India Review

(The TQCC of India Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Theorizing social movements against the Indian state’s developmental paradigm: A comparative study of the Kovvada and Sompeta movements7
World heritage tag and genealogy of WGEEP report: The intricacies in Western Ghats conservation7
Bombay “city boss,” Congress party treasurer, and union cabinet minister from Nehru to Indira: Sadashiv Kanoji Patil (1898–1981)7
Representing partition in the UK: an archive, an exhibition and a classroom5
Why the Quad is not NATO: the indo-American impediments to its intergovernmental structure5
Risks and resilience: COVID-19 response and disaster management policies in India4
In the interim: administering art in India, after independence, before institutions3
Temple diplomacy and India’s soft power: a cultural approach to diplomacy in Southeast Asian States3
How parties impact the trajectories of federalism: India3
An action-reaction cycle in the Sino-Indian rivalry?3
Living in a fragmented world: India’s data way2
India and the sovereignty principle: the disaggregation imperative2
Jinnah and the Partition saga: To divide or not to divide2
Beyond consent: Surveillance capitalism and politics in the data state1
The fallacy of Chinese ‘strategy’ of five fingers of Tibet1
India’s use of military power and the sovereignty principle: insights from the neighborhood1
Cities in crisis: examining the pandemic through urban planning and state capacity1
Cinema of Bangladesh: Absence of 1947 and abundance of 19711
The changing contexts of international aid: examining Indian experiences for a BRICS way1
The Kashmir Litmus test: an examination of international Islamic solidarity and co-operation1
New deterrence demands amidst India–China power asymmetry1
How a populist remains in politics: an Indian Muslim politician’s winning style1
Is the liberal media dead?: A critical analysis of Modi’s Government and the performance of Indian Media1
Parliament, demonetisation and GST1
The antinuclear power movement in India after the Fukushima disaster: the case of Koodankulam1
Welfare discourses in India1
Ideological positioning in the representation of borders: an analysis of recent Hindi films1
Evolving rationales of boundary making in India: beyond states1
US retreat, Indian reform: multilateralism under Trump and Modi1
India-US-Russia dynamics in the Trump era1
Indian foreign policy as public history: globalist, pragmatist and Hindutva imaginations1
Internationalizing the Kashmir dispute: an analysis of India and Pakistan’s statements at the United Nations General Assembly1
India’s Quadrilateral conundrum1
Addressing the norms gap in international security through the India-US nuclear relationship1
Building an ideological nation-state: migrancy and patriarchy in Khadija Mastoor’s Novel, Zameen1
Trump, Modi, and the illiberal consensus1
India’s infrastructure build-up, abrogation of Article 370 and assertive stance regarding Aksai Chin: China’s motivations for intrusions in May 20201
Examining exceptionalism in national security cultures: a comparative study of the United States and India1
Lollywood on partition: surprise departures, anticipated arrivals1
(Un)wanted partners: Muslim politics and third front coalitions in India1