Journal of International Economics

(The TQCC of Journal of International Economics is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Trade policy uncertainty and innovation: Firm level evidence from China’s WTO accession105
Global supply chains in the pandemic105
Robots and reshoring: Evidence from Mexican labor markets90
Estimating the Armington elasticity: The importance of study design and publication bias79
Bias and consistency in three-way gravity models78
Anxiety or pain? The impact of tariffs and uncertainty on Chinese firms in the trade war78
China's overseas lending70
Growing like China: Firm performance and global production line position60
International trade and social connectedness55
Global drivers of gross and net capital flows42
Protectionism and the business cycle42
Tariff-based product-level trade elasticities41
Trade networks and firm value: Evidence from the U.S.-China trade war36
Quantifying productivity gains from foreign investment35
Responses of exporters to trade protectionism: Inferences from the US-China trade war33
The international spillover effects of US monetary policy uncertainty32
Sovereign defaults in court30
Cryptocurrencies, currency competition, and the impossible trinity30
Patterns of invoicing currency in global trade: New evidence29
FDI inflows in Europe: Does investment promotion work?27
Financial shocks, credit spreads, and the international credit channel26
Capital flows at risk: Taming the ebbs and flows26
Are higher U.S. interest rates always bad news for emerging markets?26
The stealth erosion of dollar dominance and the rise of nontraditional reserve currencies25
Media sentiment and international asset prices23
Trade policy under monopolistic competition with firm selection23
Monetary policy surprises and exchange rate behavior23
Online business platforms and international trade23
Do multinationals transfer culture? Evidence on female employment in China22
Complex Europe: Quantifying the cost of disintegration22
The dynamics of the U.S. trade balance and real exchange rate: The J curve and trade costs?22
Spillovers at the extremes: The macroprudential stance and vulnerability to the global financial cycle22
Covered interest parity deviations: Macrofinancial determinants22
Commodity prices and banking crises22
Sovereign risk and financial risk22
Trade adjustment dynamics and the welfare gains from trade21
The interplay between oil and food commodity prices: Has it changed over time?21
A matter of taste: Estimating import price inflation across U.S. income groups21
A tale of two global monetary policies21
Transfer pricing regulation and tax competition21
Bearing the cost of politics: Consumer prices and welfare in Russia20
Global declining competition?20
Gains from trade: Does sectoral heterogeneity matter?20
Multinationals, Offshoring, and the Decline of U.S. Manufacturing20
Globalization and executive compensation20
Quality heterogeneity and misallocation: The welfare benefits of raising your standards19
Questioning the puzzle: Fiscal policy, real exchange rate and inflation18
Credit growth, the yield curve and financial crisis prediction: Evidence from a machine learning approach18
Natural disasters, climate change, and sovereign risk18
Export to elude18
Climate risks and FDI17
Technology-induced trade shocks? Evidence from broadband expansion in France17
Optimal exchange-rate policy under collateral constraints and wage rigidity16
In search of distress risk in emerging markets15
On the evolution of comparative advantage: Path-dependent versus path-defying changes15
The cost of a global tariff war: A sufficient statistics approach15
Quality and gravity in international trade15
Phase out tariffs, phase in trade?15
The puzzling change in the international transmission of U.S. macroeconomic policy shocks14
Endogenous corporate leverage response to a safer macro environment: The case of foreign exchange reserve accumulation14
Did trade liberalization with China influence US elections?14
Expectations' anchoring and inflation persistence14
Puzzling exchange rate dynamics and delayed portfolio adjustment14
Invoicing and the dynamics of pricing-to-market: Evidence from UK export prices around the Brexit referendum14
What can stockouts tell us about inflation? Evidence from online micro data13
Markups, quality, and trade costs13
Robots, tasks, and trade13
Preferential trade agreements and global sourcing13
Technology, market structure and the gains from trade13
Identifying indicators of systemic risk13
Interest rate uncertainty and sovereign default risk12
Economic and policy uncertainty: Aggregate export dynamics and the value of agreements12
Measuring trade in value added with firm-level data12
The matching and sorting of exporting and importing firms: Theory and evidence12
Import competition, heterogeneous preferences of managers, and productivity12
Exporters and shocks: The impact of the Brexit vote shock on bilateral exports to the UK12
Technical regulations, intermediate inputs, and performance of firms: Evidence from India12
Increasing returns, monopolistic competition, and international trade: Revisiting gains from trade12
No double standards: Quantifying the impact of standard harmonization on trade12
In lands of foreign currency credit, bank lending channels run through?12
Revisiting the exchange rate pass through: A general equilibrium perspective11
Trade, unemployment, and monetary policy11
How does trade respond to anticipated tariff changes? Evidence from NAFTA11
How does the interaction of macroprudential and monetary policies affect cross-border bank lending?11
Revenue- versus spending-based fiscal consolidation announcements: Multipliers and follow-up11
The social cost of carbon in a non-cooperative world11
Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia11
Foreign currency loans and credit risk: Evidence from U.S. banks11
Processing trade and costs of incomplete liberalization: The case of China11
The political economy of protection in GVCs: Evidence from Chinese micro data10
International taxation and productivity effects of M&As10
Wholesale funding runs, global banks' supply of liquidity insurance, and corporate investment10
Carbon taxes and the geography of fossil lending10
Superstar exporters: An empirical investigation of strategic interactions in Danish export markets10
Global banks, dollar funding, and regulation10
Can sticky portfolios explain international capital flows and asset prices?10
From exports to value added to income: Accounting for bilateral income transfers10
Does it matter how central banks accumulate reserves? Evidence from sovereign spreads10
Corporate investment and the real exchange rate9
The price of property rights: Institutions, finance, and economic growth9
Real exchange rate and international spillover effects of US technology shocks9
Openness and factor shares: Is globalization always bad for labor?9
Large international corporate bonds: Investor behavior and firm responses9
China's dazzling transport-infrastructure growth: Measurement and effects9
Easy come, easy go? Economic shocks, labor migration and the family left behind9
Forecasting the U.S. Dollar in the 21st Century9
Economies of scale and international business cycles9
A passage to India: Quantifying internal and external barriers to trade9
Quid pro quo? Political ties and sovereign borrowing9
Inflation, default and sovereign debt: The role of denomination and ownership9
Demand risk and diversification through international trade9
Central bank information effects and transatlantic spillovers9
Headquarters gravity: How multinationals shape international trade8
Gold as international reserves: A barbarous relic no more?8
Non-linear effects of tax changes on output: The role of the initial level of taxation8
Capital flows and income inequality8
Winners and losers from sovereign debt inflows8
Trade and firm financing8
Reserve accumulation, growth and financial crises8
Exchange rate policy and heterogeneity in small open economies8
A reconsideration of the failure of uncovered interest parity for the U.S. dollar8
Goods-market frictions and international trade8
Accounting for the new gains from trade liberalization8
Total factor productivity growth at the firm-level: The effects of capital account liberalization8
Women hold up half the sky? Trade specialization patterns and work-related gender norms8