Disaster Prevention and Management

(The TQCC of Disaster Prevention and Management is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Research fatigue in COVID-19 pandemic and post-disaster research: causes, consequences and recommendations41
Stop going around in circles: towards a reconceptualisation of disaster risk management phases32
Lost (and found?) in translation: key terminology in disaster studies25
Fire risk reduction on the margins of an urbanizing world23
Good governance and local level policy implementation for disaster-risk-reduction: actual, perceptual and contested perspectives in coastal communities in Bangladesh17
Considerations for creating equitable and inclusive communication campaigns associated with ShakeAlert, the earthquake early warning system for the West Coast of the USA14
Mythopolitics of “community”: an unstable but necessary category13
When disaster management agencies create disaster risk: a case study of the US's Federal Emergency Management Agency13
Crisis communication planning and nonprofit organizations13
Social learning, innovative adaptation and community resilience to disasters: the case of flash floods in Bangladesh13
We said, they said: the politics of conceptual frameworks in disasters and climate change in Colombia and Latin America11
Social vulnerability and disasters: development and evaluation of a CONVERGE training module for researchers and practitioners10
Strengthening risk-informed decision-making: scenarios for human vulnerability and exposure to extreme events10
Disability inclusiveness of early warning system: a study on flood-prone areas of Bangladesh9
Participatory child-centered disaster risk reduction education: an innovative Chinese NGO program9
Preliminary research on sponge city concept for urban flood reduction: a case study on ten sponge city pilot projects in Shanghai, China9
Assessing disaster capitalism in post-disaster processes in Chile: neoliberal reforms and the role of the corporate class9
The social construction of systemic risk: towards an actionable framework for risk governance9
Social learning for enhancing social-ecological resilience to disaster-shocks: a policy Delphi approach9
Ethical considerations of disaster research in conflict-affected areas8
Decolonising knowledge production in disaster management: a feminist perspective8
Disaster risk governance: institutional vulnerability assessment with emphasis on non-structural measures in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Pernambuco (PE), Brazil8
Japanese stone monuments and disaster memory – perspectives for DRR8
From labelling weakness to liberatory praxis: a new theory of vulnerability for disaster studies8
Managing systemic risk in emergency management, organizational resilience and climate change adaptation8
Knowledge adoption in post-disaster housing self-recovery8
The storm after the storm: the long-term lingering impacts of hurricanes on schools7
Social environmental injustices against indigenous peoples: the Belo Monte dam7
Post-disaster permanent housing: the case of the 2003 Bingöl earthquake in Turkey7
Expanding the transdisciplinary conversation towards pluriversal distributive disaster recovery: development ethics and interculturality7
Guest editorial: Introduction to calling for change in disaster studies – rethinking disaster studies7
The #weResilient strategy for downscaling local resilience and sustainable development: the Potenza province and municipalities of Potenza and Pignola case6
Disaster racism: using Black sociology, critical race theory and history to understand racial disparity to disaster in the United States6
Structural analysis of how place attachment and risk perceptions affect the willingness to live in an earthquake-prone area6
Epistemological freedom: activating co-learning and co-production to decolonise knowledge production6
Measuring resilience: by whom and for whom? A case study of people-centred resilience indicators in New Zealand6
Governing systemic and cascading disaster risk in Indonesia: where do we stand and future outlook5
Local perspectives on landslide prevention and management in Kalimpong district, West Bengal, India5
Interruptions: imagining an analytical otherwise for disaster studies in Latin America5
Reflexivity, habitus and vulnerability: Vietnamese farmers' attribution of responsibility in a post-disaster context5
The reflective research diary: a tool for more ethical and engaged disaster research5
Examining relational social ontologies of disaster resilience: lived experiences from India, Indonesia, Nepal, Chile and Andean territories4
Addressing the interplay of the Sendai Framework with sustainable development goals in Latin America and the Caribbean: moving forward or going backwards?4
Flood risk governance in Brazil and the UK: facilitating knowledge exchange through research gaps and the potential of citizen-generated data4
Factors influencing preparedness self-efficacy among Hispanics and Latinos in the United States4
Guest editorial: Emerging voices and pathways to inclusive disaster studies4
Rural cooperatives in disaster risk reduction and management: contributions and challenges4
Giving voice to the voiceless: connecting graduate students with high school students by incubating DRR plans through participatory mapping4
Gender and leadership in the wake of the 2010 earthquake and tsunami in Chile4
Individualism and collectivism in small-scale fisheries post-3.11 Japan4
Guest editorial: Exploring inclusive publishing practices with early career disaster-studies researchers4
Addressing capacities of local communities in a changing context in Nepal4
Clashes of cultures during crises: coordinating firefighter, police and paramedic interactions4
Challenges for professionalism in civil defense and protection4
Inamura no hi” (“the rice bale fire”), its evolving story and global relevance: the politics of tsunami preparedness in Japan4
Managing disasters integrating traditional knowledge and scientific knowledge systems: a study from Narayani basin, Nepal4
Emotional and behavioural responses to the 19 September 2017 earthquake: the case of the occupants of three multi-storey buildings4