
(The TQCC of Geografie is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Trends of hydroclimatic variables and outflow in the Athabasca River basin10
Public transport accessibility: simulation of the usability of public transport in everyday situations6
Looking into the green roof scenario to mitigate flash flood effects in Mamak, Turkey, via classifying images of Sentinel-1, 2, and PlanetScope satellites with LibSVM algorithm in Google Earth Engine 5
Anthropogenic impacts on watercourses in the region of the Labe (Elbe) and Jizera confluence4
The foundational economy and the economic resilience of Czech and Slovak regions during four recessions3
Rural elementary school: variability of types in a diverse countryside3
The development, current state, and evaluation of landscape fragmentation in Czechia3
The relationship between foot traffic and commercial land prices3
On the relationship between short-term rentals and gentrification: the case of Airbnb in Munich (Germany)2
Political ideologies in the local politics of selected cities in Czechia2
In the garden with Lefebvre and Foucault: The cultivation of taste in spaces of food2
Social remittances and interpersonal communication: Moldovans in Prague and Turin2
The historical Sudetenland border and the current socio-spatial differentiation of Czechia: a quantitative look at the long-term impact of institutional changes2
Evaluation of the usefulness and relevance criteria for high-speed railway route construction projects: case study of Czechia1
Electoral support in peripheral post-socialist regions as a product of nostalgia and grievances: The example of the Bruntál district1
The admission of Ukrainian refugees from the perspective of municipalities in Czechia1
Traditional and novel approaches to studying the human thermal environment in urban areas: A critical review of the current state of the art1
Manifestations of the long-term transformation of the lower Elbe channel in Czechia and opportunities for its restoration1
It is time to get virtual: limitations of shared e-scooter mobility points, case study in Cracow (Poland)1