Public Policy and Administration

(The TQCC of Public Policy and Administration is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
In trust we trust: The impact of trust in government on excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic25
Implementing digitalization in the public sector. Technologies, agency, and governance24
Politicians’ involvement in street-level policy implementation: Implications for social equity15
Data science, artificial intelligence and the third wave of digital era governance13
Adoption is not enough: Institutionalization of e-participation initiatives12
Theorizing the behavioral state: Resolving the theory-practice paradox of policy sciences11
Towards AI-driven transformation and smart data management: Emerging technological change in the public sector value chain10
Leading for public value in multi-agency collaboration10
Hybrid stimulations and perversions in public service innovation9
How street-level bureaucrats exercise their discretion to encourage clients’ political participation: A case study of Israeli LGBTQ+ teachers9
Electoral administration and the problem of poll worker recruitment: Who volunteers, and why?8
When politicians do not care for the policy: Street-level compliance in cross-agency contexts8
Religion, spirituality, faith and public administration: A literature review and outlook8
Making governance agile: Exploring the role of artificial intelligence in China’s local governance7
Comparing policy conflict on electricity transmission line sitings6
Citizens’ intention to follow recommendations from a government-supported AI-enabled system6
Strategic planning in turbulent times: Still useful?6
Narrative policy framework at the macro level—cultural theory-based beliefs, science-based narrative strategies, and their uptake in the Canadian policy process for genetically modified salmon5
The democratic quality of co-creation: A theoretical exploration5
‘The Minister Wants it’: Self-Politicisation and Proxy Politics among Senior Civil Servants5
Exploring emergent collaborations for digital transformation in local governments: The engagement of public libraries in the development of smart cities4
Accountability through mutual attunement: How can parliamentary hearings connect the elected and the unelected?4
Islamic public administration and Islamic public value: Towards a research agenda4
Happily unaccountable? Perceptions of accountability by public managers4
The evolution of collaborative networks: A social network analysis of Chinese environmental protection policy4