Communication Research

(The TQCC of Communication Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Acknowledgment 202057
Selective Avoidance: Understanding How Position and Proportion of Online Incivility Influence News Engagement48
The Privacy Calculus Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Online Privacy Decisions on Between- and Within-Person Levels30
Meta-Analytic Evidence That Message Fatigue is Associated With Unintended Persuasive Outcomes30
Multiple Selves and Multitasking: A Dynamic Longitudinal Study27
Communication Privacy Management in Open Adoption Relationships: Negotiating Co-ownership across In-person and Mediated Communication25
Screenertia: Understanding “Stickiness” of Media Through Temporal Changes in Screen Use20
The Enduring Effect of Internet Dating: Meeting Online and the Road to Marriage19
Navigating Multiple Identities for Positive Change Through Organizational Listening15
When the Music’s No Good: Rhythms Prompt Interactional Synchrony But Impair Affective Communication Outcomes15
A Repeated-Measures Study of Relational Turbulence and Transition Processing Communication During the Summer of COVID-19 (Summer 2020)15
Conflicting Goals When Seeking Support for Mental Health Concerns: Testing a Stigma Support Activation Model15
“Be Nice or Leave Me Alone”: An Intergroup Perspective on Affective Polarization in Online Political Discussions15
“Are You Doing What I Think You’re Doing?” Momentary Goal Projection and Goal Contagion in Romantic Conflict14
How Do Personal Opinions Relate to Online Expressions? An Experimental Study Among Muslim Minority Groups in The Netherlands13
How Moral Reframing Enhances Political Persuasion: The Role of Processing Fluency and Self-Affirmation12
A Meta-Analysis Examining the Role of Character-Recipient Similarity in Narrative Persuasion12
Perceived Influence of Partisan News and Online News Participation: Third-person Effect, Hostile Media Phenomenon, and Cognitive Elaboration12
Mistake or Manipulation? Conceptualizing Perceived Mis- and Disinformation among News Consumers in 10 European Countries11
Racializing Accents: The Impact of Language and Racial Cues on Intergroup Communicative Outcomes11
Is Online Textual Political Expression Associated With Political Knowledge?11
Visual Gender Stereotyping in Campaign Communication: Evidence on Female and Male Candidate Imagery in 28 Countries11
Agenda Setting, Cross-cutting Effects, and Political Expression on Social Media: The Gun Violence Case9
Ecological Influences on the Formation of the Hiring Network in the Communication Job Market, 2015 to 20199
Reactance to Persuasive Messages Depends on Felt Obligation9
How Can We Increase Privacy Protection Behavior? A Longitudinal Experiment Testing Three Intervention Strategies9
“None of Us Wanted to be at This Party, But What a Guest List”: How Technology Workers Position Themselves on LinkedIn Following Layoffs9
When Disagreement Becomes Uncivil on Social Media: The Role of Passive Receiving and Active Expression of Incivility in Influencing Political Polarization8
“I’ll Change My Beliefs When I See It”: Video Fact Checks Outperform Text Fact Checks in Correcting Misperceptions Among Those Holding False or Uncertain Pre-Existing Beliefs8
New Digital Divide Shaped by Algorithm? Evidence from Agent-Based Testing on Douyin’s Health-Related Video Recommendation7
How Moral Expectancy Violations Influence Audiences’ Affective Dispositions Toward Characters7
Expansion and Exploration of the Superdiffuser Model With Agent-Based Modeling7
How Political Overconfidence Fuels Affective Polarization in Cross-cutting Discussions6
Community Storytelling Network, Expressive Digital Media Use, and Civic Engagement6
Is Partisan Selective Exposure an American Peculiarity? A Comparative Study of News Browsing Behaviors in the United States, Japan, and Hong Kong6
Network Agenda Setting, or Networked Framing? (Non)correspondence Between User and Right-Wing Media Semantic Networks on YouTube6
Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Well-Being: Developing a Typology of Person-Specific Effect Patterns6
When an AI Doctor Gets Personal: The Effects of Social and Medical Individuation in Encounters With Human and AI Doctors6
Spillover Effects of COVID-19 News Coverage on Willingness to Participate in Medical Research in a Diverse Sample of US Older Adults5
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Prolific Lying: Building a Profile of Situation-Level and Individual-Level Characteristics5
Needing Space During Lockdown: A Test of Relational Turbulence Theory in the Context of Conversations About Physical and Emotional Space During the COVID-19 Pandemic5
Moral Beauty During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prosocial Behavior Among Adolescents and the Inspiring Role of the Media5
Withholding Social Support Because Those in Need Do Not Deserve It: A Thematic Narrative Analysis5
Stigma and Supportive Communication in the Context of Mental or Emotional Distress: An Extension of the Paradox of Support Seeking in Close Relationships4
The Effect of Dynamic Norms Messages and Group Identity on Pro-Environmental Behaviors4
Quality Conversation Can Increase Daily Well-Being4
The Influence of Eudaimonic Entertainment Experiences on Political Information Processing and Engagement4
Adolescents’ Multi-Layered Media Processing: A Panel Study on Positive and Negative Perceptions Toward Ideals and Adolescents’ Appearance Anxiety4
Distinguishing Person-Specific from Situation-Specific Variation in Media Use: A Meta-Analysis4