Administrative Science Quarterly

(The TQCC of Administrative Science Quarterly is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The Invisible Cage: Workers’ Reactivity to Opaque Algorithmic Evaluations110
Our Board, Our Rules: Nonconformity to Global Corporate Governance Norms69
The Impact of Logic (In)Compatibility: Green Investing, State Policy, and Corporate Environmental Performance67
The Voice Cultivation Process: How Team Members Can Help Upward Voice Live on to Implementation57
When Knowledge Work and Analytical Technologies Collide: The Practices and Consequences of Black Boxing Algorithmic Technologies52
How Do Employees React When Their CEO Speaks Out? Intra- and Extra-Firm Implications of CEO Sociopolitical Activism50
Developing Improvisation Skills: The Influence of Individual Orientations42
Sustaining Meaningful Work in a Crisis: Adopting and Conveying a Situational Purpose40
When an Industry Peer Is Accused of Financial Misconduct: Stigma versus Competition Effects on Non-accused Firms38
Things Are Not Always What They Seem: The Origins and Evolution of Intragroup Conflict38
Handling Resistance to Change When Societal and Workplace Logics Conflict37
Shaping Nascent Industries: Innovation Strategy and Regulatory Uncertainty in Personal Genomics36
An Interaction Ritual Theory of Social Resource Exchange: Evidence from a Silicon Valley Accelerator36
Escaping the Ellipsis of Diversity: Insider Activists’ Use of Implementation Resources to Influence Organization Policy31
Unpacking the Status-Leveling Burden for Women in Male-Dominated Occupations30
The Epidemic of Mental Disorders in Business—How Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Spread across Organizations through Employee Mobility*30
Order from Chaos: How Networked Activists Self-Organize by Creating a Participation Architecture28
Avoiding the Appearance of Virtue: Reactivity to Corporate Social Responsibility Ratings in an Era of Shareholder Primacy26
The Unfolding of Control Mechanisms inside Organizations: Pathways of Customization and Transmutation25
Stigma Hierarchies: The Internal Dynamics of Stigmatization in the Sex Work Occupation25
From Patañjali to the “Gospel of Sweat”: Yoga’s Remarkable Transformation from a Sacred Movement into a Thriving Global Market24
Frenemies: Overcoming Audiences’ Ideological Opposition to Firm–Activist Collaborations24
How Idealized Professional Identities Can Persist through Client Interactions22
Stepping out of the Shadows: Identity Exposure as a Remedy for Stigma Transfer Concerns in the Medical Marijuana Market22
Brokers in Disguise: The Joint Effect of Actual Brokerage and Socially Perceived Brokerage on Network Advantage22
Under the Umbrella: Goal-Derived Category Construction and Product Category Nesting21
Calling and the Good Life: A Meta-Analysis and Theoretical Extension20
Hope Cultures in Organizations: Tackling the Grand Challenge of Commercial Sex Exploitation19
Syncing Up: A Process Model of Emergent Interdependence in Dynamic Teams19
One-Hit Wonders versus Hit Makers: Sustaining Success in Creative Industries19
Storytelling as a Tool for Vicarious Learning among Air Medical Transport Crews18
Frame Restructuration: The Making of an Alternative Business Incubator amid Detroit’s Crisis16
Good Corp, Bad Corp, and the Rise of B Corps: How Market Incumbents’ Diverse Responses Reinvigorate Challengers16
How Professionals Construct Moral Authority: Expanding Boundaries of Expert Authority in Stem Cell Science15
Up to No Good? Gender, Social Impact Work, and Employee Promotions15
Technological Distance and Breakthrough Inventions in Multi-Cluster Teams: How Intra- and Inter-Location Ties Bridge the Gap14
Status–Authority Asymmetry between Professions: The Case of 911 Dispatchers and Police Officers13
The Impact of Mandated Pay Gap Transparency on Firms’ Reputations as Employers13
The Dynamics of Organizational Autonomy: Oscillations at Automobili Lamborghini13
The Dynamics of Team Learning: Harmony and Rhythm in Teamwork Arrangements for Innovation13
Location-Independent Organizations: Designing Collaboration Across Space and Time11
The Two Blades of the Scissors: Performance Feedback and Intrinsic Attributes in Organizational Risk Taking10
Cultural Breadth and Embeddedness: The Individual Adoption of Organizational Culture as a Determinant of Creativity9
The Task Bind: Explaining Gender Differences in Managerial Tasks and Performance9
Missing the Forest for the Trees: Modular Search and Systemic Inertia as a Response to Environmental Change9
Escaping the Survival Trap: Network Transition among Early-Career Freelance Songwriters9
Organization-as-Platform Activism: Theory and Evidence from the National Football League “Take a Knee” Movement9
Regulatory Spillover and Workplace Racial Inequality8
Supporting Mental Health at Work (Comment on “The Epidemic of Mental Disorders in Business”)7
Where Is All the Deviance? Liminal Prescribing and the Social Networks Underlying the Prescription Drug Crisis7
The New Invisible Hand: How Common Owners Use the Media as a Strategic Tool7
Doing Organizational Identity: Earnings Surprises and the Performative Atypicality Premium7