Labour Economics

(The TQCC of Labour Economics is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The demand for AI skills in the labor market88
COVID-19 doesn’t need lockdowns to destroy jobs: The effect of local outbreaks in Korea67
Work that can be done from home: evidence on variation within and across occupations and industries61
Industrial robots, Workers’ safety, and health40
Working from home, hours worked and wages: Heterogeneity by gender and parenthood38
Where have all the workers gone? Recalls, retirements, and reallocation in the COVID recovery32
Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK30
Shedding light on the shadows of informality: A meta-analysis of formalization interventions targeted at informal firms30
The impact of working conditions on mental health: Novel evidence from the UK29
Some young people have all the luck! The duration dependence of the school-to-work transition in Europe28
Consequences of parental job loss on the family environment and on human capital formation-Evidence from workplace closures26
Lessons for Americans from Denmark about inequality and social mobility24
What Does a Job Candidate's Age Signal to Employers?23
The impact of mass migration of Syrians on the Turkish labor market22
Occupational routine intensity and the costs of job loss: evidence from mass layoffs22
The labour market outcomes of transgender individuals21
Employment protection and firm-provided training in dual labour markets20
Women in STEM: Ability, preference, and value20
Gender and employment in the COVID-19 recession: Cross-Country evidence on “She-Cessions”20
Hours and income dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of the Netherlands19
Social spillovers of China’s left-behind children in the classroom18
Partial automation and the technology-enabled deskilling of routine jobs16
Did the minimum wage reduce the gender wage gap in Germany?15
The ins and outs of involuntary part-time employment15
What cannot be cured must be endured: The long-lasting effect of a COVID-19 infection on workplace productivity.15
The unequal impact of ill health: Earnings, employment, and mental health among breast cancer survivors in Finland15
Mission of the company, prosocial attitudes and job preferences: A discrete choice experiment14
Employee training and firm performance: Evidence from ESF grant applications14
The economics of migration: Labour market impacts and migration policies14
Does more free childcare help parents work more?14
Has the Willingness to Work Fallen during the Covid Pandemic?14
Non-cognitive peer effects in secondary education14
The gendered effects of droughts: Production shocks and labor response in agriculture13
High School Rank in Math and English and the Gender Gap in STEM13
Transgender employment and gender marker laws13
Laws, educational outcomes, and returns to schooling evidence from the first wave of U.S. state compulsory attendance laws13
Has COVID-19 induced labor market mismatch? Evidence from the US and the UK13
Explaining the Labor Share: Automation Vs Labor Market Institutions13
The gender aspect of migrants’ assimilation in Europe13
Peer effects in pension decision-making: evidence from China's new rural pension scheme13
Occupational Attainment and Earnings in Southeast Asia: The Role of Non-cognitive Skills13
Parental leave, household specialization and children’s well-being12
The unemployed with jobs and without jobs12
Technology and the labor market12
Stepping-stone effect of atypical jobs: Could the least employable reap the most benefits?12
Disruptive Peers in the Classroom and Students’ Academic Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanisms12
Does electricity drive structural transformation? Evidence from the United States12
How Big is the Gig? The Extensive Margin, The Intensive Margin, and The Hidden Margin12
Trade Shocks and Firms Hiring Decisions: Evidence from Vacancy Postings of Chinese Firms in the Trade War12
The long-term effect of resource booms on human capital12
Parental Leave Policy and Long-run Earnings of Mothers12
Employment effects of on-the-job human capital acquisition11
Are remote work options the new standard? Evidence from vacancy postings during the COVID-19 crisis11
Counterfactual quantile decompositions with selection correction taking into account Huber/Melly (2015): An application to the German gender wage gap11
CPS Nonresponse During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Explanations, Extent, and Effects11
IT shields: Technology adoption and economic resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Coming of age: Watching young entrepreneurs become successful10
ICT capital–skill complementarity and wage inequality: Evidence from OECD countries10
Import competition and gender differences in labor reallocation10
Convergence over time or not? U.S. wages by sexual orientation, 2000–201910
The Value of Foreign Language Skills in the German Labor Market10
The value of specific skills under shock: High risks and high returns10
A babel of web-searches: Googling unemployment during the pandemic10
