Engineering Economist

(The TQCC of Engineering Economist is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Average internal rate of return for risky projects9
Multi-objective optimization and cost-based output pricing of a standalone hybrid energy system integrated with desalination5
A methodology for temperature option pricing in the equatorial regions4
Rebalancing index tracking portfolios with cumulative sum (CUSUM) control charts4
Economic service life of equipment under uncertain revenues: A real options approach3
Internal rates of return and shareholder value creation3
Technical note: Modified simple average internal rate of return3
Decomposed fuzzy cost-benefit analysis and an application on ophthalmologic robot selection3
Real Option-Based decision model for fuel saving devices in transportation vehicles under flexible design3
Modeling index tracking portfolio based on stochastic dominance for stock selection2
Economic feasibility of the investment in residential photovoltaics system considering the effects of subsidy policies: A Korean case2
Modeling optimal thresholds for minimum traffic guarantee in public–private partnership (PPP) highway projects2
First-year undergraduate students’ economic decision outcomes in engineering design2
On volatile growth: Simple fitting of exponential functions taking into account values of every observation with any signs, applied to readily calculate a novel covariance-invariant CAGR1
Optimization-based tail risk hedging of the S&P 500 index1
Sequel to “partitioning transaction vectors into pure investments”: A new sufficient condition for transactions to have a unique IRR and some results on the distribution of IRRs1
Risk-adjusted discount rates and the present value of risky nonconventional projects1
Economic Feasibility Case Study of Developing a Salt Production Plant1
Letter from the Editor1
Pricing real options based on linear loss functions and conditional value at risk1
Optimizing the flexible design of hybrid renewable energy systems1
Intraday trend prediction of stock indices with machine learning approaches1
Engineering economy as a vibrant and relevant course in the engineering programs of today and tomorrow1
The levelized cost of energy and regulatory uncertainty in plant lifetimes1
Introduction to the special issue on engineering economy education1
Gas turbine price projection for n-th plant equipment cost1
The impact of credit risk on cash-bullwhip in supply chain1
Case study of an equivalent annual cost model for economic lifetime for construction vehicles under cost uncertainty1
Decisions on capital-constrained supply chains with credit guarantees and bankruptcy costs1