Journal of Consumer Affairs

(The TQCC of Journal of Consumer Affairs is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The effect of brief mindfulness‐based intervention on patient satisfaction and loyalty after waiting96
Health insurance coverage during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The role of Medicaid expansion57
Serial coping to anxiety under a pandemic and subsequent regulation of vice food and beverage consumption among young adults43
Is music piracy over? Comparing music piracy attitudes and behaviors between young generations34
Exploring unheard voices: Best practices in interviewing women prosumers in Indian subsistence contexts32
“Generally, I live a lie”: Transgender consumer experiences and responses to symbolic violence28
A systematic review of consumer empowerment research trends: Evidence from esteemed consumer studies journals27
The influence of time, resource, and gender ideology on the division of domestic work in Korea24
“You can't make me do it!” A model of consumer compliance24
ISSN Page20
2023 American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Distinguished Fellow: Irene Ellis Leech19
Consumer animosity and perceived cultural distance: Toward mutual well‐being for refugees and host countries19
Journal of Consumer Affairs Best Article and Best Reviewer Awards18
Beyond radical affordability in the base of the pyramid: The role of consumer self‐confidence in product acceptance17
Compulsory technology adoption and adaptation in education: A looming student privacy problem17
Issue Information16
The role of racial/ethnic discrimination in financial access and material hardship: Findings from Korean immigrants living in the deep south16
Economic hardship and neighborhood diversity: Influences on consumer well‐being15
How thoughts of death and intrinsic/extrinsic goal orientation affect well‐being during the pandemic15
Factors associated with the financial strain of transgender and gender diverse college students14
Centering transgender consumers in conceptualizations of marketplace marginalization and digital spaces14
Psychological distancing and language intensity in Peer‐to‐Peer lending14
The ethics of nudging: Using moral foundations theory to understand consumers' approval of nudges13
The effects of online consumer credit on household consumption level and structure: Evidence from China13
Either you control social media or social media controls you: Understanding the impact of self‐control on excessive social media use from the dual‐system perspective13
School and family environments promote adolescents' financial confidence: Indirect paths to financial literacy skills in Finnish PISA 201813
Yes, we care! Consumer emotional responses to corporate neglect of climate change and the role of individual differences12
Impact of environmental and health consciousness on ecological consumption intention: The moderating effects of haze and self‐competence12
Physical risk messaging enhances favorable attitudes toward mask wearing12
“It's kinda like a sick joke”: Young people, labor market experiences, and the COVID‐19 pandemic12
The impact of state earned income tax credit increases on material and medical hardship11
A typology of Jordanian consumers after Covid‐19: The rational, the suspicious, and the cautious consumer11
Five decades of the Journal of Consumer Affairs: A bibliometric analysis11
Antecedents and outcome of mindful buying11
Determinants of financial worry10
Post‐traumatic consumption: Does emotion regulation moderate the relationship between military life stressors, mental health outcomes, and compulsive buying?10
“The greedy I that gives”—The paradox of egocentrism and altruism: Terror management and system justification perspectives on the interrelationship between mortality salience and charitable donations 10
Web workouts and consumer well‐being: The role of digital‐physical activity during the UK COVID‐19 lockdown10
When taking action means accepting responsibility: Omission bias predicts parents' reluctance to vaccinate due to greater anticipated culpability for negative side effects10
Impact of consumer animosity, boycott participation, boycott motivation, and product judgment on purchase readiness or aversion of Kurdish consumers in Iraq10
Internal factors driving willingness to seek financial advice: The role of trust and anxiety9
Financial literacy and household asset allocation: Evidence from micro‐data in China9
Job loss during COVID‐19 on early retirement withdrawals: A moderated‐mediation analysis8
Have you found what you are looking for? How values orientations affect pro‐social change after transformative service experiences8
How violence among consumers alters the expected benefits of participation in a consumer collective8
The relationships of financial literacy with both financial behavior and financial well‐being: Meta‐analyses based on the selective literature review8
Issue Information8
Building toward a solid foundation: The effect of thinking concretely about the future7
How does the affordable care act Medicaid expansion affect cigarette consumption?—The mechanism and heterogeneity7
Your car is your credit: Using research to curb predatory car title lending7
Rhoda Karpatkin in Memoriam7
Pushing or clicking the grocery cart? Health and economic concerns during the COVID‐19 pandemic7
Building relationships: Is this the answer to effective nutrition policy formulation?7
The impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on subsistence consumers' well‐being and coping strategies: Insights from India and Bangladesh7
Financial debts and subjective well‐being of young adults: An adaption of the stress process model7
Consumption coping strategies and well‐being among refugee consumers7
Issue Information7
Research note: Age, retirement, and intertemporal resource decision ability6
Unbanked and impoverished? Exploring banking and poverty interactions over time6
Identifying consumer segments based on COVID‐19 pandemic perceptions and responses6
The role of vending channels in marketing: A systematic review and taxonomy of studies6
Pandemics and consumer well‐being: Provenance and research priorities6
Extending the diversity conversation: Fashion consumption experiences of underrepresented and underserved women6
Good credit, bad credit: The differential role of the sources of debt in life satisfaction6
Losing privacy versus losing choice: How consumers react to different costs of personalization6
Health shocks and mortgage debt payoff among American homeowners over age 50: A survival analysis6
Taming complex problems using the problem‐solution‐impact research process model6
The role of response efficacy and risk aversion in promoting compliance during crisis6
Expanding consumer mindfulness for collective sustainable well‐being: Overview of the special issue and future research directions6
Unequal but essential: How subsistence consumer–entrepreneurs negotiate unprecedented shock with extraordinary resilience during COVID‐196
The impact of payday alternative loans on credit union performance and loan quality6
Issue Information6
Unhealthy food preferences: A psychological consequence of poverty?6
Measuring gender in consumer research: Validity and consumer welfare6