Contemporary Southeast Asia

(The TQCC of Contemporary Southeast Asia is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Religion as a Tool of Influence: Buddhism and China’s Belt and Road Initiative in Mainland Southeast Asia9
Introduction to Special Issue: The Cambodian People's Party's Turn to Hegemonic Authoritarianism: Strategies and Envisaged Futures8
Malapportionment in Myanmar’s Elections: A Slumbering Menace7
Civilian Resistance and the Failure of the Indonesian Counterinsurgency Campaign in Nduga, West Papua7
Youth Mobilization, Power Reproduction and Cambodia’s Authoritarian Turn6
Towards “Emergent Federalism” in Post-coup Myanmar6
China's Role in the Cambodian People's Party's Quest for Legitimacy5
Authoritarian Constitutional Borrowing and Convergence in Cambodia5
Understanding the Institutional Challenge of Indo-Pacific Minilaterals to ASEAN5
Beyond Personalism: Elite Politics and Political Families in Cambodia4
Special Economic Zones and the Need for Proper Governance: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia4
Research Associate at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom.4
Man of Contradictions: Joko Widodo and the Struggle to Remake Indonesia3
Resolving Land-Use Conflicts over Indonesia’s Customary Forests: One Map, Power Contestations and Social Justice3
Motherhood Identity in the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Elections: Populism and Political Division in the National Women’s Movement3
Green in the Heart of Red: Understanding Phayao Province’s Switch to Palang Pracharat in Thailand’s 2019 General Election3
Roundtable: Global Pandemic, Local Politics: COVID-19 in Urban Southeast Asia3
Fragmentation, Complexity and Cooperation: Understanding Southeast Asia’s Maritime Security Governance3
Plural Partisans: Thailand's People's Democratic Reform Committee Protesters2
Countering the Communist Imaginary: The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama in Indonesia’s 2014 and 2019 Presidential Elections2
Abandoning Hedging: Reconsidering Southeast Asian Alignment Choices2
Promoting Global IR under the Dominance of Mainstream Theories and the Liberalization of Universities: Reflections from Indonesia2
The Failure of Agricultural-based Economic Development in Thailand's Far South and the Impact on the Insurgency2
Naming and Shaming China: America’s Strategy of Rhetorical Coercion in the South China Sea2
Understanding the Evolution of “Khaki Capital” in Thailand: A Historical Institutionalist Perspective2
The Deer and the Dragon: Southeast Asia and China in the 21st Century2
From Periphery to Centre: The Self-evolution of the Vietnamese Communist Party’s Central Committee2
Cyber Terror, the Academic Anti-corruption Movement and Indonesian Democratic Regression2
Under Beijing’s Shadow: Southeast Asia’s China Challenge2
Explaining Hedging: The Case of Malaysian Equidistance2
The Inchoate Legislative Scrutiny of the Myanmar Police Forces: A Study of the USDP Legislature (2011-16)2
Roundtable: Philippine Elections 20221
Parties, Patronage and COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution in Indonesia1
Co-opted Social Media and the Practice of Active Silence in Cambodia1
Between Integration and Differentiation: International Relations Studies and the Promise of Global IR in Vietnam1
Introduction: Domestic Determinants of Southeast Asia�s Relations with the United States and China1
The Domestic Determinants of Hedging in Singapore�s Foreign Policy1
BOOK REVIEW: United Front: Projecting Solidarity through Deliberation in Vietnam’s Single Party Legislature., by Paul Schuler1
From “Sphere of Scrutiny” to “Sphere of Opportunity”: The Cambodian People's Party's Vision of International Order1