Games and Economic Behavior

(The TQCC of Games and Economic Behavior is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Social proximity and the erosion of norm compliance94
Social norms with private values: Theory and experiments41
It's not a lie if you believe the norm does not apply: Conditional norm-following and belief distortion31
Gender stereotypes in deliberation and team decisions22
The influence of self and social image concerns on lying19
Who benefits from corporate social responsibility? Reciprocity in the presence of social incentives and self-selection16
Does poverty negate the impact of social norms on cheating?16
Varieties of risk preference elicitation15
The determinants of efficient behavior in coordination games14
Preferences and perceptions in Provision and Maintenance public goods13
Dynamic legislative bargaining with veto power: Theory and experiments13
Efficient mechanisms for level-k bilateral trading13
Third-degree price discrimination versus uniform pricing13
Disclosure of information under competition: An experimental study13
The absence of attrition in a war of attrition under complete information12
The multiplayer Colonel Blotto game11
Round-robin political tournaments: Abstention, truthful equilibria, and effective power11
Full farsighted rationality11
Never underestimate your opponent: Hindsight bias causes overplacement and overentry into competition11
A revelation principle for obviously strategy-proof implementation11
Early refund bonuses increase successful crowdfunding11
Monotone persuasion11
Multi-prize contests with risk-averse players10
Do people maximize quantiles?10
Endogenous quantal response equilibrium10
Psychological pressure and the right to determine the moves in dynamic tournaments – evidence from a natural field experiment10
Distributional preferences explain individual behavior across games and time10
(Almost) efficient mechanisms for bilateral trading9
Cheap talk with coarse understanding9
Inequality, redistribution and the rise of outsider candidates9
Simple equilibria in general contests9
A gift with thoughtfulness: A field experiment on work incentives9
Serial Rules in a Multi-Unit Shapley-Scarf Market9
A dynamic theory of spatial externalities9
Sentiments, strategic uncertainty, and information structures in coordination games9
The iterative deferred acceptance mechanism9
Slot-specific priorities with capacity transfers8
The asymmetric effect of narratives on prosocial behavior8
Statistical discrimination and affirmative action in the lab8
Bargains, price signaling, and efficiency in markets with asymmetric information8
The capacity constrained facility location problem8
Almost envy-free allocations with connected bundles8
Heterogeneous facility location with limited resources8
Designing practical and fair sequential team contests: The case of penalty shootouts8
The limits to moral erosion in markets: Social norms and the replacement excuse8
The value of network information: Assortative mixing makes the difference8
Local public goods with weighted link formation8
Peaches, lemons, and cookies: Designing auction markets with dispersed information7
Stress-testing the runoff rule in the laboratory7
Pathways of persuasion7
The rationale of in-group favoritism: An experimental test of three explanations7
Bargaining with a residual claimant: An experimental study7
Co-worker altruism and unemployment7
Limited Foresight Equilibrium7
Bandwagon effects and constrained network formation7
Sequential round-robin tournaments with multiple prizes7
Partners in crime? Corruption as a criminal network7
Statistical inference in evolutionary dynamics6
Strategic stability of equilibria in multi-sender signaling games6
An extension of quantal response equilibrium and determination of perfect equilibrium6
Local global equivalence for unanimous social choice functions6
Dynamic consistency in incomplete information games with multiple priors6
Cost heterogeneity and the persistence of bilingualism6
Market screening with limited records6
Limited liability and non-responsiveness in agency models6
Optimal attention management: A tractable framework6
Towards a taxonomy of learning dynamics in 2 × 2 games6
The complexity of computing a (quasi-)perfect equilibrium for an n-player extensive form game6
Rationalizable implementation in finite mechanisms6
The revealed preference theory of stable matchings with one-sided preferences6
When are groups less moral than individuals?6
Reacting to ambiguous messages: An experimental analysis6
Temptation and guilt6
The social construction of ignorance: Experimental evidence6
Parallel markets in school choice5
A new axiomatic approach to the impartial nomination problem5
Collective intertemporal decisions and heterogeneity in groups5
Consumer search with blind buying5
The general graph matching game: Approximate core5
The timing of discretionary bonuses – effort, signals, and reciprocity5
Equilibrium player choices in team contests with multiple pairwise battles5
Do people intervene to make others behave prosocially?5
Polarization and pandering in common-interest elections5
Biasing dynamic contests between ex-ante symmetric players5
Projection bias in effort choices5
Referral hiring and wage formation in a market with adverse selection5
Reinforcement learning in a prisoner's dilemma5
Implementation in largest consistent set via rights structures5
Price discovery using a double auction5
Increasing the external validity of social preference games by reducing measurement error5
Rationalizable implementation of social choice correspondences5
Robust ex-post Pareto efficiency and fairness in random assignments: Two impossibility results5
