Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power

(The TQCC of Identities-Global Studies in Culture and Power is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Boxing clever: exercising with ethnicity, ethics and embodied ethnography Book Review of Fighting Identity: An Ethnography of Kickboxing in East London, 24
Stateless citizenship: ‘radical democracy as consciousness-raising’ in the Rojava revolution20
Pan-African identity, psychological well-being, and mental health among African Americans15
Asserting an Eritrean identity in the face of imposed racialisation: national identity claims of some Eritrean refugees in South Africa15
Indifference or hostility? Anti-Scottishness in a post-Brexit England13
Constructing homonationalist identities in relation to religious and LGBTQ+ outgroups: a case study of r/RightWingLGBT11
Intercultural capital and ambiguous loss in in-between space: a digital ethnography of Anglo-Sino academic families amid China’s transformation into the post-pandemic era9
The emotional governance of immigration controls8
Politics, NOT as usual7
Unpacking the colonial genealogies of political science7
Storytelling amid the ‘dirty plates’ of the past7
Toppling statues and making space: prospects for anti-racist cultural activism6
‘Detention is morally exhausting’: melancholia of detention centres in France6
Janathana Sarkar (people’s government): rebel governance and agency of the poor in India’s Maoist guerrilla zones6
Pretty fly for a white guy: the politics of race, nation and difference in professional boxing6
Radical democratic citizenship at the edge of life: young children, cafés and intergenerational and intersectional activism6
Towards a differentiated notion of the mainstream: superdiversity and residents’ conceptions of immigrant integration6
Disentangling radical right populism, gender, and religion: an introduction5
‘Messy refusal’, assimilationist moves, and the reproduction of Eurocentric modernity/coloniality: examining anti-Islamophobia in Lebanon5
Exploring ‘festive commoning’ in radical gatherings in Scotland5
‘Paperwork or no paperwork, we are guests in this country’: mothering and belonging in the wake of the Windrush Scandal5
From otherness to belongingness: the role of co-ethnic relationships in Korean New Zealanders’ ethnic identity formation4
(Doing) belonging as technology of power: how the principle of ‘gender equality’ governs membership in Swiss society4
The socioeconomics of Sikh American identity4
Negotiating identities. On identity politics and deliberation4
A Chinatown undeclared: Chinese entrepreneurs’ unethnic ways of being in Ikebukuro, Tokyo4
Interracial couples and the phenomenology of race, place, and space in contemporary England4
Histories of place: the racialization of representational space in Govanhill and Butetown4
Unwrapping oppression: Black latinas in craft chocolate marketing4
Music and political identity salience in Nigeria’s 2023 presidential election4
Negotiating one’s own belonging: envisaging the Japanese (Im)migratory stratification through immigrant-origin youths’ narratives4
Producing whiteness through urban space: the socio-spatial construction of white identities in Amsterdam3
What’s love got to do with it? Marriage and the security state3
Criminalizing black solidarity: Dublin deportations, raids, and racial statecraft in southern Germany3
Dead serious racial humour Book Review of The Souls of White Jokes: How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy , by Raúl 3
Grace, books and diplomacy: a conversation with John Solomos3
Place as social identity: an analysis of the spatial enactments of community loss and activism within the built environment surrounding Grenfell Tower3
‘I always felt I have something I must do in my life’: meaning making in the political lives of refugee non-citizens3
The BBC, public intellectuals, and the making of Five Views of Multi-Racial Britain3
Black boundaries3
Multiraciality and racialized politics in the United States3
Feeling race: mapping emotions in policing Britain’s borders3
#SouthAsians4BlackLives: racial positionality in digital allyship and the prospects for cross-racial solidarity for racial justice in the USA2
The governmentality of multiculturalism: from national pluri-ethnicity to urban cosmopolitanism in Bogotá2
Intracultural dialogue as a precursor to cross-community initiatives: the Irish language among Protestants/unionists in Northern Ireland2
Islamophobia in Scottish towns and small cities2
Drifting borders, anchored community: re-reading narratives in the semiotic landscape with ethnic Lithuanians living at the Polish borderland2
National pride and identification with national symbols in a divided society: the case of South Africa2
Producing labour stratification: how migration policies affect the working, living and housing conditions of migrant farmworkers2
The staging of cultural diversity in Dubai: the case of Dubai Art Fair2
Emirati expats in social media: a new arena for involvement and political expression?2
Towards a ‘new’ Moroccan capital? Democratisation, diversity politics and the remaking of national space in Rabat2
The dread of dread2
The veil as an object of right-wing populist politics: a comparative perspective of Turkey, Sweden, and France2