Marine Resource Economics

(The TQCC of Marine Resource Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Trip Equivalency for Economic Valuation in Recreation Demand Models: Implications for Compensatory Restoration and Benefits Transfer18
Market Integration between Cultured and Captured Species in Developing Countries: Lessons from Inland Areas in Bangladesh16
Innovation in Salmon Farming: Enhancing Profitability or Reducing Environmental Hazards?14
Front Matter13
Towards Economic Sustainability or Unsustainability: The Case of Artisanal Fisheries in the Bay of Bengal12
Biomass Development and Fishers’ Vulnerability in Nigeria: Evidence from a Survey Dataset11
Front Matter10
The Welfare Value of Freshness: A Hedonic Price Analysis in the Retail Seafood Market in Japan9
Front Matter9
Fishing Portfolio Response to a Climate Shock8
The Way the Wind Blows: Tracing Out the Demand for Norwegian Lobster Using Instrumental Variables8
Drivers of Health Insurance Status in the US West Coast Commercial Fishing Fleet8
Price Forecasting of a Small Pelagic Species in a South American Supply Center: A Machine Learning Approach7
The Value of Oyster Reef Restoration7
The Impact of Marine Litter on Production Risk and Technical Efficiency in the Trawl Fisheries of Vietnam7
Private versus Public Flood Insurance: Differences in Premiums and Uptake Observed in Two Coastal Housing Markets Using Survey Data7
Size-Targeting in the Bering Sea Pollock Catcher/Processor Fishery with Heterogeneous Incentives6
Prospects for Small-Scale Aquaculture in Chile: User Rights and Locations5
Improving Utilization of the Queen Conch (Aliger gigas) Resource in Colombia5
Front Matter5
The Economics of Fishing. By Rögnvaldur Hannesson. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Agenda Publishing Limited, 2021. ISBN 978-1-78821-344-8.4
Comparing Pollution Where You Live and Play: A Hedonic Analysis of Enterococcus in the Long Island Sound4
ITQs, Market Power, and Efficiency Loss4
Valuing Mangrove Conservation Attributes in Red River Delta, Vietnam: A Choice Experiment Approach3
Sea Surface Temperature and Tuna Catch in the Eastern Pacific Ocean under Climate Change3
:The Salt Roads: How Fish Made a Culture3
Regulating Congestion with Fee-Based versus Nonfee Management Measures: Application of a Repeated Random Utility Model to Outdoor Recreation3
The Impact of Transferable Fishing Quotas on Cost, Price, and Season Length3
Improving Fisheries Management in Developing Countries3
Modeling Import Demand for Fishery Products in Japan: A Dynamic AIDS Approach3
The Political Economy of Salmon Aquaculture: Value Sharing and Societal Support for Aquaculture in Norway3
Subsidies, Temporary Laying-Up, and Efficiency in a Coastal Commercial Fishery3