18
Technical and financial evaluation of enrichment planting in logging gaps with the high-value species Swietenia macrophylla and Handroanthus serratifolius in the Eastern Amazon18
Expansion of pine into mid-elevation Himalayan oak forests: Patterns and drivers in a multiple-use landscape18
Editorial Board18
Region-wide assessment of fine-scale associations between invasive plants and forest regeneration18
Community structure of medium-large mammals across a tree plantation cycle in natural grasslands of Uruguay18
Wood ash application in sugar maple stands rapidly improves nutritional status and growth at various developmental stages18
Contribution of environmental factors to post-typhoon litterfall stability in subtropical montane cloud forests of the Asia-Pacific region18
Nutrient content of vegetation and soil of four conifer species growing under different site and competing vegetation management conditions18
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