International Journal for Quality in Health Care

(The TQCC of International Journal for Quality in Health Care is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
French Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 1, 202255
Burden of ischemic stroke in mainland China and Taiwan province from 1990 to 2019: with forecast for the next 11 years40
An invitation to join the IJQHC reviewer community—a call for peer-reviewers37
Correction to: Is primary care a patient-safe setting? Prevalence, severity, nature, and causes of adverse events: numerous and mostly avoidable30
Factors influencing the indication of coronary angiography in patients presenting with chest pain unspecified: an analysis of two decades (1994–2014)28
The impact of outsourcing bed-based aged care services on quality of care: A multisite observational study26
Addressing wounded healers’ burnout and moral distress: starts and ends with integrity23
Implementing structured handoffs to verify operating room blood delivery using a quality academy training program: an interrupted time-series analysis22
Integration of persistence in the 5P-medicine approach for age-related chronic diseases20
Discharge to post–acute care and other predictors of prolonged length of stay during the initial COVID-19 surge: a single site analysis19
A ‘COVID Compass’ for navigating the pandemic19
Optimizing warfarin and dual oral anticoagulation practices in an academic clinic during a merger amid the COVID-19 pandemic in a marginalized population19
Evaluation of the Association of Length of Stay in Hospital and Outcomes19
The cross-national applicability of lean implementation measures and hospital performance measures: a case study of Finland and the USA18
Portuguese Abstracts17
International, national and local trends in the spread of COVID-19: a geographic view of COVID-19 spread and the role to be played by coproduction17
Portuguese Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 2, 202216
Home before Hospital: a whole of system re-design project to improve rates of home-based dialysis therapy: Experience and outcomes over 8 years16
Boxed in but out of the box: novel approaches to addressing obstacles to specialty care14
Adherence to evidence-based guidelines for prevention of urinary retention in hip surgery patients: a multicentre observational study14
Reduction in use of MRI and arthroscopy among patients with degenerative knee disease in independent treatment centers versus general hospitals: a time series analysis14
Patient-reported outcome measures in mental health clinical research: a descriptive review in comparison with clinician-rated outcome measures14
COVID-19 lockdown impact on quality of treatment and outcomes of STEMI and stroke patients in a large tertiary medical center: an observational study13
Combined lumbar spine MRI and CT appropriateness checklist: a quality improvement project in Saskatchewan, Canada13
A quality assurance initiative on improving cefazolin perioperative redose compliance12
Improving community care for patients discharged from hospital through zone-wide implementation of a seamless care transition policy12
Comparing length of hospital stay during COVID-19 pandemic in the USA, Italy and Germany12
Portuguese Abstracts, Volume 36, Issue 1, 202412
French Abstracts for Volume 33, Issue 3, 202112
The cost of a first and second hospital-wide accreditation in Flanders, Belgium12
Scaling up quality in an anesthesia practice12
Medical visits and health-care expenditures of patients attending orthopedic clinics during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: LIFE Study12
Implementing a screening algorithm for early recognition of sepsis in hospitalized children: a quality improvement project12
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 31, Issue 6, 201910
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 31, Issue 8, 201910
A prospective randomized controlled study of the effect of standardized nursing intervention for cancer pain on the quality of life of patients10
Governance and management in healthcare organizations: their different roles in driving safety and quality9
How safe is prehospital care? A systematic review9
Leaving the hospital on time: hospital bed utilization and reasons for discharge delay in the Netherlands9
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 3, 20229
Looking for the right balance between human and economic costs during COVID-19 outbreak9
A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy in terms of patient survival rate and quality of life in breast cancer9
Provider–patient experiences and HIV care utilization among people living with HIV who inject drugs in St. Petersburg, Russia9
Beyond tokenism in quality management policy and programming: moving from participation to meaningful involvement of people with HIV in New York State9
It’s time to protect nursing students from workplace violence9
An analysis of complaints about hospital care in the Republic of Ireland9
Correction to: Barriers and facilitators to health professionals’ engagement in quality improvement initiatives: a mixed-methods systematic review9
Portuguese Abstracts, Volume 35, Issue 4, 20239
A scoping review of clinical handover mnemonic devices8
Exploring the impact of employee engagement and patient safety8
