Journal of Vacation Marketing

(The TQCC of Journal of Vacation Marketing is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A rebound in nature-based tourism intentions during the COVID-19 era65
Exploring the influence of cultural values on green purchasing and its consequence64
Re-assessing hotel room performance before and during the pandemic58
Tourists’ selfies storytelling: Preferences, intentions, and concerns for practise in the tourism and hospitality industry53
Creating effective visuals for destination marketing videos: Scenery vs people50
What behavioral beliefs could robot-served hotels focus on to attract potential consumers?41
Once-in-a-lifetime leisure experiences (OLLE): The role of Flow, novelty, and interpersonal interaction on tourists’ satisfaction and memories33
The effectiveness of virtual versus human influencer marketing for tourism destinations32
Is VR always better for destination marketing? Comparing different media and styles31
Theme park visitors’ responses to monetary promotions: The moderating roles of promotion frequency and original price29
Unveiling impulse buying patterns in travel live-streaming through the lens of social cognitive theory27
Impact of Japanese travelers’ psychographics on domestic travel intention during the COVID-19 pandemic26
Data vulnerability and privacy risk among hotel guests who share personal data25
Virtual reality in wine tourism: Immersive experiences for promoting travel destinations25
Choosing the Optimal Segmentation Technique to Understand Tourist Behaviour25
Tourist engagement: Toward an integrated framework using meta-analysis23
Transformative brand experiences and consumer-based brand equity in heritage tourism: The role of authenticity and motives23
The longer the better? The impact of online review length on tourist trust and visit intention23
The impact of Airbnb cover photo shot-scale presentation on consumer decisions22
Exploring the selfie and distracted gaze of the tourist experience through the lens of online photo-sharing: Where to from here?22
Low and high outcome quality in co-created hospitality services: Two explanations for consumer satisfaction22
Memorable wellness tourism experiences: Scale development and validation22
How effective are user-generated travel short videos in promoting a destination online?21
When social class and social norms shape word of mouth about eco-friendly tourism businesses20
Determinants of self-drive attributes supporting destination advocacy: Case of Thai domestic tourists20
Why Chinese do not come: Antecedents and outcomes of destination images19
Experiential brand positioning: Developing positioning strategies for beach destinations using online reviews18
The influence of gaming and non-gaming experience on customers’ response to the casino18
Flight-to-nowhere service: Investigating factors influencing the repurchase intention17
The impact of the source credibility of Instagram influencers on travel intention: The mediating role of parasocial interaction16
Destination restaurants, place attachment, and future destination patronization16
Shaping organizational culture in response to tourism seasonality: A qualitative approach16
The impacts of under-tourism and place attachment on residents’ life satisfaction15
Risk perception and visit intention on Olympic destination: Symmetric and asymmetric approaches15
Value co-destruction in Airbnb: Antecedents and outcomes14
The impact of the hotel star rating system on tourists’ health safety and risk perceptions: Study based on tourists’ vacation experiences14
A new tourism paradigm in the marketplace: Armchair travel and destination experiences14
Destination brand experience, brand positioning, and intention to visit: A multi-destination comparison study14
‘What if my experience was not what I expected?’: Examining expectation-experience (dis)confirmation effects in China’s rural destinations14
What makes hospitality employers attractive to Gen Z? A means-end-chain perspective14
The impact of positioning on click-through-rates in hotel metasearch engines13
The adventurous tourist amidst a pandemic: Effects of personality, attitudes, and affect13
Antecedents and outcomes of use experience of airport service robot: The stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) framework13
Pro-environmental behaviour of the residents in sensitive tourism destinations13
The experiencescape of integrated resorts in Macao: Scale development and validation12
What influences online users’ tourism information sharing?: A study based on regulatory focus theory11
Perceptions of pet-accompanying tourism: Pet owners vs. nonpet owners11
The impact of retro imagery on historic travel intentions11
Exploring the effectiveness of emotional and rational user-generated contents in digital tourism platforms11
The role of promotion expenditures, direct flights and climate in island destinations10
An extended stimulus-organism-response model of Hanfu experience in cultural heritage tourism10
Understanding tourists’ perceived urban design qualities10
Tourists’ visual attention to cultural landscapes under crowding stimuli: An eye-tracking approach10
The intellectual structure of destination image research in tourism (2001–2023): Background, pre-pandemic overview, shifts during COVID-19 and implications for the future9
Which destination brands among nation, city, and event brands benefit from hosting mega-events? Before-after comparison of three destination brands for the PyeongChang Winter Olympics9
The influence of study abroad experience on the destination loyalty of international students: Mediating effects of emotional solidarity and destination image9
Tea tourism: Designation of origin brand image, destination image, and visit intention9
Socio-cultural drivers of Saudi tourists’ outbound destination decisions9
Understanding augmented reality marketing in world cultural heritage site, the lens of authenticity perspective9
From online games to offline travel: Gaming flow, attachment, and esports travel8
How do online hotel consumers perceive room rates?8
Narrative analysis of seniors’ travel sharing: Self-shaping images and narrative patterns8
LGBTIQ+ tourist motivations and memorable destination experience: The moderating effect of gender identity and sexual orientation8
Is it important for tourists to say, “This is my destination?”8
Importance–performance analysis of olive oil tourism activities: Differences between national and international tourists8
Tell me your story: Branding destinations through residents’ (place) stories8
Friend or assistant? Matching effects between virtual influencer role types and well-being patterns based on construal level theory8
Investigating why guests choose to use (or not to use) peer-to-peer hospitality services through the behavioral perspective model8