Corporate Governance-An International Review

(The TQCC of Corporate Governance-An International Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Chief Executive Officers With A Cause? CEO Activism And Firms’ Governance, Strategy, And Performance65
Farewell Editorial43
The Impact of Mandatory Operating Information Disclosure on Related‐Party Transactions: Evidence From China39
Issue Information37
Cover Image36
CGIR Paper Development Workshop34
The Role of Institutional Investors in International Corporate Governance: Contemporary Paradigms and Perspectives34
The case for robust academic research on corporate governance28
Issue Information26
The Corporate Governance of Business Groups Around the World: A Review and Agenda for Future Research22
Corporate governance and the use of external assurance for integrated reports22
Corporate governance dynamics of political tie formation in emerging economies: Business group affiliation, family ownership, and institutional transition21
Bond‐blockholders and corporate acquisitions20
Issue Information20
The impact of indigenous culture and business group affiliation on corporate governance of African firms19
Supermajority provisions and shareholders wealth: Evidence from South Korea's natural experiment18
The value of shareholder rights in family firms: Global evidence from a death in the family17
An axe to grind: Family outsiders and firms doing good17
Disciplining entrenched managers through corporate governance reform: Implications for risk‐taking behavior16
Tax Governance and Corporate Labor Investment Efficiency: A Quasi‐Natural Experiment From China15
CEO and CFO Stock Options and Trading Activity Around Bank Loans14
Board characteristics and firm resilience: Evidence from disruptive events14
Bankers' remuneration reforms and new challenges13
Corporate venture capital, disclosure, and financial reporting12
Corporate Governance Mechanisms in light of the COVID‐19 Crisis: How Financial Information and Regulation, Managerial Decision‐Making, and Policy Intervention Can Shape the Economic Recovery11
How boards manage the tension between cognitive conflict and cohesiveness: Illuminating the four board conflict climates11
A Bibliometric Analysis of Four Decades of Shareholder Activism Research11
Issue Information10
Board gender diversity, firm risk, and the intermediate mechanisms: A meta‐analysis10
Lead Independent Directors and Internal Information Environment10
Do terrorist attacks matter to dividend policy?10
Institutional Investors and ESG Preferences10
Rx for Legal Troubles: CEO Medical Degree and Corporate Litigation9
How Does Shareholding by Passive Institutional Investors Impact the Corporate Governance of European Firms?9
Peer benchmarking and CEO compensation: An examination of the community structure of the compensation peer network9
Antecedents of Lead Director Selection9
The effects of director tenure on monitoring and advising: New insights from behavioral governance and learning theories9
Internal Disruption: Examining the Relationship Between Interim CEO Successions and Executive Turnover8
Sustainable corporate governance: A review of research on long‐term corporate ownership and sustainability7
The informativeness of earnings announcements during times of global uncertainty: Evidence from the Covid‐19 pandemic7
Director Departure and Noncompliance With Securities Laws7
Business Group Affiliation and Board Independence in India: The Effects of Structural and Situated Attention7
Seen and not heard: A comparative case study of women on boards and process loss beyond critical mass7
A configurational perspective of boards' attention structures7
Board diversity and corporate innovation: Regional demographics and industry context7
Unification of power and responsibilities for state‐owned enterprises: A quasi‐natural experiment7
Do family ownership and control influence the consequences of IFRS adoption?7
Corporate governance “bundles” and firm acquisitiveness7
Corporate Governance Mechanisms in light of the COVID‐19 Crisis: How Financial Information and Regulation, Managerial Decision‐Making, and Policy Intervention Can Shape the Economic Recovery6
CEO origin and stock price crash risk: Insider versus outsider CEOs6
Founder teams and firm value in young public firms: An analysis of the moderating effect of founders' ownership power and team size6
Birds of a feather flock together: How and when does the fit of CEO–CFO high promotion focus predict new venture initial public offering fraud?6
CGIR Special Issues6
The Role of Institutional Investors in International Corporate Governance: Contemporary Paradigms and Perspectives5
Common Ownership and Goodwill Impairments5
Do firms practicing integrated reporting engage in less myopic behavior? International evidence on opportunistic earnings management5
Issue Information5
Issue Information5
Issue Information5
For love or money? Family versus financial blockholders in international acquisitions5
CGIR Special Issues4
Global Social Movements and the Governance of the Firm4
Issue Information4
CGIR Special Issues4
The Role of Institutional Investors in International Corporate Governance: Contemporary Paradigms and Perspectives4
Issue Information4