Pacific Economic Review

(The TQCC of Pacific Economic Review is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
Fiscal response to the COVID‐19 crisis in advanced and emerging market economies34
Macroeconomic effects of COVID‐19: A mid‐term review*25
COVID‐19, asset markets and capital flows22
The effects ofCOVID‐19 containment measures on the Asia‐Pacific region9
Service trade network structure and its determinants in the Belt and Road based on the temporal exponential random graph model9
Political connection, family involvement, and IPO underpricing: Evidence from the listed non‐state‐owned enterprises of China6
Absorptive capacity and quality upgrading effect of OFDI: Evidence from China6
The effect of financial knowledge on asset allocation for Chinese households5
Employment and output effects of federal regulations on small business5
Determinants of Taiwan's outward investment in Southeast Asia: Economic factors and institutional issues4
Financial conditions, local competition, and local market leaders: The case of real estate developers4
Effects of wealth management products on bank risk in China: The role of audit committee effectiveness4
The impact of COVID‐19 on seasoned equity offering: Evidence from China3
Culture, institutions, and long‐run performance3
Effect of COVID‐19 stimulus payments on sales of local small businesses: Quasi‐experimental evidence from Korea3
Ancestral relatedness and visits between national leaders: Evidence from China2
Information and communication technology diffusion and the urban–rural income gap in China2
The impact of regional trade policy uncertainty on the productivity of Chinese export enterprises: The case of China–ASEAN Free Trade Area2
Effects of tax benefits on the price elasticity of charitable contributions in South Korea2
Does fiscal decentralization affect local governments' strategic behaviours? Evidence from South Korea2
Institutional investors and corporate green innovation: Evidence from China2
Revisiting the return‐volatility relationship of exchange rates: New evidence from offshore RMB2
Surplus men and scarce women: The impact of mating competition on the desire for sons in China*2
Trade diversion effects of the US–China trade war on Vietnam2
China's efficient urban bias2
Interregional infrastructure, competition for capital, and local public expenditure policies: Evidence from China's high‐speed rail network2
International currency markets and the COVID‐19 pandemic1
Middle‐income country trap and total factor productivity growth1
Belief and higher‐order belief in the centipede games: An experimental investigation1
Risk attitude, risky behaviour and price determination in the sex market: A case study of Yangon, Myanmar1
A bubble identification mechanism: Evidence from the Chinese stock market1
Motives behind community participation: Evidence from natural and artefactual field experiments in Sri Lanka1
Score manipulation, density continuity and intent‐to‐treat effect for regression discontinuity1
Return predictability between industries and the stock market in China1
Gender wage penalty in parenthood: A comparative study of South Korea and Japan1
Tax policy and aggregate stability in an overlapping generations model1
Sectoral FTA gains, conflicts, and the role of interindustry factor mobility: Evidence from Korea's free trade agreement1
How antidumping measures affect US imports from China: A mesoeconomic perspective of the excess price changes1
Promotion or liberalization: The effect of targeted investment policies on foreign direct investment inflows1
Time‐varying effect of monetary policy on capital flows in Korea1
Where does the risk lie? Systemic risk and tail risk networks in the Chinese financial market1
Macroeconomic stability under balanced‐budget rules and no‐income‐effect preferences1
The income elasticity of import demand: A meta‐survey1
Endogenous timing, strategic tariff game and bilateral trade in vertical oligopoly1
Cross‐border bank flows through foreign branches and the effect of a macroprudential policy1
The natural rate of interest of Hong Kong1