Journal of International Development

(The TQCC of Journal of International Development is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Entrepreneurs' mobile phone appropriation and technical efficiency of informal firms in Dakar (Senegal)40
Issue Information37
Levelling the field: A review of the ICT revolution and agricultural extension in the Global South35
Issue Information31
The impact of COVID‐19 government responses on remittances in Latin American countries31
Analysis of the Imaginative Geographies of Climate Smart Mining and their re‐imagination by the Khuthala environmental care group (KECG) in Mpumalanga province, South Africa28
Direct foreign investment and intellectual property reform in the South26
Crop appropriation, labour supply, and demand for farm inputs: Evidence from Nigeria20
Recessions and recoveries in Central African countries: Lessons from the past17
An empirical study on underemployment in China: Determinants and effects on wages14
Female labour force participation and dowries in Pakistan13
Risk attitudes and asset diversification: Evidence from Ghana13
Issue Information13
The politics of gifts and reciprocity in South–South Cooperation: The case of India's Covid‐19 diplomacy13
Spatial heterogeneity of COVID‐19 impacts on urban household incomes: Between‐ and within‐city analyses of two African countries13
What explains collective action: The impact of social capital, incentive structures and economic benefits12
Inclusive human development effect of financial inclusion in sub‐Saharan Africa: A gender perspective12
Should we call it a (middle) class? A socio‐economic exploration of the Vietnamese middle‐income group12
Labour migration market and policy failure: A comparative study of the Philippines and Nepal11
Made in Africa – How to make local agricultural machinery manufacturing thrive11
Mainstreaming climate adaptation into social protection: The issues yet to be addressed10
Heterogeneous effects of violence on student achievement: Evidence from Colombia10
The fiscal management of permanent and temporary foreign aid: Evidence from sub‐Saharan Africa10
Tax incentives, private investment and employment: Evidence from an Ecuadorian reform10
The Drug War and Regional Social Capital in Mexico10
A model of embedded autonomy and asymmetric information10
Does Aid Improve Local Wealth? Micro‐Level Evidence from Africa10
China's strategy of free trade area and economic regionalism9
Brokerage, power and gender equity: How empowerment‐focused civil society organisations bolster women's influence in rural Indonesia9
Time poverty and gender in urban sub‐Saharan Africa: Long working days and long commutes in Ghana's Greater Accra Metropolitan Area9
Assets, cash transfers and urban livelihoods in South Africa9
Can we understand the simultaneous evolution between economic and informality growth in Africa? A preliminary explanation9
Do in‐kind donations promote cooperation among non‐governmental organisations? Lessons from the Greek refugee crisis9
Exploring women's bargaining power in Haitian agricultural households8
Volunteering in China: How significant is the peer effect?8
The cost of keeping‐up with the Joneses: Relative deprivation and food spending in Cameroon8
Understanding sustainable outcomes in international development: Towards a realist evaluation framework8
Walking for water and fuelwood: Welfare implications for women and children in Ghana8
Accessorizing development: Fundraising bracelets for International Development as a New Development Responsibility8
Climbing the economic ladder: The role of microfinance institutions in promoting entrepreneurship in Pakistan7
Empowering or managing the locals? Within‐organizational power relations and capacity building of Korean NGOs in Cambodia7
Facilitators, barriers, and perceived changes of a social behaviour change nutrition programme and economic development programme in rural Bangladesh: A qualitative study7
Role of governance in the nexus between financial development and sustainable development7
Socio‐economic impact of China's infrastructure‐led growth model in Africa: A case study of the Kenyan Standard Gauge Railway7
JID ‘Long run effects of Covid‐19 on developing countries’ Special Issue Editorial Introduction7
Longitudinal analysis of microfinance borrowers in Brazil: A dynamic market segmentation7
Knowledge, perception or disaster experience? The new determinants of household disaster preparedness behaviour in Bangladesh7
The paradox of co‐producing governance with traditional institutions: Diaspora chiefs and minority empowerment in Nigeria6
Help or harm? The impact of property titling on women's acceptance of intimate partner violence6
Does Aid for Trade affect the quality of the environment? Evidence from Aid for Trade recipient countries6
The role of climate finance beyond renewables: Behavioural insights6
Issue Information6
An evaluation of Egyptian microfinance laws and regulations preventing overindebtedness of women5
Evaluating the economic effects of the Ebola virus disease in Liberia: A synthetic control approach5
Following in the footsteps of the successful spice farmers: Determinants of spice income in Tanzania5
Chinese overseas development funds: An assessment of their sustainability approaches5
Does workfare work? India's employment guarantee during COVID‐195
Association of international remittance with satisfaction and utilization of maternal healthcare services in Nepal: A secondary analysis of two cohort studies5
