Journal of Eastern African Studies

(The TQCC of Journal of Eastern African Studies is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Authoritarian micro-politics: village chairpersons in NRM Uganda and the lessons of their 2018 re-election13
Plural-legalities and the clash between customary law and ‘child rights talk’ among rural communities in Kenya11
‘Returning to the world of ancestors’: death and dying among the Acholi of Northern Uganda, 1900s–1980s10
Language policy in public space: a historical perspective on Asmara’s linguistic landscape9
Solidarities on the move between the Horn of Africa and Italy: Somali migrants’ disconnection and networking practices in the 2010s8
Return migration, masculinities and the fallacy of reintegration: Ethiopian experiences6
Muslim political dissent in coastal East Africa: complexities, ambiguities, entanglements6
Social protection ‘from below’: micro traders and their collective associations in Tanzania6
Assemblages of mobility and violence: the shifting social worlds of Somali youth migration and the meanings of tahriib , 2005–20206
Political accountability and legislative behavior in Africa: evidence from the 2019 Kenyan Sugar Bill in the context of the political economy of sectoral policy5
Power in floating spaces and closed spaces: lessons from a Chinese volunteer tourism organization’s practice in Nairobi, Kenya4
Suspending ruination: preserving the ambiguous potentials of a Kenyan flower farm4
Citizenship moods in the late Museveni era: a cartoon-powered analysis4
‘Constitutions without constitutionalism’ and judicial leadership in Kenya4
The rise and fall of a Swahili tabloid in socialist Tanzania: Ngurumo newspaper, 1959–764
Real governance of the COVID-19 crisis in the Great Lakes region of Africa3
Dissent as cybercrime: social media, security and development in Tanzania3
Ascendant recentralisation: the politics of urban governance and institutional configurations in Nairobi3
Electoral contestation, goods provision, and construction of devolved government in Northern Kenya3
Scripting the nation: extraverted political propaganda from the Southern Sudanese Liberation Movement3
Autocratisation, electoral politics and the limits of incumbency in African democracies3
Popular protests in the Amhara region and political reforms in Ethiopia, 2016–20183
Public letters and the culture of politics in Kenya, c.1960-752
Perceptions of COVID-19 in faith communities in DR Congo2
State-led modernization of the Ethiopian sugar industry: questions of power and agency in lowland transformation2
Amongst agaish : the criminalization of Eritrean migrants’ communities of care2
A common situation? Canadian technical advisors and popular internationalism in Tanzania, 1961–19812
State identity narratives and threat construction in the Horn of Africa: revisiting Ethiopia's 2006 intervention in Somalia2
Role of history in shaping perceptions of climate change in the alpine areas of Kenya2
Localised refugee education: understanding nationally accredited refugee-led schools in Kenya’s Dadaab camps2
Colonialism, heritage and conservation: Zanzibari perceptions of the collapse of the House of Wonders2
From ruins and rubble: promised and suspended futures in Kenya (and beyond)2
A comparison of the role of domestic and international election observers in Zambia’s 2016 and 2021 general elections2
Images of torture: ‘affective solidarity’ and the search for ransom in the global Somali community2