Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management

(The TQCC of Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Mapping environmentally sustainable practices in textiles, apparel and fashion industries: a systematic literature review64
I trust what she's #endorsing on Instagram: moderating effects of parasocial interaction and social presence in fashion influencer marketing54
Engaging consumers with sustainable fashion on Instagram35
Who are social media influencers for luxury fashion consumption of the Chinese Gen Z? Categorisation and empirical examination34
Mindful consumption of second-hand clothing: the role of eWOM, attitude and consumer engagement33
A triple-trickle theory for sustainable fashion adoption: the rise of a luxury trend33
The effect of brand personality congruence, brand attachment and brand love on loyalty among HENRY's in the luxury branding sector28
Consumer acceptance of self-service technologies in fashion retail stores25
Webrooming or showrooming, that is the question: explaining omnichannel behavioural intention through the technology acceptance model and exploratory behaviour22
How mobile augmented reality digitally transforms the retail sector: examining trust in augmented reality apps and online/offline store patronage intention21
Quality matters: reviewing the connections between perceived quality and clothing use time21
Examining the moderating role of perceived risk and web atmospherics in online luxury purchase intention19
The influence of fashion blogger credibility, engagement and homophily on intentions to buy and e-WOM. Results of a binational study19
Love is not blind: investigating a love-hate transition among luxury fashion brand consumers17
Traceability and transparency for sustainable fashion-apparel supply chains17
Impact of fashion influencers on consumers' purchase intentions: theory of planned behaviour and mediation of attitude15
The role of customer brand engagement in the use of Instagram as a “shop window” for fashion-industry social commerce15
Consumer's transition to online clothing buying during the COVID-19 pandemic: exploration through protection motivation theory and consumer well-being14
One size fits all? Segmenting consumers to predict sustainable fashion behavior13
Sustainability topic trends in the textile and apparel industry: a text mining-based magazine article analysis13
To disclose or not to disclose? Fashion brands' strategies for transparency in sustainability reporting13
Sustainable practices and financial performance in fashion firms13
Critical determinants and firm performance of sustainable technology adoption in the apparel industry: the stakeholder approach13
Designing for circularity: sustainable pathways for Australian fashion small to medium enterprises12
Theory of planned behavior, ethics and intention of conscious consumption in Slow Fashion Consumption12
CSR ads matter to luxury fashion brands: a construal level approach to understand Gen Z consumers' eWOM on social media11
Social media analysis of consumer opinion on apparel supply chain transparency11
Social and environmental concerns within ethical fashion: general consumer cognitions, attitudes and behaviours11
Examining the influence of user-generated content on the fashion consumer online experience10
How legitimate are the environmental sustainability claims of luxury conglomerates?10
Sustainable developments and corporate social responsibility in Vietnamese fashion enterprises10
Consumer interpretations of fashion sustainability terminology communicated through labelling10
Examining the influences of perceived exclusivity and perceived rarity on consumers' perception of luxury9
Investigating webrooming behavior: a case of Indian luxury consumers9
Past, present and future of luxury brands: a review and bibliometric analysis9
Digital platforms in fashion rental: a business model analysis9
E-commerce in the internet-enabled foreign expansion of Polish fashion brands owned by SMEs9
Luxury fashion start-up brands' digital strategies with female Gen Y in the Middle East8
Predicting Indian consumers' purchase intention from Western apparel brands8
Can a connection with the indigenous cultural values encourage sustainable apparel consumption?8
The interaction of clothing design factors: how to attract consumers' visual attention and enhance emotional experience8
Personalization and customization in fashion: searching for a definition8
Fashion forecasting: an overview from material culture to industry8
Are low- and middle-income countries profiting from fast fashion?8
Why suppliers struggle to deliver defect-free products to buyers: a buyer–supplier dyadic perspective8
Why do consumers purchase green clothing? Investigating symbolic meanings beyond social status and the role of consumer mindset7
Influence of celebrities and online communities on Indian consumers' green clothing involvement and purchase behavior7
Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from the apparel industry in Bangladesh and China7
The effects of perceived value, environmental concern and attitude on recycled fashion consumption7
Analyzing the impact of Covid-19 on sustainable fashion consumption with a model based on consumer value perceptions7
A novel neutrosophical approach in stakeholder analysis for sustainable fashion supply chains7
As cheap as humanly possible: why consumers care less about worker welfare7
Predictors of consumers' behaviour to recycle end-of-life garments in Australia7
Repositioning luxury fashion brands as intentional agents: the roles of consumer envy and admiration7