The impact of elective surgery postponement during COVID-19 on emergency bellwether procedures in a large tertiary centre in Singapore8
Finding space for kindness: public protection and health professional regulation8
A meta-review of methods of measuring and monitoring safety in primary care8
Revolutionizing patient safety with artificial intelligence: the potential of natural language processing and large language models8
Accuracy and reliability of injury coding in the national Dutch Trauma Registry8
Differences in organization of care are associated with mortality, severe complication and failure to rescue in emergency colon cancer surgery8
Setting standards in residential aged care: identifying achievable benchmarks of care for long-term aged care services7
Correction to: Perceived reliability of medical device alarms—a major determinant of medical errors driven by frozen medical thinking7
Provider experience and satisfaction with a novel ‘virtual team rounding’ program during the COVID-19 pandemic7
A study of prehospital EMS response time and influencing factors in the main urban area of Chongqing, China7
The influence mechanism analysis of family doctor team effectiveness: a mixed-method approach7
Improving care safety by characterizing task interruptions during interactions between healthcare professionals: an observational study7
Adverse events reporting during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Danish region: a retrospective analysis7
Barriers and facilitators to health professionals’ engagement in quality improvement initiatives: a mixed-methods systematic review7
Nurses’ perception of medication administration errors and factors associated with their reporting in the neonatal intensive care unit7
Underreporting of adverse events to health authorities by healthcare professionals: a red flag-raising descriptive study7
Safeguarding quality of care in active conflict: priority issues and interventions in Sudan7
Is evidence of effectiveness a driver for clinical decision support selection? A qualitative descriptive study of senior hospital staff7
Factors Associated With Self-Reported Medical Errors Among Healthcare Workers: A Cross-Sectional Study From Oman6
Extended roles in primary care when physiotherapist-initiated referral to X-ray can save time and reduce costs6
The global, regional, and national burden and quality of care index of kidney cancer; a global burden of disease systematic analysis 1990–20196
Patient-reported indicators in mental health care: towards international standards among members of the OECD6
Patient- and family-centred care transition interventions for adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs6
Point-of-care dashboards promote coproduction of healthcare services for patients with inflammatory bowel disease6
Control charts in healthcare quality monitoring: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis6
Health system performance assessment: embedding resilience through performance intelligence6
Combining failure modes and effects analysis and cause–effect analysis: a novel method of risk analysis to reduce anaphylaxis due to contrast media6
Attitude toward perioperative safety among operation room clinicians at Ethiopian University Hospital6
Effect of COVID-19 on hospital visits in Ningbo, China: an interrupted time-series analysis5
With much of England’s NHS under severe pressure, should health inequalities be a priority?5
French Abstract for Volume 34, Issue 3, 20225
International research priorities for integrated care and cross-boundary working: an electronic Delphi study5
Safety climate, leadership and patient views associated with hip fracture care quality and clinician perceptions of hip fracture care performance5
Development and validation of a patient satisfaction survey for pharmaceutical service at primary care settings5
Measuring shared decision-making in younger and older adults with depression5
Perceived reliability of medical device alarms—a major determinant of medical errors driven by frozen medical thinking5
Triage nurse–initiated X-ray radiography in minor trauma5
Adapting lean management to prevent healthcare-associated infections: a low-cost strategy involving Kamishibai cards to sustain bundles’ compliance5
Healthcare utilization associated with adherence to antibiotics for abdominal surgeries in Japan: cross-sectional analysis of administrative database5
Leveraging collaborative learning for improved heart failure care: insights from Argentina5
Verbal descriptors of the frequency of side effects: implementation of EMA recommendations in patient information leaflets in Poland5
Assessment of the reliability of the IHI Global Trigger Tool: new perspectives from a Brazilian study5
A comparative study of home healthcare quality in urban and rural home health agencies throughout the USA (2010–22)5
Key lessons to improve care—factors contributing to delayed discharges and cost implications: medical conditions and rehabilitation delays at a tertiary rehabilitation center in Saudi Arabia5
Second victim support structures in anaesthesia: a cross-sectional survey in Belgian anaesthesiologists5
Quality improvement in anaesthesia practices: letter to the editor5
Portuguese Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 3, 20225