General truthfulness characterizations via convex analysis5
Multi-activity influence and intervention5
The power of outside options in the presence of obstinate types5
Noisy persuasion5
Dynamic mechanism design on social networks5
Cooperation and punishment mechanisms in uncertain and dynamic social networks5
The in-group egalitarian Owen values5
The evolution of morals under indirect reciprocity5
Valence, complementarities, and political polarization5
Expectations-based loss aversion in contests5
Competition in persuasion: An experiment5
Spite vs. risk: Explaining overbidding in the second-price all-pay auction5
The logit dynamic in supermodular games with a continuum of strategies: A deterministic approximation approach5
Electoral accountability and selection with personalized information aggregation5
An experiment on network density and sequential learning5
The menu-size complexity of revenue approximation5
Restricted environments and incentive compatibility in interdependent values models4
Nonlinear pricing with finite information4
On reward sharing in blockchain mining pools4
Object reallocation problems with single-dipped preferences4
Some characterizations of Generalized Top Trading Cycles4
Regret-minimizing Bayesian persuasion4
How lotteries in school choice help to level the playing field4
Building trust: The costs and benefits of gradualism4
Social conformity under evolving private preferences4
Mean versus median voting in multi-dimensional budget allocation problems. A laboratory experiment4
Morally questionable decisions by groups: Guilt sharing and its underlying motives4
Optimal and efficient mechanisms with asymmetrically budget constrained buyers4
An analytically solvable principal-agent model4
Level-k reasoning in school choice4
The cost of strategy-proofness in school choice4
Prioritized organ allocation rules under compatibility constraints4
Odds supermodularity and the Luce rule4
Cheap talk with private signal structures4
Positive feedback in coordination games: Stochastic evolutionary dynamics and the logit choice rule4
On strategy-proofness and semilattice single-peakedness4
Coalitional bargaining games: A new concept of value and coalition formation4
Strategy sets closed under payoff sampling4
Linking friction, social coordination and the speed of evolution4
Stable sharing4
Social learning in nonatomic routing games4
Substitutes and stability for many-to-many matching with contracts4
Dynamic monitoring under resource constraints4
Monitoring innovation4
Buying supermajorities in the lab4
Disjointly productive players and the Shapley value4
The effect of access to clean technology on pollution reduction: An experiment4
The secretary recommendation problem3
On monotone pure-strategy Bayesian-Nash equilibria of a generalized contest3
Learning from like-minded people3
Paying for what kind of performance? Performance pay, multitasking, and sorting in mission-oriented jobs3
Are non-contingent incentives more effective in motivating new behavior? Evidence from the field3
Strategic incentives undermine gaze as a signal of prosocial motives3
Games in context: Equilibrium under ambiguity for belief functions3
Voting on tricky questions3
Reciprocity with uncertainty about others3
Bad reputation with simple rating systems3
Present bias in the labor market – when it pays to be naive3
Backward induction in games without perfect recall3
Stable matching and protocol-free equilibrium3
Pledge-and-review in the laboratory3
Competing mechanisms and folk theorems: Two examples3
Robust mechanisms for risk-averse sellers3
Fairness and risk in ultimatum bargaining3
Persuading a pessimist: Simplicity and robustness3
Group lending, sorting, and risk sharing3
Binary single-crossing random utility models3
Unique stable matchings3
Social norms and preferences for generosity are domain dependent3
Preemption with a second-mover advantage3
Subsidy and taxation in all-pay auctions under incomplete information3
When consumers do not make an active decision: Dynamic default rules and their equilibrium effects3
Unethical decision making and sleep restriction: Experimental evidence3
Auctions with flexible information acquisition3
On self- and other-regarding cooperation: Kant versus Berge3
Dynamic decision making under ambiguity: An experimental investigation3
Designing weighted and directed networks under complementarities3
Model-based evaluation of cooling-off policies3
On identifying subgame-perfect equilibrium outcomes for timing games3
The development gap in economic rationality of future elites3
Economic polarization and antisocial behavior: An experiment3
Robust coalitional implementation3
God games: An experimental study of uncertainty, superstition, and cooperation3
Evolutionarily stable in-group altruism in intergroup conflict over (local) public goods3
The vigilant eating rule: A general approach for probabilistic economic design with constraints3
Knowing your opponents: Information disclosure and auction design3
Regime change games with an active defender3
Fair cake-cutting in practice3
On incentive-compatible estimators3
Sampling dynamics applied to the traveler's dilemma reveals non-Nash behavior3
Auctions with speculators: An experimental study3
Approximate Bayesian implementation and exact maxmin implementation: An equivalence3
Supervisory efficiency and collusion in a multiple-agent hierarchy3
What makes an opinion leader: Expertise vs popularity3
The impossibility of agreeing to disagree: An extension of the sure-thing principle3
Equilibria of nonatomic anonymous games3
Consumers' privacy choices in the era of big data3