Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

(The TQCC of Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Artificial intelligence in customer relationship management: literature review and future research directions64
Digital transformation of business model in manufacturing companies: challenges and research agenda59
How do ESG pillars impact firms’ marketing performance? A configurational analysis in the pharmaceutical sector53
Artificial intelligence adoption in business-to-business marketing: toward a conceptual framework52
The different shades of innovation emergence in smart service systems: the case of Italian cluster for aerospace technology50
Value co-creation: a review of literature and future research agenda45
Digital transformation in sales as an evolving process45
A digital servitization framework for viable manufacturing companies43
Survival strategies of SMEs amidst the COVID-19 pandemic: application of SEM and fsQCA41
Servitization strategy, manufacturing organizations and firm performance: a theoretical framework33
A holistic model of dynamic capabilities and environment management system towards eco-product innovation and sustainability in automobile firms32
Carbon emission reduction and green marketing decisions in a two-echelon low-carbon supply chain considering fairness concern32
Rethinking interaction in social distancing times: implications for business-to-business companies31
A review of coopetition and future research agenda31
Green market orientation and organizational performance in Taiwan’s electric and electronic industry: the mediating role of green supply chain management capability30
Modeling the emergency health-care supply chains: responding to the COVID-19 pandemic30
Collaboration in achieving sustainable solutions in the textile industry30
Marketing-sales-service interface and social media marketing influence on B2B sales process29
Empowering value co-creation in the digital age29
A bibliometric review of service ecosystems research: current status and future directions29
Value (co-)creation in B2B sales ecosystems27
Translating leader sustainability orientation into green supply chain integration: a missing link of green entrepreneurial orientation27
Antecedents and consequences of market orientation in international B2B market: role of export assistance as a moderator27
Exploring the factors influencing the adoption of supply chain finance in supply chain effectiveness: evidence from manufacturing firms27
Digital entrepreneurship: global maps and trends of research26
The relationship between sustainable supply chain management and enterprise economic performance: does firm size matter?25
Factors impacting digital transformations of the food industry by adoption of blockchain technology25
Recent trends in supply chain management of business-to-business firms: a review and future research directions24
Achieving superior performance in international markets: the roles of organizational agility and absorptive capacity24
Integrating the dialectic perspectives of resource-based view and industrial organization theory for competitive advantage – a review and research agenda23
The Matthew effect in talent management strategy: reducing exhaustion, increasing satisfaction, and inspiring commission among boundary spanning employees23
The PPE industry in Italy during COVID-19: supply chain disruption and the adoption of digital and social media in B2B firms23
Examining the impact of strategic supplier partnership, customer relationship and supply chain responsiveness on operational performance: the moderating effect of demand uncertainty22
Putting the “service” into B2B marketing: key developments in service research and their relevance for B2B22
How the digital transformation from COVID-19 affected the relational approaches in B2B22
Examining the needs to adopt big data analytics in B2B organizations: development of propositions and model of needs22
The impact of digitalization on supply chain resilience: an empirical study of the Chinese manufacturing industry21
The interplay between product innovation and servitization: the mediating role of digitalization21
Business to business (B2B) alliances in the healthcare industry: a review of research trends and pertinent issues20
The role of supply chain resilience and absorptive capacity in the relationship between marketing–supply chain management alignment and firm performance: a moderated-mediation analysis20
Knowledge management process as a mediator between collaborative culture and frugal innovation: the moderating role of perceived organizational support20
The reshoring decision under uncertainty in the post-COVID-19 era20
The effects of green brand equity on green word of mouth: the mediating roles of three green factors19
Introducing sharing-focused business models in the B2B context: comparing interaction and environmental sustainability for selling, renting and sharing on industrial markets18
The interplay of word-of-mouth and customer value on B2B sales performance in a digital platform: an expectancy value theory perspective18
Marketing capabilities for small and medium enterprises that supply large companies18
Exploring the role of relationship management and relationship quality in B2B: empirical insights and future research directions18
Salesperson grit: reducing unethical behavior and job stress18
Impact of digital technology on velocity of B2B buyer-supplier relationship development18
Sales technology and salespeople’s ambidexterity: an ecosystem approach18
Logistics as a value in e-commerce and its influence on satisfaction in industries: a multilevel analysis18
Barriers to service recovery in B2B markets: a TISM approach in the context of IT-based services17
Digital entrepreneurs in technology-based spinoffs: an analysis of hybrid value creation in retail public–private partnerships to tackle showrooming17
The effect of international intrapreneurship on firm export performance with driving force of organizational factors17
A study on relational factors in information technology outsourcing: analyzing judgments of small and medium-sized supplying and contracting companies' managers17
The role of trust in innovation ecosystems17
What role do FinTech companies play in supply chain finance? A signaling intermediary perspective16
Envisioning the challenges of the pharmaceutical sector in the Indian health-care industry: a scenario analysis16