Impact of an educational intervention on WHO surgical safety checklist and pre-operative antibiotic use at a referral hospital in southwestern Uganda5
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 32, Issue 7, 20205
Patient satisfaction and patient experience are not interchangeable concepts—authors’ reply5
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 31, Issue 7, 20195
Applying models of co-production in the context of health and well-being. A narrative review to guide future practice5
Mapping the quality of basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric care services in Haiti5
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 34, Issue 2, 20225
French abstracts for Volume 35, Issue 2, 20234
The development of indicators to measure the quality of care in geriatric rehabilitation4
French Abstracts for Volume 33, Issue 1, 20214
Time to review reflective practice?4
A cost-effectiveness analysis of the Chronic Disease Management Program in patients with hypertension in Korea4
A multiphase, multicentre development and validation of two maturity tools assessing the implementation of the FlaQuM co-creation roadmap4
French abstracts for Volume 35, Issue 3, 20234
Multidisciplinary perspectives on roles of hospital pharmacists in tertiary settings: a qualitative study4
Design and validation of indicators for the comprehensive measurement of quality of care for type 2 diabetes and acute respiratory infections in ambulatory health services4
A beacon to guide others: improving chronic disease management through targeted, evidence-based primary healthcare quality measures4
The future of global graduate training in quality improvement and patient safety4
Adjuvant zoledronic acid therapy for postmenopausal women with early breast cancer in China: a cost-effectiveness analysis4
The effect of distraction on the quality of patient handoff: a randomized study*4
Abdominal surgical trajectories associated with failure to rescue. A nationwide analysis4
An invitation to contribute to a dynamic community committed to quality without borders: the rise of a global francophone network focused on healthcare improvement4
Barriers to evidence-based practice implementation in physiotherapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis4
Diagnostic performance of a newly launched Canadian fast-track ultrasound clinic by rheumatologists for the diagnosis of giant cell arteritis4
Medication adherence as mandatory indicator in healthcare safety4
Validity of 16 AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators to identify in-hospital complications: a medical record review across nine Swiss hospitals3
Best practice: quality assessment outcomes of the Practice Enhancement Program among family physicians in Saskatchewan, Canada3
The impact of hospital command centre on patient flow and data quality: findings from the UK National Health Service3
Reform of mental health systems: what does the future look like and how to get there?3
Spanish Abstracts for Volume 35, Issue 2, 20233
Incident Reporting Reduction during the Covid-19 Pandemic in a Tertiary Italian Hospital. A Retrospective Analysis3
Measuring the impact of delayed access to elective cholecystectomy through patient’s cost-utility: an observational cohort study3
Mitigating imperfect data validity in administrative data PSIs: a method for estimating true adverse event rates3
Correction to: Pilot testing of the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Registry3
Suicide and stigma: connections and challenges3
Quality improvement collaborative to optimize heart failure care in patients from a network of clinics in Argentina during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Disparities in unmet health service needs among people with disabilities in China3
The prevalence and underreporting of needlestick injuries among hospital workers: a cross-sectional study3
A hybrid Shewhart chart for visualizing and learning from epidemic data3
A qualitative study exploring challenges and solutions to negotiating goals of care at the end of life in hospital settings3
Documentation quality of patient-directed discharge and early warning interactions in an adult inpatient service3
Public expectations on regulatory requirements for the management of hospital ‘never events’ in Germany3
Express check-in: developing a personal health record for patients admitted to hospital with medical emergencies: a mixed-method feasibility study3
Multiple case study of processes used by hospitals to select performance indicators: do they align with best practices?3
Constructing nursing quality indicators for intraoperative acquired pressure injury in cancer patients based on guidelines3
Physicians’ perspectives on clinical indicators: systematic review and thematic synthesis3
Clinical indicators to monitor health care in low back pain: a scoping review3
Applying health-six-sigma principles helps reducing the variability of length of stay in the emergency department3
Environmental sustainability and quality care: Not one without the other3
Addressing overestimation and insensitivity in the 85% target for average bed occupancy3
Increasing venous thromboembolism risk assessment through a whole hospital-based intervention: a pre-post service evaluation to demonstrate quality improvement3