Population Studies-A Journal of Demography

(The TQCC of Population Studies-A Journal of Demography is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Did sexual behaviour differences between HIV infection and treatment groups offset the preventative biological effects of ART roll-out in Zimbabwe?26
Is the mortality–fertility nexus gendered? A research note on sex differences in the impact of sibling mortality on fertility preferences21
Estimation of older-adult mortality from information distorted by systematic age misreporting20
Sex ratios and gender discrimination in Modern Greece20
Seasonal variation in infant mortality in India20
Cross-sectional average length of life by parity: Country comparisons18
Son preference and sex differentials in receipt of key dimensions of children’s healthcare: Evidence from Pakistan18
Preterm birth and educational disadvantage: Heterogeneous effects18
Sources and severity of bias in estimates of the BMI–mortality association17
Demographic risk factors, healthcare utilization, and mortality during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic in Austria, Germany, and Italy17
Quantifying self-rated age15
Flexible transition timing in discrete-time multistate life tables using Markov chains with rewards13
Kinship and socio-economic status: Social gradients in frequencies of kin across the life course in Sweden12
Population-level impact of adverse early life conditions on adult healthy life expectancy in low- and middle-income countries11
Measuring age differences among different-sex couples: Across religions and 130 countries, men are older than their female partners11
Age-specific sex ratios: Examining rural–urban variation within low- and middle-income countries11
Climate and fertility amid a public health crisis9
What’s so troubling about ‘voluntary’ family planning anyway? A feminist perspective9
When do mothers bury a child? Heterogeneity in the maternal age at offspring loss9
Anomalous distributions of birthdates across days of the month: An analysis using Spanish statistical records8
Cognitive impairment and partnership status in the United States, 1998–2016, by sex, race/ethnicity, and education7
Is there an association between family members’ season of birth that could influence birth seasonality? Evidence from Spain and France7
Body mass index in early adulthood and transition to first birth: Racial/ethnic and sex differences in the United States NLSY79 Cohort7
No place for young women? The impact of internal migration on adult sex ratios in rural East Germany7
Trends in chronic childhood undernutrition in Bangladesh for small domains6
75 years of Population Studies: A diamond anniversary special issue5
Educational composition and parity contribution to completed cohort fertility change in low-fertility settings5
Internet access and partnership formation in the United States5
A modal age at death approach to forecasting adult mortality5
Microfoundations of the weakening educational gradient in fertility5
A typology of social network interactions in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from a rural population in Senegal5
Fertility decline in sub-Saharan Africa: Does remarriage matter?5
Theory and explanation in demography: The case of low fertility in Europe5
The illusion of stable fertility preferences4
Fatherhood timing and men’s midlife earnings: A within-family study of Finnish cohorts born in 1938−504
Constructing monthly residential locations of adults using merged state administrative data4
Contributions of age groups and causes of death to the sex gap in lifespan variation in Europe4
The (temporary) Covid-19 baby bust in Mexico4
Interaction between childbearing and partnership trajectories among immigrants and their descendants in France: An application of multichannel sequence analysis4
Social cartography and satellite-derived building coverage for post-census population estimates in difficult-to-access regions of Colombia4
Life expectancy inequalities in Hungary over 25 years: The role of avoidable deaths4