Academy of Management Annals

(The TQCC of Academy of Management Annals is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Human Trust in Artificial Intelligence: Review of Empirical Research654
How Does the Use of Information Communication Technology Affect Individuals? A Work Design Perspective140
Transaction Cost Theory: Past Progress, Current Challenges, and Suggestions for the Future124
The “Other” Time: A Review of the Subjective Experience of Time in Organizations86
What Does Homophily Do? A Review of the Consequences of Homophily80
Stigma Beyond Levels: Advancing Research on Stigmatization79
Entrepreneurship for the Public Good: A Review, Critique, and Path Forward for Social and Environmental Entrepreneurship Research78
Social Support: Multidisciplinary Review, Synthesis, and Future Agenda72
Multicultural Experiences: A Systematic Review and New Theoretical Framework70
The Value of Values for Institutional Analysis69
The Translucent Hand of Managed Ecosystems: Engaging Communities for Value Creation and Capture68
Is What’s Past Prologue? A Review and Agenda for Contemporary Employability Research65
Network Agency63
Corporate Corruption: A Review and an Agenda for Future Research63
Process Studies of Organizational Space61
Leadership Styles: A Comprehensive Assessment and Way Forward56
The Role of Interdependence in the Micro-Foundations of Organization Design: Task, Goal, and Knowledge Interdependence55
Completing the Adaptive Turn: An Integrative View of Strategy Implementation52
Homophily: Measures and Meaning44
Configurations of Craft: Alternative Models for Organizing Work42
Organizing Risk: Organization and Management Theory for the Risk Society41
An Integrative Review of the Emerging Behavioral Acquisition Literature: Charting the Next Decade of Research36
Interruptions and Task Transitions: Understanding Their Characteristics, Processes, and Consequences36
Bureaucracy for the 21st Century: Clarifying and Expanding Our View of Bureaucratic Organization35
How Does Diversity Affect Team Cognitive Processes? Understanding the Cognitive Pathways Underlying the Diversity Dividend in Teams34
Organizational and Management Theorizing Using Experiment-Based Entrepreneurship Research: Covered Terrain and New Frontiers33