Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies

(The TQCC of Continuum-Journal of Media & Cultural Studies is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Neoliberalism and the undead gothic subject in Daybreakers23
Modifications of R: how the virtual comes to matter in VR, XR and MR art and performance17
Editing After Exit – Alienation and Counter–Alienation in the Cultures of Cultural Studies Journals11
Theory for the world to come: speculative fiction and apocalyptic anthropology11
Not suiting the bureau: Tom O’Regan’s early work11
‘We can sh*t for another 10 years.’ Toilet paper, pandemic politics and cultural citizenship10
The location of Cultural Studies: a contextually contingent account of Cultural Studies’ praxis9
English teaching and media education: the (lost) legacies of Cultural Studies9
Race and the suburbs in American film8
Birth Family Search (Part 1)8
Chinese-language digital news media in Australia: new narratives of hybrid identities7
The web series: empowering diversity on the Australian screen7
Zines of rupture: theorising migration studies using comics by racialised migrants and refugees7
Art-making for political ecology: practice, poetics and activism through enchantment7
Happy Valley7
Field recordings as invitation and transportation6
A moving view: an introduction to Our Sentimental Natures6
Mortality, moral regulation, and (im)moral entrepreneurship in My Favorite Murder6
Resisting division: migrant sex work and “New Zealand working girls”5
Moving beyond deficit media figurations of young people: troubling the contemporary ‘youth crime crisis’5
On becoming a queer educator: reflections on queer perspectives and approaches in initial teacher education5
The Rassemblement National on social media: the online rewards of gendered political speech for radical right politicians4
Migrant placemaking and authorship: digital storytelling by Chinese interprovincial students4
Underrated, overlooked, suppressed, discarded: canonical discourse and 1980s rock music from Australia and New Zealand4
Caring for clothes: how and why people maintain garments in regular use4
Adapting European heritage: Bernardine Evaristo’s Soul Tourists (2005) and Omar Victor Diop’s Project Diaspora (2014)4
Vive la république européenne? Reading The European Balcony Project as artistic counter-public4
Indigenous Cinema, the camera ashore, andHouse Made of Dawn4
Citizenship and neoliberalism: pandemic horror in Latin America3
Pandemic citizenship: introduction3
Coping with the ‘double bind’ through vlogging: pandemic digital citizenship of Chinese international students3
Breaking the “chain of contempt”: distinction and taste in Chinese social media fandom3
Borrowed soundtracks: adopting the global history approach to the study of connectedness in film history3
Dark, clear or brackish? Using Reddit to break down the binary of the dark and clear web3
Translation of deconstructivism in the Romanian post-communist transition interval3
Climate change and SIDS in the transpacific region: flows of people, capital and goods3
The practices of care: extinction and de-colonization in the natural history museum3
Living ghosts and the Laapata : the episode of genocide continuum in Pakistani art3
Unearthing the code of Gondwana VR3
‘Zero dollars and zero cents’: resourcefulness and DIY music scenes in rural and regional South Australia3
‘Go sharp or go home’: the competitive subcultural practices of historical Australian youth culture known as ‘Sharpies’3
The complexities of home and belonging in the Gulf-Malayalee experience: a close reading of Salim Ahamed’s Pathemari (2015)3
Indonesian critiques of the new musical system2
‘I Blame House Hunters’: How real estate agents use property TV to manage clients and establish expertise2
Cyborg, goddess, or magical girl/heavenly woman? Rethinking gender and technology in science education via Ghost in the Shell2
‘The queer pedagogical encounter: a continuum of futures’, introduction to ‘In Queer Minds’ special issue2
Notes on Transkids: an affirmative feminist study of transgender boyhood in Israel’s sexual modernity2
Communities, connections, and careers: building personal and professional networks through community media work2
State-sponsored stigma and discrimination: female Indonesian migrants in Hong Kong during the pandemic2
The Nutbush Dance Reframed: further analysis related to ‘Doing the Nutbush’2
Secularism, decoloniality and the veil: Kutlug Ataman and Cigdem Aydemir on hair and veiling2
Industry dialogue: navigating complexity in the future of fashion2
Transgression, resistance and independent art in contemporary russia2