B2B engagement within an internet of things ecosystem16
Multichannel integration through innovation capability in manufacturing SMEs and its impact on performance16
Digitalization in B2B marketing: omnichannel management from a PLS-SEM approach15
Intra- and inter-organizational tensions of a digital servitization strategy. Evidence from the mechatronic sector in Italy15
Decision-makers’ logic of control and SME international performance15
Exploring the effects of SMEs’ platform-based digital connectivity on firm performance – the moderating role of environmental turbulence15
The role of relational governance in innovation platform growth: the context of living labs15
The strategic role of firm agility in the relationship between IT capability and firm performance under the COVID-19 outbreak15
A framework for the relationship implications of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for industrial marketing: servitization, sustainability and customer empowerment15
Can competitors cooperate? The impact of formal institution agents in promoting coopetition among emerging market exporters14
Networking capability: a systematic review of literature and future research agenda14
Mitigating the effects of COVID-19: an exploratory case study of the countermeasures taken by the manufacturing industry14
The role of openness in collaborative innovation in industrial networks: historical and contemporary cases14
A systematic review for organizing servitization by multi-actor collaborations: lenses, factors and outcomes14
Examining the impact of locus and justice perception on B2B service recovery14
Digital servitization journey in small- and medium-sized enterprises: the contribution of knowledge-intensive business firms14
Collaboration between supply chain partners: when does it matter? Evidence from collaborative profiles13
Adapting business models in buyer-seller relationships: paradoxes in the fast fashion supply chain13
Sales transformation: conceptual domain and dimensions13
R&D alliance partner attributes and innovation performance: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis13
From managing customers to joint venturing with customers: co-creating service value in the digital age13
The impact of decision-making styles (effectuation logic and causation logic) on firm performance: a meta-analysis13
Impact of novel information technology on IT alignment and sustainable supply chain performance: evidence from Chinese manufacturing industry13
Supply chain governance: a conceptual model13
Green market orientation, green value-based innovation, green reputation and enterprise social performance of Ghanaian SMEs: the role of lean management13
Unmasking conflict in vertical coopetition13
Understanding salesperson intention to use AI feedback and its influence on business-to-business sales outcomes13
Business customer virtual interaction: enhancing value creation in B2B markets in the post-COVID-19 era – an SME perspective13
Navigating a global pandemic crisis through marketing agility: evidence from Italian B2B firms13
An integrated perspective of value creation and capture: a systematic literature review12
The effect of supply chain finance on sustainability performance: empirical analysis and fsQCA12
Examining the key factors influencing loyalty and satisfaction toward the smart factory12
Enhancing the export activities of small and medium-sized enterprises in emerging markets12
Strategic orientations, marketing capabilities and innovativeness: an adaptive approach12
How does supply chain knowledge enhance green innovation? The mediation mechanisms of corporate reputation and non-supply chain learning12
Pricing and advertising decisions in O2O supply chain with the presence of consumers’ anticipated regret12
CRM system implementation and firm performance: the role of consultant facilitation and user involvement12
Effect of internal competitive work environment on working smart and emotional exhaustion: the moderating role of time management12
The emergence of B2B omni-channel marketing in the digital era: a systematic literature review12
An ecosystems analysis of how sales managers develop salespeople11
Modeling the supply chain finance (SCF) barriers of Indian SMEs using BWM framework11
Supply chain integration, capability and performance – a business-to-business network cooperation11
Value co-creation and co-destruction in the digital transformation of highly traditional companies11
Investigating the relationship between government support and SMEs’ sustainability through financial and green lenses11
The impact of servitization on manufacturing firms’ market power: empirical evidence from China11
Criteria for selecting actors for the value co-creation in startups11
CSR orientation for competitive advantage in business-to-business markets of emerging economies: the mediating role of trust and corporate reputation11
The impact of the relationship commitment and customer integration on supply chain performance11
Coopetition within the entrepreneurial ecosystem: startups’ entrepreneurial learning processes and their implications for new venture performance11
Pricing and green promotion effort strategies in dual-channel green supply chain: considering e-commerce platform financing and free-riding11
Serial crowdfunding in start-up development: a business network view11
Stakeholder contributions to commercialization and market creation of a radical innovation: bridging the micro- and macro levels11
Emotional mechanics of gamification and value co-creation: the digital platform Nike+ as a B2B2C ecosystem11
The linkages among supplier relationship, customer relationship and supply performance11
Incorporating data quality into a multi-product procurement planning under risk11
Adaptive marketing capabilities, market orientation, and international performance: the moderation effect of competitive intensity11
Enhancing supply chain competences through supply chain digital embeddedness: an institutional view11
Examining the use of fsQCA in B2B marketing research: benefits, current state and agenda for future research11
The diffusion of innovation in project-based firms – linking the temporary and permanent levels of organisation11
The dilemma of relational embeddedness: mediating roles of influence strategies in managing marketing channel opportunism11
