Journal of Technology Transfer

(The TQCC of Journal of Technology Transfer is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Inclusive digital finance: the industry of equity crowdfunding72
Start-ups, Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers55
Establishing successful university–industry collaborations: barriers and enablers deconstructed53
Digital social entrepreneurship: the N-Helix response to stakeholders’ COVID-19 needs50
The costs of collaborative innovation46
Identifying artificial intelligence (AI) invention: a novel AI patent dataset40
Scientist or Entrepreneur? Identity centrality, university entrepreneurial mission, and academic entrepreneurial intention37
Widening the borders of entrepreneurial ecosystem through the international lens36
Gender stereotypes in equity crowdfunding: the effect of gender bias on the interpretation of quality signals33
Expanding corporate finance perspectives to equity crowdfunding29
Digital technology and national entrepreneurship: An ecosystem perspective28
Success factors of initial coin offerings27
The birth of new HGEs: internationalization through new digital technologies27
Emotional skills for entrepreneurial success: the promise of entrepreneurship education and policy27
Conceptualising the entrepreneurial university: the stakeholder approach26
The influence of standards and patents on long-term economic growth25
Systematic literature review paper: the regional innovation system-university-science park nexus24
How do entrepreneurs perform digital marketing across the customer journey? A review and discussion of the main uses24
Advancing HEIs’ third-mission through dynamic capabilities: the role of leadership and agreement on vision and goals23
Are sustainability-oriented investors different? Evidence from equity crowdfunding20
Barriers to university–industry collaboration in an emerging market: Firm-level evidence from Turkey20
Investors’ industry preference in equity crowdfunding19
Migrant inventors as agents of technological change19
Innovative entrepreneurship in emerging and developing economies: the effects of entrepreneurial competencies and institutional voids19
COVID-19 bust, policy response, and rebound: equity crowdfunding and P2P versus banks19
The productivity impact of R&D and FDI spillovers: characterising regional path development18
They do not look alike: what kind of private investors do equity crowdfunded firms attract?18
Beyond ambidexterity: universities and their changing roles in driving regional development in challenging times18
How to foster innovation in SMEs: evidence of the effectiveness of a project-based technology transfer approach18
University satellite institutes as exogenous facilitators of technology transfer ecosystem development17
Project management practices in major university-industry R&D collaboration programs – a case study17
How academic researchers select collaborative research projects: a choice experiment17
University–industry collaboration and firm innovation: an empirical study of the biopharmaceutical industry17
Task complementarity in academic work: a study of the relationship between research, education and third mission tasks among university professors16
Equity crowdfunding, market timing, and firm capital structure16
The effect of science and technology parks on tenant firms: a literature review16
Filling the void of family leadership: institutional support to business model changes in the Italian Industry 4.0 experience15
Strategic entrepreneurial choice between competing crowdfunding platforms15
How do human capital and R&D structure facilitate FDI knowledge spillovers to local firm innovation? a panel threshold approach15
Innovative behavior among service workers and the importance of leadership: evidence from an emerging economy15
Entrepreneurial growth in digital business ecosystems: an integrated framework blending the knowledge-based view of the firm and business ecosystems15
Universities and start-up creation by Ph.D. graduates: the role of scientific and social capital of academic laboratories14
Knowledge transfer to industry: how academic researchers learn to become boundary spanners during academic engagement14
MSME technology adoption, entrepreneurial mindset and value creation: a configurational approach14
Digitalization, inter-organizational collaboration, and technology transfer14
Regional technological capabilities and green opportunities in Europe13
Academic engagement with industry: the role of research quality and experience13
Innovation effects of universities of applied sciences: an assessment of regional heterogeneity13
Enhancing University–Industry collaboration: the role of intermediary organizations13
Helping the Little Guy: the impact of government awards on small technology firms13
Benchmarking university technology transfer performance with external research funding: a stochastic frontier analysis12
Entrepreneurial orientation as a theory of new value creation12
Paving the path: drivers of standardization participation at ISO12
How are companies paying for university research licenses? Empirical evidence from university-firm technology transfer12
Financial constraints to investing in intangibles: Do innovative and non-innovative firms differ?12
Venture creation patterns in academic entrepreneurship: the role of founder motivations11
Automation and related technologies: a mapping of the new knowledge base11
Corrupt encounters of the fairer sex: female entrepreneurs and their corruption perceptions/experience11
From technological to social innovation: toward a mission-reorientation of entrepreneurial universities10
Who wins the race for knowledge-based competitiveness? Comparing European and North American FDI patterns10
Innovation intermediaries for university-industry R&D collaboration: evidence from science parks in Thailand10
Automation, organizational ambidexterity and the stability of employee relations: new tensions arising between corporate entrepreneurship, innovation management and stakeholder management10
Entrepreneurial gendered ambidexterity in Belarusian SMEs10
How firms use coordination activities in university–industry collaboration: adjusting to or steering a research center?10
Entrepreneurial ecosystems, regional clusters, and industrial districts: Historical transformations or rhetorical devices?10
Gatekeepers in regional innovation networks: Evidence from an emerging economy10
Effects of knowledge spillovers between competitors on patent quality: what patent citations reveal about a global duopoly10
Space–time analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems9
Does University-industry innovation community affect firms’ inventions? The mediating role of technology transfer9
Instrument policy mix and firm size: is there complementarity between R&D subsidies and R&D tax credits?9
Technological relatedness and industrial transformation:9
The Vietnamese entrepreneurship paradox: how can entrepreneurs thrive without political and economic freedom?9
Catching up in clean energy technologies: a patent analysis9
Entrepreneurial growth, value creation and new technologies9
Exploring capabilities of international technology transfer intermediaries between emerging and developed countries9
Digital transformation for a circular economy: insights from co-word analysis9
Quality of research as source and signal: revisiting the valorization process beyond substitution vs complementarity9
Big science and innovation: gestation lag from procurement to patents for CERN suppliers9
Evaluating the indirect effects of cluster-based innovation policies: the case of the Technological Research Institutes in France9
The performance effects of corporate venture capital: a meta-analysis9
The entrepreneurial university and development of large-scale research infrastructure: exploring the emerging university function of collaboration and leadership9
Booming house prices: friend or foe of innovative firms?9
Engines need transmission belts: the importance of people in technology transfer offices9