Open labor markets and Firms’ substitution between training apprentices and hiring workers10
Does solo self-employment serve as a ‘stepping stone’ to employership?10
The impact of SNAP work requirements on labor supply9
How much does degree choice matter?9
Vocational training for female job returners - Effects on employment, earnings and job quality9
Specialization in same-sex and different-sex couples9
The asymmetric gender effects of high flyers9
The effects of equal pay laws on firm pay premiums: Evidence from Chile9
Losing in a boom: Long-term consequences of a local economic shock for female labour market outcomes9
Labour market effects of reducing the gender gap in parental leave entitlements9
Recruiting intensity and hiring practices: Cross-sectional and time-series evidence9
The long shadow of a large scale education interruption: The intergenerational effect9
Wage determination and the bite of collective contracts in Italy and Spain9
For better or worse? – The effects of physical education on child development8
From employment to engagement? Stable jobs, temporary jobs, and cohabiting relationships8
Can peer mentoring improve online teaching effectiveness? An RCT during the COVID-19 pandemic8
Biased technological change and employment reallocation8
Salary history bans and healing scars from past recessions8
Recent research on labor supply: Implications for tax and transfer policy8
The effects of a temporary migration shock: Evidence from the Arab Spring migration through Italy8
Intrahousehold property ownership, women’s bargaining power, and family structure8
Are they all like Bill, Mark, and Steve? The education premium for entrepreneurs8
Pension reform and the efficiency-equity trade-off: Impacts of removing an early retirement subsidy8
Priority to unemployed immigrants? A causal machine learning evaluation of training in Belgium8
Gig-jobs: Stepping stones or dead ends?8
Citizenship and integration8
Why do women ask for less?8
Mothers at work: How mandating a short maternity leave affects work and fertility8
The long-term effects of labor market entry in a recession: Evidence from the Asian financial crisis8
The impact of ICT and robots on labour market outcomes of demographic groups in Europe7
Do recruiters select workers with different personality traits for different tasks? A discrete choice experiment7
Perceived returns to job search7
Intra-firm hierarchies and gender gaps7
Heterogeneous effects of poverty on attention7
Teacher turnover: Effects, mechanisms and organisational responses7
Absence, substitutability and productivity: Evidence from teachers7
A new measure of multiple jobholding in the U.S. economy7
Do Women Shy Away from Public Speaking? A Field Experiment7
Computerization, obsolescence and the length of working life7
The effect of education on internal migration of young men and women: incidence, timing, and type of migration7
The effects of a trade shock on gender-specific labor market outcomes in Brazil7
Mental health around pregnancy and child development from early childhood to adolescence7
Can perceived returns explain enrollment gaps in postgraduate education?7
Has U.S. employment really polarized? A critical reappraisal7
Labor Market Concentration and Wages: Incumbents versus New Hires7
Effects of school closures on displaced students and future cohorts7
Minimum wage and financially distressed firms: Another one bites the dust7
The gender pay gap revisited: Does machine learning offer new insights?6
Does online search improve the match quality of new hires?6
Understanding “Wage Theft”: Evasion and avoidance responses to minimum wage increases6
What can we learn about the effect of mental health on labor market outcomes under weak assumptions? Evidence from the NLSY796
Do wages fall when women enter an occupation?6
Birthplace diversity and team performance6
Culture, norms, and the provision of training by employers: Evidence from the Swiss language border6
How do wage setting institutions affect wage rigidity? Evidence from French micro data6
Residential mobility and unemployment in the UK6
Do ability peer effects matter for academic and labor market outcomes?6
Locked out? China’s health insurance scheme and internal migration6
International labor market competition and wives’ labor supply responses6
Access to language training and the local integration of refugees6
Fertility as a driver of maternal employment6
Explaining Demographic Heterogeneity in Cyclical Unemployment6
Labor market reforms and allocative efficiency in Italy6
Job search during a pandemic recession: Survey evidence from the Netherlands6
The minimum wage and the wage distribution in Portugal6
Occupational Regulation, Institutions, and Migrants’ Labor Market Outcomes6
Trade Unions and the Process of Technological Change6
Ageing and labor productivity6
Gender differences in wage expectations and negotiation6
Driver’s license reforms and job accessibility among undocumented immigrants6
University Admission and the Similarity of Fields of Study: Effects on Earnings and Skill Usage6
Public health insurance and employment transitions6