Examining the functionality of digital platform capability in driving B2B firm performance: evidence from emerging market10
Influence of new product development best practices on performance: an analysis in innovative Brazilian companies10
Supply chain finance in enhancing supply-oriented and demand-oriented performance capabilities – moderating role of perceived partner opportunism10
Supplier interfaces in digital transformation: an exploratory case study of a manufacturing firm and IoT suppliers10
Tensions and territoriality: the dark side of servitization10
Linking supply network flexibility with mass customization capability10
Driving forces of repurchasing social enterprise products10
A global examination of institutional effects on B2B cooperation10
Left to their own devices? Antecedents and contingent effects of workplace anxiety in the WFH selling environment10
Strategic alliances and firms’ chances to survive “black swans” in B2B industries10
Striking the right balance in tension management. The case of coopetition in small- and medium-sized firms10
Changes in knowledge coupling and innovation performance: the moderation effect of network cohesion10
The impact of buyer–supplier communication on production ramp-up performance10
Top management’s green transformational leadership and competitive advantage: the mediating role of green organizational learning capability10
Value co-creation in the B2B context: a diagnosis of knowledge management based on multiple case studies10
Arab networking and relationship marketing: is there a need for both?10
Fairness and behavioral intentions in discrete B2B transactions: a study of small business firms10
Strategic crisis response: managerial implications and direction for recovery and survival9
A new approach of innovation and network on export in trade fair context: evidence from Portuguese SMEs9
The role of brand representatives in predicting trust in early buyer–supplier relationships9
Effect of supplier supply network resources on buyer–supplier collaborative product innovation: a contingency perspective9
The origin and evolution of the concept of servitization: a co-word and network analysis9
Examining the antecedents and consequences of pricing capability: evidence from SMEs9
Does supply chain finance adoption improve organizational performance? A moderated and mediated model9
When co-creation pays off: the effect of co-creation on well-being, work performance and team resilience9
Implementation of new segments in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)9
The role of communication between partners in the process of strategic alliances: a systematic literature review9
Early stage network engagement strategies in the network capability development of new ventures9
Moving from a goods- to a service-oriented organization: a perspective on the role of corporate culture and human resource management9
Salesforce responsive roles in turbulent times: case studies in agility selling9
Customer prioritization, product complexity and business ties: implications for job stress and customer service performance9
Investigating knowledge dissemination and social media use in the farming network to build trust in smart farming technology adoption9
The role of trust and commitment as mediators between economic and non-economic satisfaction in sales manager B2B relationships8
Building trust among channel members via power sources8
B2B digital content marketing in uncertain situations: a systematic review8
Blockchainembedded supply chain finance solutions for Indian MSMEs: a TISM and MICMAC approach8
Word-of-mouth in business-to-business marketing: a systematic review and future research directions8
Small firm coopetition – the missing links: coopetitive tension, balance and value8
Exploring the role of service touchpoints on the path to financial, behavioral and relational customer outcomes: insights from a B2B service context8
The acceleration of digital communications in the durable goods industry. A study on white goods firms after COVID-198
Linking supplier selection and management strategies with mass customization capability8
Sustainable housing development: the legitimacy-seeking perspective8
How core, technical and social components of business relationship value drive customer satisfaction and loyalty in high tech B2B market8
Institutionalizing value-based healthcare in a service system: a policy and document analysis over three decades8
Social capital impact on mass customization capability and innovation capabilities: the mediating role of absorptive capacity8
How global mindset drives innovation and exporting performance: the roles of relational and bricolage capabilities8
Reconfiguring the service system for resilience: lessons learned in the higher education context8
Orchestrating in the entrepreneurial ecosystem – orchestrator roles and role-specific capabilities in the regional health technology ecosystem8
Promoting supply chain financing performance of SMEs based on the extended resource-based perspective8
Key account management and value co-creation in multi-stakeholder ecosystems. A “market access” mix8
The mediating role of cooperative norms in the formation of buyer commitment in the buyer–seller relationship8
Towards dissemination, detection and combating misinformation on social media: a literature review8
The effect of equity on value co-creation in business relationships8
How and when does internal and external social media use for marketing impact B2B SME performance?8
The integration of logistics and marketing practice into baseline supply chain practices in the emerging markets8
First-mover advantages and innovation success: a contingency approach8
Service innovation in medical device manufacturers: does the digitalization matter?8
Research constituents and citation analysis of theJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing(1986–2019)8
Mobile instant messaging apps as an opportunity for a conversational approach to marketing: a segmentation study8
Environmental sustainability through designing reverse logistical loops: case research of poultry supply chains using system dynamics8
Strategies to mitigate barriers to supply chain sustainability: an apparel manufacturing case study8
Globalization orientation, business practices and performance outcomes: an empirical investigation of B2B manufacturing firms8