Career Development International

(The TQCC of Career Development International is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
A state-of-the-art overview of job-crafting research: current trends and future research directions86
The why, what and how of career research: a review and recommendations for future study58
The social psychology of work engagement: state of the field55
What do we know about career and development? Insights from Career Development International at age 2526
The role of career shocks in contemporary career development: key challenges and ways forward25
Unravelling the process between career shock and career (un)sustainability: exploring the role of perceived human resource management24
Publishing quantitative careers research: challenges and recommendations22
Sustainable talent pipelines and person-organisation fit: strategic insights from UK graduates19
Reverse mentoring, job crafting and work-outcomes: the mediating role of work engagement19
Are we talking about the same thing? The case for stronger connections between graduate and worker employability research19
Exploring careers through a qualitative lens: an investigation and invitation18
Age-inclusive HR practices and the thriving of older workers: the mediating role of occupational future time perspective17
The relationship between mentor support experiences and STEM graduate student career optimism16
An ideological analysis of sustainable careers: identifying the role of fantasy and a way forward16
Corporate social responsibility and job seekers' application intention: a mediated moderation model of calling and value congruence15
Forty years of political skill and will in organizations: a review, meta-theoretical framework and directions for future research15
Does organizational cronyism undermine social capital? Testing the mediating role of workplace ostracism and the moderating role of workplace incivility15
Workplace ostracism and job performance: the moderated mediation model of organization-based self-esteem and performance goal orientation14
Development of career capital during expatriation: partners' perspectives13
Toward a sustainable career perspective on contingent work: a critical review and a research agenda13
Career success is not always an outcome: its mediating role between competence employability model and perceived employability12
Motivational profiles and proactive career behaviors among the solo self-employed12
The criterion validity of career adapt–abilities scale with cooperation among Chinese workers10
Linking high-performance work systems and happiness at work: role of career aspiration and thriving10
How do individual factors affect career sustainability? An investigation of cascading effects through the career construction model of adaptation10
A two-study examination of age discrimination, work meaningfulness, and bridge employment intentions9
The role of extracurricular activities in shaping university students' employment self-efficacy perceptions9
Exploring job crafting as a response to abusive supervision9
Uncovering the antecedents and motivational determinants of job crafting9
Dust yourself off and try again: the positive process of career changes or shocks and career resilience9
The factors influencing Saudi Arabian women's persistence in nontraditional work careers9
Maintaining job crafting over time: joint effect of autonomy and career support from family and friends8
Fired by an algorithm? Exploration of conformism with biased intelligent decision support systems in the context of workplace discipline8
Career success of expatriates: the impacts of career capital, expatriate type, career type and career stage8
Predictors of work alienation: differences between hierarchical levels8
International backpackers' experiences of precarious visa-contingent farmwork7
Forget about the money? A latent profile analysis of calling and work motivation in Chinese employees7
Meta-analysis of the impact of cross-cultural training on adjustment, cultural intelligence, and job performance7
Careers in the Greek public sector: calibrating the kaleidoscope7
The hybrid career concept: creating hybrid career pathways7
How do female engineers conceptualise career advancement in engineering: a template analysis7
Career self-management perceptions reflected in the psychological contract of virtual employees: a qualitative and quantitative analysis7
The mediating role of social informal learning in the relationship between learning climate and employability7