Archives and autographics: reanimating diaspora in the Transpacific2
Guilt and migrant experience in Australia: narratives of happiness and hatred2
Youth arts as popular education: Cultural Studies at the edges of the creative industries2
A state against boys’ love? Reviewing the trajectory of censorship over danmei2
The politics of the representation of Christian women characters in select Hindi films2
Vampiric love: Autoimmunization, Romanticism and sacrifice in F.W. Murnau’s Nosferatu2
Body of evidence: conspiracy, masculinity and otherness in ‘QAnon shaman’ meme discourses2
A post-secular journey2
Anatomy of a film industry Redux: Notes on the West Australian case (1969–1993)1
Proud to be not beautiful: navigating affects in the rebellious body project of Chinese TuoMeiYi feminism1
Cultural Studies and critical allyship in the settler colonial academe1
Contemporary drag practices and performers: drag in a changing scene volume 11
Some reflections on the ‘policy moment’1
Representing Aboriginal Childhood: The politics of memory and forgetting in Australia Representing Aboriginal Childhood: The politics of memory and forgetting in Australia 1
‘Just like us’: community radio broadcasters and the on-air performance of community identity1
Thai Boys Love drama fandom as a transnational and trans-subcultural contact zone in Japan1
Biscuit production and consumption as war re-enactment1
“Lie Flat”– Chinese youth subculture in the context of the pandemic and national rejuvenation1
Critical data provenance as a methodology for studying how language conceals data ethics1
Transnational suburbia: suburban settings in Australian video games1
Feminism and the politics of resilience: essays on gender, media and the end of welfare1
Streaming platform imaginaries: audiences and Southeast Asian streaming1
Engendering ethics: recognition and inclusion of intersectional identities in queer communities when conducting population survey research1
Media portrayals of binational couples in90 Day Fiancé1
Deliberation through contestation: EU investments in cultural and artistic spaces beyond the EU1
Vampiric transformations: the popular politics of the (post) romantic vampire1
Back catalogue touring and the ephemeral archive: personal memory and popular music heritage1
Shedding light on ‘dark’ ads1
Lifestyle, opportunity and attraction images: real estate platforms and the digital remediation of space1
Figured actions in the Transformers action figure, nonnormative positivism, disability, and transformation1
Mental and social scotoma represented and worked through in the television series Our Boys (Levi, Ceder and Abu-Wael 2019)1
The darker turn of intimate machines: dark webs and (post)social media1
Overcoming ‘confirmation bias’ and the persistence of conspiratorial types of thinking1
Creative is not always lucrative: how grassroots film communities defy the ‘creativisation of culture’ in post-authoritarian Indonesia1
Afterword: troubling the dark social1
Asylum-seeker emergency and third spaces in the Inspector Montalbano TV series1
There’s a riot goin’ on1
The production of girls’ love narrative in Couple of Mirrors (2021) through transmedia storytelling in contemporary China1
Digital infrastructure, ultra-fast broadband, and citizenship in the Gigatown competition in the South Island, Aotearoa New Zealand1
Stranger Things: boys and feminism1
‘Every entry should be the last’: archiving the war and producing implicated publics in Yevgenia Belorusets’ A Wartime Diary (2022)1
Ungrievable lives and the ensemble of opinions1
Cultural nationalism, Australian media studies, and Tom O’Regan1
Writing the Feminist Internet: a Chthonian Feminist Internet Theory for the twenty first century1
Describing, knotting, tying: developing emerging media documentary in a creative accelerator context1
Producing multiculturalism: casting and editing migrants in Korean reality television1
LGBTQA+ allies and activism: past, present and future perspectives1
Sex in the time of coronavirus: queer men negotiating biosexual citizenship during the COVID-19 pandemic1
Vampire apocalypse and the evolutionary sublime: the ‘End of Days’ in John Logan’sPenny Dreadful1
Introduction: digital cultures and acts of refusal, secrecy and power across privacy-enhancing technologies1
Hong Kong vampire films: anxious imaginings of death and illness1
Nationalism and heroism with Chinese characteristics: a critical discourse analysis of Wolf Warrior II1
Fakery as a process of negotiation: understanding the information assessment and sharing behaviours of the marginalized elderly on social media1