Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

(The TQCC of Asian and Pacific Migration Journal is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Rural–urban migration and ethnic diversification in Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal15
Strengthened by struggle: Homeland attachment in the Karen diaspora after the 2021 Myanmar coup11
Experiences of i-Kiribati with labor mobility schemes11
Asia-Europe intimate links: Family migrants, binational couples and mixed-parentage children11
The path to inclusion for undocumented migrant children in South Korea9
How Chinese female migrants in South Korea overcome constraints to participate in leisure activities8
Integration of international marriage migrants: Russian-speaking female marriage migrants in Japan and South Korea6
Drivers of return of Sri Lankan migrants in the skill spectrum from the Gulf region6
Which hierarchy matters? Subjective social status, status incongruence and well-being among high-skilled Mainland Chinese migrants in Hong Kong6
Return reimagined: Diaspora interactions with protracted internal displacement in post-war Sri Lanka5
Determinants of remittances by unskilled Pakistani migrant workers4
Entry visa categories, current experiences and future expectations of highly educated migrants and their intention to stay4
Asia Pacific and the global maritime industry: Hierarchies, vulnerabilities, solidarities4
Caring for elderly parents while living away: Sri Lanka’s professional and skilled emigrants3
Classic assimilation, self-selection and parent status: An analysis of the central–local political trust among highly educated Mainland migrants in Hong Kong3
Book review: Chinese Diasporas: A Social History of Global Migration3
“Dubai is a transit lounge”: Migration, temporariness and belonging among Pakistani middle-class migrants3
Book review: Migration and development in India: The Bihar experience3
Re-examining the middle-class thesis: Class profiles of families employing migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong2
Gendered precarity of migrant women in the satellite city of Isparta, Türkiye2
Comparison of the economic performance of the China- and India-born immigrants with US natives2
Student migration from Nepal to Japan: Factors behind the steep rise2
State restrictions and gender-based violence in cross-border marriages: The case of Kyrgyz women in Türkiye2
Transnational migration and dual citizenship: The conundrum of social and economic rights of dual citizens in Pakistan2
Can technology break the invisible wall? Exploring mobile application needs and preferences among North Korean refugees in South Korea2
Infection, temporality and inequality: Sanitizing foreign bodies and protecting public health in Taiwan2
The logics of staying for highly skilled Asian migrants in Japan2
The realities of return migration: Reintegrating women migrant domestic workers in Sri Lanka2
Pathways of aging in migration and their association with the quality of life2
Mediating effects of religious coping on acculturative stress and life satisfaction: Focus on Sri Lankan migrant workers in Korea2
The structure of unemployment risk perception among migrant workers in China: An exploratory mixed methods study2
Employment as an anchor: The prospects of emerging East Asian skilled migration regimes through the lens of migrants’ access to the labor market2
Civic engagement and self-empowerment of second-generation Vietnamese in Czechia2