Enabling modernisation, marginalising alternatives? Kenya's agricultural policy and smallholders5
Tax design and rent sharing in mining sector: Evidence from African gold‐producing countries5
Construction and Application of Carbon Performance Evaluation Index System for Chinese Industrial Enterprises From the Perspective of Low‐Carbon Transition5
Local economic development in Thailand5
Power and supply chain development in the South African and Thai automotive industries: What lessons can be learnt?5
Exploring the effects of international experiences on cultural intelligence4
Aid for health, economic growth, and the emigration of medical workers4
A new era of microfinance: The digital microcredit and its impact on poverty4
Issue Information4
Can China's aid promote the position upgrading of recipient countries in the global value chains4
Barriers to disability‐inclusive employment in Uzbekistan: A pilot qualitative study of disabled people's lived experiences4
The impact of environmental technology innovation and energy credit rebate on carbon emissions: A comparative analysis4
Globalization and the “zero hunger” goal in Africa: Starving in an open world?4
Is corruption an input material for environmental pollution?4
Why is financial inclusion so popular? An analysis of development buzzwords4
Rethinking the donor's role in strengthening health systems through sexual and reproductive health and rights partnerships: A qualitative analysis of Ugandan case studies4
Multinational enterprises' sustainability practices and focus on developing countries: Contributions and unexpected results of SDG implementation4
Issue Information4
Titling and the value of land in Tanzania4
Assessing the impacts of climate change on women's poverty: A Bolivian case study4
The impact of foreign aid on economic development: A systematic literature review and content analysis of the top 50 most influential papers4
Spillovers from gender equality onto economic equality: Evidence from 162 nations4
The social contract in Egypt, Lebanon and Tunisia: What do the people want?4
A clean and discreet service: The role of corruption and secrecy in profit shifting by multinational firms4
The role of multi‐stakeholder initiatives in advancing circularity and social sustainability in the textiles sector of Bangladesh4
Negotiating marginality: Towards an understanding of diverse development pathways of ethnic minorities in Vietnam4
Short‐term effects of COVID‐19 lockdown on foreign direct investment: Evidence from Ecuadorian firms4
Financial inclusion of individuals who arrived as refugees to the United States4
Does FinTech Reduce Gender Asymmetry in Access to Finance in Sub‐Saharan Africa? Examining the Role of Digital Inclusion3
Issue Information3
The dynamics of overlapping borrowing in the microcredit sector of Bangladesh3
Using school–university partnerships as a development tool in low‐income countries: The case of Myanmar3
Impacts of agricultural capital subsidies for women in Burkina Faso: Lessons from a Computable General Equilibrium model3
Funding schemes for infrastructure investment and poverty alleviation in Africa: Evidence from Guinea‐Bissau3
Global value chains and economic growth: A study of resilience during the COVID‐19 pandemic3
An evaluation of the structure of the labour market, assistance policies and sectoral productivity on the pro‐poor growth for Brazil from 2004 to 2014: A dynamic panel analysis3
Labour migration and food security in rural Mozambique: Do agricultural investment, asset building and local employment matter?3
Malnourished but Not Destitute: The Spatial Interplay Between Nutrition and Poverty in Madagascar3
Issue Information3
Domestic revenue mobilisation in developing countries: An exploratory analysis of sub‐Saharan Africa and Latin America3
Issue Information3
Nazareno Strampelli and the first Green Revolution3
Choosing between energy and ecologies of health: Understanding developmentalism, state formation and local life worlds3
Graduation approach to poverty reduction in the humanitarian context: Evidence from Bangladesh3
Issue Information3
Review of the social and economic dynamics under Colombian mining policy: Cursing the blessing?3
Contested concept, competing narratives, and coercive policy intervention: A study of government intervention in the illegal artisanal mining sector in Ghana3
Women's participation in decision‐making: Analysis of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data 2017–20183
Farmers' awareness of digital credit: Does financial literacy matter?3
Saving and borrowing behaviour among agropastoralists in West Pokot County, Kenya3
The Janus face of development brokers across migration borders3
Higher education and employability in Tanzania: Students' account3
Pandemic‐induced income shocks and dietary diversity in India3
The operational tensions in using compensation to resolve wartime mass property claims3
Social and emotional well‐being and economic insecurity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders: A multidimensional approach3
Female income generation and intimate partner violence: Evidence from a representative survey in Turkey3
Issue Information3
Impact of Covid‐19 on Maternal Health Seeking in Ghana3
Fiscal decentralization, democracy and government size: Disentangling the complexities3
A new approach for detecting multiple‐equilibria poverty traps3